
  • 网络White Space;blank space;Alexander Ochs
  1. 规范化创建了一个标准的XML表示,用来解决诸如标记表示法、属性分类、名称空间声明、扩展和分类以及空白空间的处理等问题。

    Canonicalization creates a standard representation of XML , addressing issues like the tag representation , attribute ordering , namespace declaration , expansion and ordering , and white space handling .

  2. 应该保持空白空间不变化。

    May leave white space intact .

  3. 泰勒·斯威夫特(TaylorSwift),《空白空间》(BlankSpace),BigMachine

    Taylor Swift " Blank Space " ( Big Machine )

  4. 听听这首聪明的《空白空间》(BlankSpace)吧,这是关于斯威夫特“约会灾星”恶名的元叙事:

    Take the clever " Blank Space , " a metanarrative about Ms. Swift 's reputation as a dating disaster :

  5. hrclass=“space”将绘制一条白线,从而有效地呈现不可见的规则,但需要提供一个标准的垂直空白空间。

    Hr class = " space " draws a white line , effectively rendering the rule invisible , but providing a standard vertical blank space .

  6. 这意味着HTML及空白空间的数量降低了,它将会显示原始主机界面的不同结构。

    This means that the amount of HTML and blank space is reduced , which might display a different structure of the original host screen .

  7. 您可以在空白空间中创建一个新分区,然后将这个新分区添加到您的LVM。

    You can create a new partition in the empty space and add the new partition to your LVM .

  8. 年引入的ZIP文件格式通过删除文件中的空白空间和冗余信息以及把多个文件打成一个包的方式,帮助计算机用户传输大型文件。

    The ZIP file format , introduced in1989 , helps computer users transport large files by removing the empty spaces and redundant information from a file and by packaging multiple files into one bundle .

  9. 这可以帮我们发现具有大量空白空间的集合。

    This reveals collections with a large proportion of empty space .

  10. 空白空间在现代包装设计中的体现及应用

    Reflection and Application of Blank Space in Modern Packing Design

  11. 浅析版画艺术创作中的空白空间表现

    On Performance of " Blank " Space in Creation of Woodcut Art

  12. 充分论述了积极的空白空间并不是奢侈的空间浪费,而是招贴设计的需要,也是信息传递的需要。

    The positive of space , the application of it is indispensable to the aesthetic appreciation of design and information conveyance .

  13. 在删除空白空间时,可以自动将删除的块添加到存储池。

    When dropping an empty space it is possible to automatically add the dropped chunk ( s ) to the storage pool .

  14. 中央的一大块空白空间是在业务流程模型编辑器中打开的新建(空的)业务流程模型。

    The big empty space in the middle is our new ( empty ) business process model opened in the business process model editor .

  15. 在教学过程中,应该给学生留下空白空间,充分发挥学生的主动性,积极性。

    In the teaching process , should leave behind the empty space to the student , displays student 's initiative fully , the enthusiasm .

  16. 市场更为安静意味着,收藏新手的一个重要障碍在商业画廊的空白空间被忽视的担忧被清除了。

    A quieter market means that one of the major hurdles for novice collectors the fear of being intimidated in the white space of a commercial gallery has been diminished .

  17. 设计中空白空间通常容易被忽略,因此设计师应当重视作品中空白空间的经营,让作品在符合视觉阅读习惯的基础上达到最大诉求效果。

    In the design , the blank space is usually easy to be neglected , so the designer should pay more attention to the management of the blank space in the works .

  18. 空白的空间诗学

    Blank Space Room Study of Poetry

  19. 最后,别忘了给你的客厅留出一点空白的空间。

    Finally , did not forget to give your sitting room put apart space of a bit blank .

  20. 明智地使用空白的空间和易读的字体很重要,这样将使标志保持清晰独特。

    Judicious use of white space and legible fonts is important so that these signposts remain clearly evident and distinct .

  21. 创建空白业务空间或使用模板时,可为业务空间指定名称。

    When you create an empty business space or use a template , you specify a name for the business space .

  22. 重新打包将分区末端的行移动到分区上部的空白页空间中。

    Repack moves rows from the end of the partition to the empty page space present in the upper end of the partition .

  23. 因为页眉的高度是要适应图形,在默认情况下,你的样式上的任何的背景图像都不会打印出来,在你的非常大的页眉标题周围,你只有空白的空间。

    Since the height of the header is to accommodate the graphics , and by default , any background images in your styles will not print , you will just have empty space around your very large header title .

  24. 为了使修改变得更加简单,在行与行之间留下宽的空白和额外空间,这样才能轻松地添加单词、句子以及纠正错误。

    To make revising easier , leave wide margins and extra space between lines so that you can easily add words , sentences , and corrections .

  25. 事实上,它可能会威胁离开历史学家只有'一个空白,无动于衷的空间,既缺乏内在和承诺。

    In fact , it may threaten to leave the historian with only'a blank , indifferent space , lacking in both interiority and promise .

  26. 空白页;填满空白的空间;空白页;宽阔的空白。

    Blank pages ; fill in the blank spaces ; a clean page ; wide white margins .