
kōng qín
  • Air service;air duty
空勤 [kōng qín]
  • [air duty] 区别于地勤,航空部门称在空中进行的各种工作

空勤[kōng qín]
  1. 利用GPS进行飞播造林导航,可以解决先进高速的空勤与落后缓慢的地勤之间长期存在的矛盾。

    By adopting the method of GPS in aerial seeding , the long - existing problem between the advanced air duty and the backward ground service could be solved .

  2. 在海勤人员中增设了核潜艇人员的能量和营养素供给量;在陆、海、空勤中均增设了锌、硒、碘和维生素D、E的供给量;

    Allowances of energy and nutrients in nuclear-powered submarine men and allowances of zinc , selenium , iodine and vitamin D , E in all army , navy and air duty men are supplemented .

  3. 波士顿咨询集团和欧洲人事管理协会(europeanassociationforpeoplemanagement)举例称,若需求减弱,德国汉莎航空(lufthansa)无需协商就能削减空勤人员的工时和工资。

    Lufthansa in an example cited by BCG and the European Association for people management is able to reduce hours and wages of its crew without negotiation when demand weakens .

  4. 文化程度较低的民航空勤人员,其航空饮食营养态度得分相对较低,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Respondents with lower educational level , and their scores of attitude toward aviation diet relatively low , the difference was statistically significant ( P0.05 ) .

  5. 我们所说的是WASPs(女空勤飞行员)。

    We 're talking about the WASPs .

  6. 方法:用双盘法在3d自由进食条件下对36名空勤人员进行了硒代谢平衡的研究,并以36名地勤人员作为对照。

    Methods : Selenium metabolic balance studies were carried out in 36 male pilots eating self-selected diets for three consecutive days by duplicated plate diet analyses , and 36 male ground crew served as control .

  7. 目的探讨海军空勤人员的体重指数(BMI)分布情况与其职业健康的关系。

    A pilot case of mediastinal cystic lymphangioma Objective To study the relationship between body mass index ( BMI ) and profession health in navy flying personnel .

  8. 飞行员和其他空勤人员高TC发生率,与普通人群相比,差异有显著意义(P<0.05)。

    As compared with that of common population , the incidences of high TC in pilots and aircrew other than pilots were significantly higher ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  9. YELLIN:女空勤飞行员共有11000人,其中的另外一人是DeanieParrish。

    YELLIN : Another of the 11002 members was Deanie Parrish .

  10. 体表等电位图对空勤人员RBBB及合并的陈旧性心肌梗塞的诊断

    Diagnosis of RBBB and Its Complication-Old Myocardial Infarction in Aircrew by Means of Body Surface Isopotential Mapping

  11. 以下这一点应该会对你有所帮助:英国特种空勤团是由英国国家安全局(MI5,又称军情五处)和英国陆军情报六局(MI6,又称军情六处)共同训练以承担反间谍任务。

    It may help you to know that the SAS is also trained by MI5 and MI6 security and intelligence services to undertake counter-espionage operations .

  12. 你知道空勤人员的职责是什么?

    Do you know what are the responsibilities for the aircrew ?

  13. 空勤与地勤人员硒代谢平衡的研究

    Studies on the selenium metabolic balance in pilots and ground crew

  14. 山东航空公司空勤人员预防非典的措施

    Preventive measures against SRAS for aircrew taken by Shandong Airline

  15. 出院指导在空勤科整体护理中的作用

    The effect of discharge guidance in holistic nursing of aviators

  16. 为了执行更多的任务,空中联队需要更多的空勤人员。

    To fly more missions , the wing must acquire more aircrews .

  17. 空勤人员还应当参加定期的紧急程序训练。

    Flight personnel shall also take part in periodical training of emergency procedures .

  18. 空勤人员神经行为功能核心测试特点的实验研究

    Study on Core Test Characteristics of Neuro-behavior in Aircrew

  19. 空勤人员辐射剂量的估算与测定

    Estimation and Determination of Radiation Doses to Air Crew

  20. 减轻空勤疗养员手指采血疼痛的新方法

    The new method to reduce pain in collecting sample by finger acupuncture to aviators

  21. (陆军的)特种空勤部队。

    Special Air Service ( of the army )

  22. 重症脑出血患者早期营养支持的观察工效学与空勤膳食营养管理

    The observation of early period nourishment support to the serious cases of intracerebral hemorrhage

  23. 目的:通过陆军航空兵空勤与地勤人员精神健康状况的比较,为其心理卫生工作提供参考。

    AIM : To study the psychological status of army airmen and ground crew .

  24. 空勤人员获得营养知识的主要途径是报纸杂志和网络。

    The main sources of the aircrew obtaining the nutrition knowledge were newspapers and internet .

  25. 执行这样的空勤需要锐利的目光、把握操纵杆有力的双手和准确无误的航线。

    A sharp eye , a steady hand and pin point navigation carried them through .

  26. 景观疗养在空勤保健疗养中的作用

    Landscape convalescence to health convalescence of pilots

  27. 杭州疗养地不同季节空勤人员疗养中新发生疾病特点分析

    Features analysis of new occurrence disease duration convalescent in pilots in Hangzhou salutarium various season

  28. 军方同意了该想法,女空勤飞行员就此诞生了。

    The military approved , and WASP , Women Air Service Pilots program was born .

  29. 这位有着5年空勤服务经验的乘务员表示,下班以后还要继续工作都是为了“完成任务”。

    Working on her time off is all part of'getting the mission done , 'she says .

  30. 史迪威和魏德迈都发现他们陷入了空勤部队和地面部队对后勤物资分配优先权的纷争中。

    Both Stilwell and Wedemeyer found themselves involved in competing priorities between the air and ground wars .