
  • 网络no-load power;no load power
  1. 一种用于车床主传动系统空载功率测量装置的设计

    Design of a surveying instrument to measure the no-load power in lathe main transmission system

  2. 机床空载功率和噪声的计算及应用探讨

    Calculation of Machine Tool Idel-Run Power and Noise and its Application

  3. 如何降低机床主传动噪音和空载功率的探讨

    Discusses on How to Reduce Machine tools noise and Idle Running power

  4. 台式带锯机空载功率的研究

    Study on empty power of the table band saw machine

  5. 综合传动装置空载功率损失研究

    Research on Vehicle Transmission Power Loss

  6. 降低机床噪声和空载功率是提高产品质量的重要方面之一,本文就如何合理地设计主传动系统来降低机床噪声和空载功率的问题进行一些分析。

    The article discusses a few questions on how to rational design the system of machine tools main transmission in order to reduce machine tools noise idle running power .

  7. 此方法精度高,比现有机床试验规范推荐的方法简便易行,可在机床空载功率试验、效率试验以及机床节能研究中得到广泛应用。

    It is much more simple and practical than the traditional method and can be used widely in the test of idle power and efficiency , and in the research on energy saving of machine tools .

  8. 由实测机床空载功率同计算相结合,确定传动件的当量粘滞阻尼系数。(4)混凝土延性柱耗能器中延性柱屈服后等效粘滞阻尼系数迅速增大,消耗地震能量的能力增大;

    Using the unloaded power consumption of machine tool , the method to calculate the viscous damping coefficients is given . ( 4 ) After the damper with concrete ductility column yields , equivalent viscous damper factor increases rapidly .

  9. 通过木工钻床钻头直径对钻床空载功率影响的实验研究,得出了钻床空载功率的理论计算依据,从而为今后机床设计奠定了基础。

    According to the experiments of the influence of aiguille 's diameter of drill press on idle power , analyzing to calculate the gist of idle power on drill press , thereby establishing the basis of machine tool design for the future .

  10. 该主传动系统具有噪声低、传动效率高。空载功率小、温升低、传动件少、结构简单、制造成本低以及主轴孔径大等优点。

    This main drive system possesses merits of low noise , high transmission efficiency , low run - idle , POwer , low temperature rise , fewer driving parts , simple structure , low production cost and large diameter of spindle hole .

  11. 最后,基于空载功率和空载噪声对模型进行简化,提出了一种模型应用方法,案例分析表明该应用方法具有较好的效果。

    Based on the traits of unloaded power and noise of the machine tools , a practical method is developed that simplifies the application of this integrated model . Finally , a case study is analyzed to show that the model and the arithmetic are practically applicable .

  12. 在多个转速下测定了不同锥顶半径螺旋槽轴承支撑的飞轮储能试验系统的空载损耗功率,测试结果与理论预计一致。

    The idling loss of the flywheel energy storage system supported by the spiral groove cone bearings of various cone top radius was measured at a number of rotational speeds , and the measurement results are consistent with theoretical estimates .

  13. 空载视在功率-电阻焊的扼流圈负载放大电路

    No-load apparent power choke amplifier circuit

  14. 三相感应电动机软起动及节能运行技术的研究能提高电动机在轻载或空载时的功率因素。

    Study on the Soft Starting and Saving Energy Technology for Three Phases Induction Motor ; It can improve the power factor of the motor when it is under low load or no load running .

  15. 本文主要对同步电机试验中的空载点和零功率负载点两个特殊工作点的运行工况进行了分析。

    This paper mainly discusses the two operating points for the test of synchronous machines , no-load point and zero power loading point .

  16. 永磁体分散性对空载电流、空载功率因数、负载功率因数和过载能力影响较大,而对额定运行时的效率、电流影响不大。

    In addition , the dispersibility has great effects on the noload current and power factor while the effect on rated efficiency and rated current is little .