
kōng xíng chéng
  • noncutting stroke;empty run;idle running;banking
空行程[kōng xíng chéng]
  1. 由于滑动轴承在压力机空运转和空行程时不受力,大大降低了滑动轴承的摩擦功。

    The sliding bearing does not bear force when a forcing press is in idle running and virtual travel , thereby greatly lowering the friction work of the sliding bearing .

  2. 矿用提升机和提升绞车之安全制动空行程时间测试方法探究

    Safty brake time for the idle stroke of mine hoist and winch

  3. 空行程阶段曲柄以及冲锤的速度、加速度曲线。

    Velocity and acceleration curve of crank and hammer in hollow travel stage .

  4. 当此间隙过大时,脚踏板空行程过长操作不便;

    When the gap is too large when the pedal is too long to operate air travel inconvenience ;

  5. 系统经工厂生产试用,达到了减少空行程、提高裁剪效率、降低成本的目的。

    System has been tested by factory , realizing the target to reduce air travel , improve cutting efficiency and reduce costs .

  6. 水平换向双向犁与单向犁相比减少了地头的空行程大大提高了班次生产率;与翻转双向犁相比水平换向双向犁具有结构相对简单、震动小、整机重量小等特点。

    Level exchanged direction and double direction plough reduces the useless distance and improves working procedure efficiency compared with the single direction plough ;

  7. 船体零件切割路径优化问题的实质是如何缩短路径的空行程距离,即在所有可能路径中,寻找一条路径,使其对应的空行程距离最短。

    Essentially , optimization of the cutting path for hull contours is the problem how to shorten the invalid journey distance between contours .

  8. 同时,对扫描区域之间的衔接路径进行了优化,减少了空行程,提高了加工效率。

    Further more , the joining path between the regions is optimized , which decreases the vacant path and increases the machine efficiency .

  9. 将皮革裁剪多轮廓加工空行程路径优化问题归结为广义旅行商问题,提出了一种求解问题的混合智能优化算法。

    Tool-path airtime optimization during multi-contour processing in leather cutting is regarded as generalized traveling salesman problem . A hybrid intelligence algorithm was proposed .

  10. 然后考虑到多轮廓图案绗缝时,针头的加工路径包含其在轮廓间移动的空行程,为缩短空行程,用贪心法对轮廓进行拓扑排序。

    Considering the quilting path includes invalid journey between contours , the segment of contour is sorted topologically using greedy algorithm for invalid journey is shortened .

  11. 给出了一种深度优先式行扫描算法,以减少扫描或图像输出过程中的空行程,提高输出效率。

    Gives the depth priority line scan algorithm which reduces the naught route in the process of line scan image output which improves the output efficieney .

  12. 采用优化算法优化后的路径空行程距离减少,系统加工产品的效率提高。

    After filling path is optimized with arithmetic , redundant distance in filling path of FDM system is reduced and work efficiency of FDM system is enhanced .

  13. 结合冲击攻丝的一个工作周期可以分成四个阶段,空行程阶段、缓冲阶段、攻丝阶段、返回阶段的特点,并完成了冲击攻丝装置的运动和力的计算。

    A circulation of impact tapping could be divided into four steps : the step of hollow travel , of cushion , of tapping , and of return .

  14. 因此优化切割(扫描)路径对提高成型效率有重要意义,而分层实体制造技术中激光切割路径优化的实质是空行程路径的优化。

    So it is most important to optimize the cutting path in order to improve the manufacturing efficiency . In LOM technology , laser cutting path optimization is in fact vacancy course path optimization .

  15. 刮铲安装在刮铲架上,宽度6米,工作行程14米,其正向行走为整平基床的工作行程,反向为空行程。

    The scraping shovel is fitted on the scraping bracket , breadth : 6m , working stroke : 14m . Its forward traveling is the working stroke to flatten ground while the reversal traveling is the idle stroke .

  16. 其中:重点研究通过动态规划与工序优化相结合的策略进行刀具加工路径规划,该方法能有效地缩短在线加工工时和辅助工时中的空行程时间。

    Thereinto , the tool-path planning based on combination of dynamic programming and process optimized for the machining of the holes in the blocks is discussed . With the method , the processing time can be effectively shortened .

  17. 本文对激光切割路径进行优化的方法,可以减少一些不必要的移动路径和缩短空行程位移,从而达到提高加工效率的目的。

    So , the method of optimization of laser cutting paths is discussed in detail in this paper . It will reduce some needless moving paths and shorten the displacement in order to improve the efficient of manufacturing .

  18. 本文对该系统作了适当、合理的简化处理,构建了冲击攻丝系统的物理模型,将冲击攻丝系统的运动过程划分为四个阶段:空行程阶段、缓冲阶段、攻丝阶段和回程阶段。

    This paper simplified the system soundly and properly , constituting its physical model . We divide the movement process of impact system to four stages : hollow travel stage , cushion stage , tapping stage , return stage .

  19. 该双腔颚式破碎机的工作方式是2个破碎腔交替破碎物料,不存在空行程的能量消耗,能量利用率高,单位功率明显下降,处理能力大幅提高,金属单耗也明显降低。

    The two cavities of this crusher crush materials alternatively , so that there is no energy consumption for idle stroke , leading to high energy utilization rate , evidently reduced unit power , greatly increased through put capacity and remarkably decreased unit metal consumption .

  20. 本文从描述跟随性的重要指标&空行程出发,首次建立了飞机升降舵操纵机构的空行程计算模型和跟随可靠性分析模型,并全面分析了元件接头细节处铰链活动间隙的构成要素及其随机模型。

    An important index that describes following quality is the null travel of pilot rod . The null travel computation model and following reliability analysis model are first founded in this paper , and random model of hinge joint gap is also analyzed in computing null travel .

  21. 本文分析了具有急回运动的曲柄滑块机构工作行程的最佳传力条件,同时给出了优化工作行程与空回行程最小传动角γwmin和γmin的参数、设计公式和图表。

    The optimun transmission force conditions of planar slide crank mechanism with the quick return motion are analysed over working stroke in this paper , and the parameters , formulas and charts of optimizing minimum transmission angle over working stroke and return stroke are also given .

  22. 汽车运输空驶行程的优化

    Deadhead Kilometers Optimization in Automobile Transportation

  23. 导出摆动活齿传动空回行程不自锁条件,并给出克服自锁的方案。

    Self-locking conditions of return stroke of swing movable teeth are deduced and methods to overcome self-locking are obtained .