
  • 网络air foam;airfoam
  1. 为了保护钻具,决定配制高pH值且添加了缓蚀剂的稳定泡沫液进行空气泡沫钻井。

    In defence of drilling tools , formulating high pH value and adding corrosion inhibitor stable foam proceeds air foam drilling .

  2. 压缩空气泡沫系统(CAFS)泡沫性能的试验研究

    Experimental Study of Foam Generated by Compressed Air Foam System

  3. 对实验数据整理分析,首次提出空气泡沫钻井中泡沫的缓蚀机理,主要为:发泡剂F4在钢铁表面的吸附;

    Foam corrosion inhibition mechanism first was put forward through analyzing laboratory data , which mostly consisted in foaming agent F4 absorption on steel surface ;

  4. 压缩空气泡沫系统(CAFS)是近年来出现并得以长足发展的一种高效泡沫灭火系统。

    The paper described a newly developed high performance compressed air foam systems ( CAFS ) .

  5. 压缩空气泡沫系统(CAFS)是一种高效泡沫灭火手段。

    Compressed air foam systems ( CAFS ) has been reported as a newly developed high performance technique for fire fighting .

  6. 本文首先建立了一套实验用压缩空气泡沫灭火系统(CAFS),研究表明:混合腔放置方向对成泡质量具有重要影响,此外混合腔采用同轴结构,并利用细小的混合颗粒时混合效果更加。

    The research show that the orientation of mixing chamber has a major impact on foam quality , and using coaxial mixing chamber with finer grains of the mixing bed usually produced better foam .

  7. 空气泡沫钻进在干旱地区水井钻探方面的应用

    Application of Air Foam Drilling in Arid Area Water Well Drilling

  8. 空气泡沫钻进技术在地质岩心钻探中的应用前景

    Application Prospect of Air Foam Drilling Techniques in Geological Core Drilling

  9. 空气泡沫驱提高采收率数值模拟研究

    Study of Reservior Numerical Simulation for Enhanced Recovery by Air-foam Injection

  10. 压缩空气泡沫系统在林火扑救中的应用

    The Application of Compressed-air Foam Systems in Extinguishing Forest Fire

  11. 压力式空气泡沫比例混合器的结构设计与计算

    The Structure Design and Calculation of the Pressure Air-foam Proportioner

  12. 空气泡沫钻进机理初探与相关因素

    Preliminary discussion on air foam drilling mechanism and related factors

  13. 空气泡沫钻井技术在肯尼亚高温地热井的应用

    Application of air foam drilling technology in Kenya geothermal well

  14. 压缩空气泡沫析液过程分析

    Study on liquid drainage process of compressed air foam

  15. 也门空气泡沫冲击钻井技术简介

    Brief Introduction of Air Foam Impact Drilling in Yemen

  16. 若实现空气泡沫的回收再利用,可以大幅度降低单井钻井液成本。

    Therefore reuse of this fluid recovered can greatly reduce the drilling cost .

  17. 空气泡沫水泵增压装置钻进工艺在绳钻中的试验研究

    Pilot Study of Air-Foam Pump Pressurized Drilling Technology Used in Wire-Line Core Drilling

  18. 油罐空气泡沫产生器立管清扫口的设计补充建议

    Additional Design Recommendation for Cleaning Port in Vertical Tube Oil Tank Air-foam Generator

  19. 注空气泡沫低温氧化工艺提高采收率试验

    Experiment of improved oil recovery by air foam injection low temperature oxidation process

  20. 空气泡沫综合调驱是一项富有创新的提高采收率技术。

    Air foam profile control and flooding is an innovative enhanced oil recovery technology .

  21. 低渗透油藏空气泡沫复合驱油室内实验研究

    Experimental study on air-foam flooding for low-permeability reservoirs

  22. 也门32区块空气泡沫钻井技术

    Air foam drilling technology in Yemen block 32

  23. 空气泡沫洗井工艺在新疆西天山矿区的应用

    Application of foam drilling at Western Tianshan area

  24. 空气泡沫钻进在复杂地层的生产应用

    Production application of air-foam drilling in complicated layers

  25. 论在油罐顶部安装空气泡沫产生器的利与弊

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Installing Air Foam Generator at Top Part of Oil Tank

  26. 中原油田空气泡沫调驱提高采收率技术

    EOR technology of profile control and displacement process by air foam injection in Zhongyuan Oilfield

  27. 气液混合参数对生成的压缩空气泡沫的类型和性能有较大的影响。

    Flow parameters of compressed air and foam solution are critical to types and performances of CAF .

  28. 该图对于不同规格的实用压缩空气泡沫系统的设计有着一定的指导意义。

    These will be of great importance to design series of applied CAFS for forest fire suppression .

  29. 这些研究对解决空气泡沫驱油中的腐蚀问题具有重要的理论意义和实际应用价值。

    This research has important theoretical significance and practical application value in solving the corrosion problem in air foam flooding .

  30. 因此,空气泡沫驱技术被越来越多地使用在轻质低渗油藏的开采中。

    Therefore , the air foam flooding technique is widely used in the exploitation of light and low permeability oil reservoir .