
  • 网络adjuvant
  1. 结论甘露醇可作为四肢骨折的临床辅助用药,该方法具有简单、安全和经济的特点。

    Conclusion Manna can be use as adjuvant in limbs fracture in clinical , and it was briefly , safely and cheaply .

  2. CU方案手术前中后辅助用药治疗乳腺癌

    CU Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Operable Breast Cancer

  3. 结论:三氟拉嗪能逆转人肾癌MDR,可以作为肾癌化疗和辅助用药,其低毒副作用使其具有应用价值和可行性4.Zenapax无明显的药物毒副作用;

    Conclusion : The trifluoperazine may used as the supplementary drug in the chemotherapy to the kidney cancer , its low toxin and side effect make it practical and valuable .

  4. 目的:观察硬膜外麻醉下行微创经皮肾穿刺气压弹道碎石术(PCNL)不同时点静注辅助用药的麻醉效果及安全性。

    Objective : To observed the effect and safety of intravenous assistant in minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy ( PCNL ) .

  5. 【结论】五酯胶囊是一种安全、有效、稳定提高FK506血药浓度的辅助用药,对口服FK506吸收较差的肾移植受者是一种经济实用的治疗选择。

    【 Conclusion 】 Wuzhi capsules is an effective 、 safe and stable drug , assisted to raise the blood concentration of FK506 . It is also a good treatment option for kidney transplant patients with poor absorption .

  6. 雷沙吉兰作为左旋多巴的辅助用药治疗帕金森病和运动波动患者(LARGO研究,雷沙吉兰每日1次辅助治疗的持久影响):一项随机、双盲、平行分组试验

    Rasagiline as an adjunct to levodopa in patients with Parkinson 's disease and motor fluctuations ( LARGO , Lasting effect in Adjunct therapy with Rasagiline Given Once daily , study ): A randomised , double-blind , parallel-group trial

  7. 咪唑安定用于硬膜外麻醉辅助用药遗忘作用的研究

    Midazolam assisted intraspinal anesthesia for the amnesia forgotten role of administration

  8. 目的:比较硬膜外辅助用药的作用。

    Objective : To compare the effect of adjuvants for epidural blockade .

  9. 连续硬膜外麻醉时异丙酚辅助用药及血药浓度监测

    Propofol as an adjunct to epidural anesthesia and its blood concentration measurement

  10. 方法:调整针刺穴位及辅助用药等。

    Methods : Adjusting acupoints and adjuvants were used .

  11. 干扰素α-2b作为青光眼滤过术后辅助用药的实验研究

    A study of interferon alpha 2b as an accessory drug after glaucoma filtration surgery

  12. 黄芪在抗肿瘤治疗时的应用比较广泛,常为辅助用药。

    Astragalus , at moment , is widely used as a kind of adjuvant of radiochemotherapy to cancer .

  13. 目的为咪哒唑仑用作清醒插管辅助用药提供临床资料。

    Objective To provide clinical data for midazolam to be used as an assistant drug for awake tracheal intubation .

  14. 灵芝孢子粉作为一种治疗癫痫的辅助用药,在临床应用上具有广阔前景。

    Ganoderma lucidum spores powder is an assistant medicine to cure epilepsy , it can be very useful in clinic application .

  15. 因此在很多临床领域都得到广泛应用,尤其在麻醉辅助用药方面,为麻醉医生提供了一种新的选择。

    Therefore it has applications in many fields of clinical medicine , especially as an adjuvant in anesthesia , providing the anesthesiologist a new choice .

  16. 结论钙调蛋白抑制剂对肝癌细胞的增殖有较强的抑制作用,可作为在肝癌患者化疗时一种辅助用药,增强化疗药物疗效、减少化疗药物用量,从而降低其毒副作用。

    CONCLUSIONS W-7 can inhibit the proliferation of hepatocarcinoma cells , which can play a adjuvant role in the hepatocarcinoma chemotherapy , and enhance the treatment effect of chemotherapy .

  17. 方法:对该医院1997~1998年使用麻醉药及其辅助用药的品种、数量、价格、金额以及随机抽取的20份麻醉手术病例进行统计分析。

    The varieties , quantity , money sum of narcotics and auxiliary agents and 20 randomly selected medical records of patients who had receive operation with anesthesia were statistically examined .

  18. 结论:丹参注射液可作为治疗妊娠肝内胆汁淤积症的辅助用药,疗效好,其作用机制可能为维持免疫平衡。

    Conclusion : Danseng injection can be an adjuvant drug in treatment of ICP for its excellent curative effect and it functions in maintenance of immune balance in the pregnant women .

  19. 是一种抗雄激素的非皮质类固醇,它可以作为治疗晚期前列腺癌的辅助用药,也可能在治疗早期前列腺癌方面起重要作用。

    An antiandrogen non-corticosteroids can be used treating prostate cancer in advanced stage as assistant drug , may also for treating prostate cancer in the early stage to play an important role .

  20. 它可以帮助医生添加、修改、删除患者的各类信息,了解和分析各项检测项目的静态统计和变化趋势,辅助用药。

    It could help doctors to add , edit , delete all types of information of patients , also assisted to understand and analysis the static statistics and trends of laboratory test .

  21. 术后辅助用药59例,四种药物(甲孕酮、达那唑、醋酸棉酚片、孕三烯酮)疗效无显著性差异。

    There were 59 cases treated by assisted medicine including medroxyprogesterone 、 danazol 、 gossypol acetic acid sheet and gestrinone after operation , in which there are not statistically significant difference in therapeutic effects .

  22. 结论:贞芪扶正胶囊配合化疗治疗晚期恶性肿瘤,WBC减少发生率低,可提高患者KPS评分及细胞免疫功能,宜作为化疗的常规辅助中药用药。

    Conclusion : Zhenqi Fuzheng capsules can decrease the occurrence of leucopenia and improve the KPS scale and cytoimmunity function in the period of chemotherapy .

  23. 方法:对48例肝癌患者严密临床观察,包括生命体征及辅助性用药,并实施针对性护理措施。

    Methods : 48 patients with advanced liver cancer were treated by transcatheter hepatic arterial infusion of drugs and active cares were given to the patients according to individual problem .