
  1. 就目前而言,国内常规对讲机领域仍基本停留在模拟通信技术阶段。

    Currently , the field of domestic conventional Two-way radio remains basically in the stage of analog communication technology .

  2. 软件无线电是继模拟通信技术、数字通信技术之后的第三代通信技术,是21世纪军用和商用无线电发展的趋势。

    Software radio is the third-generation wireless communication technology afterwards analog communication and digital communication technology . It is a new trend in military and commercial radio development in 21st century .

  3. 在此背景下,利用IP技术转发语音数据。通过分组交换技术实现语音通话的VoIP技术蓬勃发展起来,相比当前大量使用的模拟电路通信技术,数字语音通信技术具有网络结构更加简单。

    In this background , the VoIP technology which transfers the voice data through IP datagram and realizes voice calls through the packet switching technology gets vigorous development . Compared with the current extensive used analog circuit communication technology , it has lots of advantages .

  4. 计算机模拟、仿真及通信技术在连锁加油站管理系统中的应用

    The Application of Computer Simulation and Emulation and Communication Technologies in Multi-Gas Station-Management-System

  5. 软件无线电的出现是无线电通信从模拟到数字、从固定到移动后,由硬件到软件的第三次变革,被认为是继模拟通信技术、数字通信技术之后的第三代无线通信技术。

    The appearance of Software Defined Radio marks the third transform of the wireless communications from simulation to digital , from immobile to remotion , from hardware to software , it is also consided the third generation wireless communication technology after the simulation communications , digital communications .