
  • 网络Air detection;Air monitoring;TVOC
  1. 室内空气检测中TVOC和苯采样流量的研究

    Study on the Sampling Flow of TVOC and Benzene in Indoor Air Testing

  2. 鉴于此,本文提出用市售的Tenax-TA空白管来制备挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)标准管,以满足室内空气检测对标准气体的需求。

    In this paper , the volatility organic compounds ( VOCs ) reference tube was studied with the commercial Tenax-TA blank tube in order to satisfy the need to the reference gas in indoor air testing .

  3. 从室内空气检测报告上如何辨权威?

    From the report how to identify indoor air testing authority ?

  4. 崔光琦:室内空气检测的行业见证者

    Cui Guangqi : A profession witness in indoor air examination

  5. 茶具合格户数占75.0%,空气检测合格户数占80.8%。

    The qualified rates of tea service and air surveillance were 75.0 % and 80.8 % respectively .

  6. 各类检测项目中,无菌器械(包)检测合格率达100%,空气检测合格率最低,仅为73.84%;

    Qualification rate of sterile apparatus was the highest and the inside air was the lowest , being 100 % and 73.84 % , respectively .

  7. 但在此次特别会议中,环保官员派遣有关小组进行空气检测,但空气检测结果显示无“挥发性有机物”。

    But during that particular meeting , environmental officials said that they hired an organization to monitor air quality which found there was no " volatile organic compounds in the air . "

  8. 然而,1200名学生家长联名写信,要求公开选址原因,空气检测流程。

    Then , a group of 1200 parents signed a letter demanding to know why the school chose that particular site for the new campus and how the monitoring group was measuring the air quality .

  9. 方法对破乳剂生产过程进行调查,并进行生产环境空气检测和对52名生产工人(接触组)及53名对照组工人体检,做肌电图、实验室检查等。

    Methods The air of production environment was monitored , and physical examinations were conducted on 52 exposure workers and 53 non-exposure workers ( control ), all the medical checks including clinical , electromyography and laboratory checks .

  10. HVAC风道空气泄漏检测方法研究

    A Method for Detecting the Duct Air Leakage of HVAC

  11. 一种基于AVR的新型空气质量检测仪表的设计

    A New Design for Air Quality Measuring Instrument Based on AVR Single-chip Computer

  12. 当空气质量检测标准在1996年修改时,PM2.5并不包括在内。

    When air quality standards were revised in1996 , PM2.5 was not included .

  13. 由于一处缺陷,微软最新iOS版空气质量检测应用缺乏预测功能。在最近的雾霾“红色预警”期间,北京的学校暂停教学,但中国网球公开赛和IBM共同推出的空气质量预报大数据却推荐民众“轻度运动”。

    The latest version of Microsoft 's iPhone app lacked the forecasting function advertised , which the company blamed on a bug , while during a recent " red alert , " when the air was considered hazardous and schools were shut , the China Open IBM-based forecast recommended " light exercise . "

  14. PM2.5指数是空气污染检测中的重要衡量指标,因为它小到可以进入人类血液。据报道,北京的PM2.5微粒指数已达到505微克/立方米,远远超出最大安全限数25微克/立方米。

    It was reported that the level of PM 2.5 particles , a key measure of pollution because they are small enough to be assimilated into the blood stream , reached 505 micrograms per cubic metre , far higher than the maximum level it considers to be safe , which is 25 .

  15. 2004年武汉市公共场所室内空气微生物检测结果分析

    Investigation of Air Microorganism in Public Places of Wuhan in 2004

  16. 他承认现有的空气质量检测体系有缺陷。

    He admitted that the existing air appraisal system has defects .

  17. 空气质量检测是其中很重要的一个环节。

    Air quality testing is one of the very important parts .

  18. 医学图书馆室内外空气微生物检测及资源保护

    Indoor and Outdoor Air Microorganism Detection and Resources Protection in Medical Libraries

  19. 深圳市地铁空气微生物检测结果分析

    Detection Result of Microorganisms in the Air of Shenzhen Metro

  20. 高效空气过滤器检测的4种主要方法:D。

    Four test methods of HEPA filter such as D.

  21. 这种情况已不适应我国室内空气质量检测的需求。

    This situation has not adapted to requiring of indoor air quality detection .

  22. 居室卫生间经排水管道抽气式换气的空气质量检测

    Detection of Air Quality in Apartment Bathroom Exchanged by Pump via Water-discharged Pipes

  23. 一种新型空气换能器检测系统的测厚应用

    The application in thickness measurement of a new detecting system of air-coupled transducer

  24. 深圳市地铁车站内空气质量检测与分析

    Detection and Analysis of Air Quality Inside The Subway Station of Shenzhen City

  25. 基于单片机的空气质量检测系统设计

    Design of Air Quality Detecting System Based on MCU

  26. 组合式排序算法新型空气过滤器检测系统

    Combination Sort Algorithm New type air filter examining system

  27. 综论室内空气质量检测

    Comprehensive Study on Quality Detection of Interior Air

  28. 现阶段,室内空气质量检测行业很不规范,存在欺骗、蒙蔽、结果失实等诸多问题。

    At present time the quality detection of interior air is not regularly operated .

  29. 2005年北京地区室内空气质量检测机构的实验室比对

    Capacity Evaluation of Laboratories of Indoor Air Quality Test Agencies in Beijing in 2005

  30. 汽车车内空气污染检测方法与控制

    Insides Vehicle Air Pollution Detection Method and Control