
  • 网络command system
  1. 基于B/S和C/S架构的Web防汛调度指挥系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Flood-Prevention and Dispatch Command System of Web Based on B / S and C / S

  2. 本文结合基于TETRA的数字列车调度指挥系统的实际项目,具体研究TETRA协议中语音压缩编译码算法及其DSP实现。

    Combined with the practical item of train attemper command system based on the TETRA protocol , this article researched the algorithm of TETRA speech compression coding and its DSP implementation .

  3. 随着列车运行速度和密度的提高,列车调度指挥系统(TrainDispatchingandControllingSystem,TDCS)成为整个铁路系统能够有序地运行的核心。

    Train Dispatching and Controlling System ( TDCS ) are becoming the core that the railway system can orderly organize various transportation , with the speed improved and the density increased of train .

  4. 基于分布式逆向WADGPS的列车调度指挥系统研究

    Research on the Railway Traffic Control System Based on Distributed Inverse WADGPS

  5. 实现了基于IP的数字化调度指挥系统,可实现调度语音、图像、文件等多种信息的传输,提供虚拟会议功能,改变现有的单一语音调度的指挥模式,为指挥员提供更丰富的指挥决策信息。

    The system realizes digital dispatch function based on IP , and can transfer dispatch voice , live video , files , and etc , so it could provides more and more information to the commander . Also it can provide virtual-meeting for users .

  6. 铁路列车调度指挥系统简称TDCS。其基层网的维护是TDCS系统维护的基础。

    The maintenance of the base level network of train dispatch command system , for short , TDCS , is the foundation of the maintenance of the system .

  7. 运用专家调查法及综合层次分析法确定各个要素的权重,通过对高铁调度指挥系统安全状况进行评价,定性MORT模型与定量分析实现了结合。

    The qualitative MORT model and quantitative analysis to evaluate the security situation of the high-speed railway dispatching system combined by using the expert investigation method and the Analytic Hierarchy Process that determined the weights of the various elements .

  8. 基于车辆定位的北京公交智能调度指挥系统

    Intelligent Dispatch System for Beijing Public Transport Based on Vehicular Location

  9. 粗糙集理论在铁路行车调度指挥系统中应用的研究

    Study on the Application of Rough Set in Railway Dispatching System

  10. 海巡艇远程调度指挥系统建立与应用

    Establishment and Application of Long-Rang Dispatch-Control System in Coastal Patrol Vessels

  11. 列车调度指挥系统车站系统构建

    Construction on Station System of Train Operation Dispatching Command System

  12. 采油厂生产调度指挥系统的开发与应用

    The Queue System of the Factory of Oil Extraction Development and Application

  13. 煤化工企业生产调度指挥系统解决方案研究

    Study on solutions of production scheduling system in the coal chemical enterprise

  14. 基于多智能体的软件调度指挥系统

    The Dispatching and Superintending System of Software Based on MAS

  15. 数字微波森林防火监控与调度指挥系统

    The Forest Fireproof Monitored Control and Command System Based on Digital Microwave

  16. 铁路调度指挥系统中的日志信息是以文本文件方式存储的。

    Log information of railway dispatching command system is stored in text file .

  17. 客运营销调度指挥系统的实现

    Implementation of Passenger Transport Marketing and Scheduling System

  18. 路网调度指挥系统模型与算法研究

    Research on Road Network Dispatch Model and Algorithm

  19. 平煤集团综合调度指挥系统的网络设计与实现

    Network Design and Implementation of Comprehensive Scheduling Control System in Pingding Hill Coal Bureau

  20. 莱钢烧结厂的生产调度指挥系统

    Computer control system for sintering plant production dispatch

  21. 城市轨道交通路网调度指挥系统建设的实践与思考

    Practice and Thinking of Construction for Dispatch and Command System of Urban Rail Transit Network

  22. 煤矿分布式安全生产调度指挥系统的研究

    Distributed Safety-Production Dispatching System in Coal Mine

  23. 供电企业事故抢修调度指挥系统

    The trouble rush to repair the allotment to direct the system in power supply enterprise

  24. 资产经营条件下铁路调度指挥系统管理机制的探讨

    Studying the Management Mechanism of Railway Operation Control System under the Condition of Asset Management

  25. 基于满意优化原则的列车运行调度指挥系统模型体系研究

    A Study on the Model of the Train Operation Dispatch Management System Based on Satisfactory Optimization

  26. 铁路电力调度指挥系统

    The Electric Commanding System for Railway

  27. 介绍了先进的北京市公共交通智能调度指挥系统,包括其各个子系统。

    Intelligent dispatch system for Beijing public transport and its sub system are introduced in this paper .

  28. 无线集群调度指挥系统

    The Wireless Schedule System

  29. 无线车次号校核系统作为行车调度指挥系统的重要组成部分,其作用越来越显著。

    As an important part of TDCS , Wireless train number calibration system has been played a more important role .

  30. 良好的维护方案是铁路调度指挥系统安全稳定运行的重要保障。

    Good maintenance program is the important guarantee to the safe and stable operation of the railway dispatching command system .