
  • 网络analog output;AOUT;analog out
  1. 基于CAN总线的模拟量输出从站的设计

    Design of Analog Output Slave Station Based on CAN Bus

  2. 在上述检测和控制理论基础上,作者通过硬件设计制作、多路传感器的遴选、以及工控机及采集卡、模拟量输出卡和执行器的优选等完成系统硬件的实现。

    At the foundation of the detection and control theory , the author through the hardware design and make , multi-channel sensor selection , industrial PC and acquisition card , analog output card and the implementation of the optimization , accomplish the hardware of the system .

  3. PLC基于开关量实现模拟量输出的方法

    Method of achieving analog value output based on PLC digital output

  4. 并运用PLC内置的PID功能以及相应的模拟量输出模块精确的控制了冷却液的温度。

    In addition , it uses the in-built PID function of PLC and corresponding analog input module to precisely control the coolant temperature .

  5. 为此我们采用了利用精密张力传感器进行张力检测及模拟量输出、PLC进行数据读取、计算、输出并存储,交流变频器对电机进行速度控制及触摸屏进行输入显示的闭环张力控制方法。

    So we provide final solution as followed : utilize precise sensors to detect tension , AO output , PLC to read , calculate , output and record , inverter to control motors rotary speed and HMI to display and input parameter .

  6. 控制器用平均温度的偏差和温度偏差变化率作为输入信号,PLC的模拟量输出用来控制燃烧器的喷油量,从而调节清蜡车控制系统的温度。

    The controller used the deviation of average temperature and rate of change of the temperature deviation as the input signal , the analog quantity of PLC exports controlled the amount of oil gushed out of burning device and the temperature of the system was regulated .

  7. 多通道自动扫描采样数据采集卡PCI-9112,具有模拟量输出和数字量输入输出等多种功能,附有程序开发包。

    PCI-9112 data acquisition card has functions of analogue output and digital I / O etc , attached with kits .

  8. 在管理软件中建立了多类传感器的计算公式,能够对绝大多数模拟量输出的传感器自由连接,并且具有RS-485输出功能,数据传输距离可达1000米。

    Most of the agricultural environmental monitoring analog output sensors can be connected by related equations in the software . The data are transmitted by via RS-485 converter to extend the transmission distance , which is more than 1000 meters .

  9. 4路模拟量输出(4~20mA)通道,每一路均可设定为某一路模拟量输入的闭环控制输出。

    Analog signal data output passways ( 4 ~ 20mA ), every of them can be set as a certain analog signal 's close ring control output passway .

  10. 系统采用工控机为控制核心,张力传感器为检测器件,PCI-1747U高分辨率多通道数据采集卡为输入设备,PCI-1724U隔离模拟量输出卡为输出设备。磁粉制动器为执行机构。

    The system takes the IPC as the control core , the tension sensor as the detection device , the data collecting card with PCI-1724U high-resolution and multichannel as the input device , output card with PCI-1724U isolated analogue as output device , magnetic powder brake as the implementing agencies .

  11. 基于串行DAC8420芯片的模拟量输出卡设计

    Design of Analog Signal Output Board Based on Serial DAC 8420 Chip

  12. 基于单片微控制器的智能化模拟量输出卡设计

    Design of an Intellectualized Analog Output Unit Based on Single Chip Micro-controller

  13. 模拟量输出、测试及校正功能。

    Function that analog quantity outputs , tests and corrects .

  14. 基于存储器动态刷新的多路模拟量输出系统

    A dynamically refreshed multi-analog output system based on memory

  15. 模拟量输出的扫描;

    The sweeping of the analog outputs ;

  16. 二总线可编址模拟量输出探测器配用电路的研制

    Two-bus Addressable Detection Device of Quantity Simulation

  17. 共模干扰对模拟量输出控制模件输出回路的影响分析及其解决办法

    Influence of common-mode disturbance on output circuit of analogue output control module and solution to it

  18. 首先,文章简要介绍了传统互感器的校验方法,指出电子式互感器与传统互感器的不同之处;重点介绍了电子式互感器模拟量输出和数字量输出的不同校验方法。

    The article focuses on the calibrating methods in analog output and digital output of electronic transformer .

  19. 采集板还包括8路开关量输入、8路开关量输出、2路模拟量输出通道。

    The acquisition board also includes the channels of 8 digital input , 8 digital output , 2 analog output .

  20. 以水电站仿真系统为背景,设计了基于CAN总线的多路模拟量输出从站。

    With simulation system of water power station as background , the multiple analog output slave station based on CAN bus is designed .

  21. 选定了三轴加速度传感器、位移传感器、数据采集卡和模拟量输出卡的型号,完成了硬件接线。

    The model of three-axis acceleration sensor , displacement sensor , data acquisition card and analog output card are selected , the wiring of the hardware is completed .

  22. 同时根据实时性的要求及模拟量输出板的功能特点,对其软件设计做了详细的讨论,并给出了程序流程图。

    To satisfy real-time processing and features of AO board , we made a particular argumentation in software design , the flow chart of the program has been listed .

  23. 变开关量输出为模拟量输出,这些都是原程序所没有的,其目的是使鼓风机更加安全、高效运行。

    Changing the output of digital signal into the output of analogue signal . These new reviews are introduced in order that it can make the dynamoelectric turbines safer and more effective running .

  24. 硬件上,内容涵盖了高速智能控制卡和模拟量输出接口卡的硬件电路设计、抗干扰技术、芯片控制程序设计和硬件升级方案;

    On the aspect of hardware , it refers to the hardware circuit design of the high-speed control card and the analog output card , anti-jamming technology , chip software programming , and hardware upgrade project ;

  25. 第三章介绍了移动货架控制系统的单片机接口技术,给出了开关量输入输出接口、模拟量输出接口、光电编码器接口、通讯接口的原理与实现电路。

    In Chapter 3 , introduced the MCU interface techniques of Horizontal Mobile Rack moving control system , and the theory and schematic circuit diagram of digital input / output interface , analog output interface , optical encoder interface and serial communication interface .

  26. 调制光由同一光纤反射回耦合器后,经另一光纤送到光纤解调器,经过A/D转换、信号处理和D/A转换后,以模拟量输出。

    The modulated wire is reflected back to coupler by the right optical fiber , then transferred to optical fiber modulator by another optical fiber , and outputted as analog variable after A / D transition , signal processing and D / A transition .

  27. SLC500~(TM)PLC模拟量输入输出模块的配置及调试

    Configuration and Debugging of Analog Signal Input and Output Module of SLC500 ~ ( TM ) PLC

  28. 系统利用嵌入式WebServer的Web浏览功能和cgi技术来实现授权的用户能在Internet任意一处应用浏览器查看温度采集情况和控制八路数字量和模拟量的输出。

    System uses Web browsing capabilities of embedded Web Server , and cgi technology to realize to authorize user by Internet browser in any place to view a situation of temperature acquisition and the control of eight-way digital and analog output .

  29. 讨论了C8051F020单片机的特点,并详细讨论了模拟量输入输出电路的设计和以太网接口电路的设计。

    The features of C8051F020 MCU , analog input and output circuit design and Ethernet interface circuit design were discussed .

  30. 底层模块的设计包括串口通信模块和模拟量输入输出模块。

    The design of bottom-level module includes serial interface communication module and input-output module of analog quantity .