
fǔ liào
  • accessories;subsidiary (or supplementary) material
  1. 烟用辅料供应商管理研究

    The Research on the Management of the Subsidiary Material to Tobacco Suppliers

  2. 加强烟用辅料供应商的管理是烟草企业正常生产,积极开拓市场并参与竞争的关键环节。

    Strengthening the management of the subsidiary material to tobacco suppliers is a key link for the tobacco manufacturers to fulfill normal produce , participate in competition and explore the market .

  3. 这些甜点开始凝固时就可以加入辅料了。

    You can add ingredients to these desserts as they begin to set

  4. 主营钮扣,拉链,装饰品和其他服装辅料

    Buttons , Zippers , Trimmings and Accessories for the Garment Industry .

  5. 财政部、海关总署、税务总局印发《关于海南自由贸易港原辅料“零关税”政策的通知》,该政策自2020年12月1日起执行。

    According to Notice on the Hainan Free Trade Port 's Zero-Tariff Policy for Raw and Auxiliary Materials , jointly issued by the Ministry of Finance , the General Administration of Customs and the State Taxation Administration , the zero-tariff policy went into effect on December 1 , 2020 .

  6. 和隆公司的原材料比较简单,主要就是PVC树脂和几种辅料。

    The raw materials are simple in HOE LEONG company , it is PVC colophony and some secondary material .

  7. 羟丙甲纤维素与魔芋葡甘聚糖作为甲硝唑缓释片辅料研究高效液相色谱法测定维生素C阴道缓释片有关物质及含量

    Study on Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose and Konjac Glucomannan as Excipients of Metronidazole Extended Release Tablet ; Determination of Vitamin C Vaginal Sustained-release Tablets and its related substances by HPLC

  8. 本文建立了辅料给料速度的数学模型,给料速度采用数字PID控制算法实现闭环控制。

    The paper established mathematical model of the feeding speed , feeding speed uses digital PID controller to accomplish closed loop control .

  9. 提高烧结矿的SiO2/TiO2比及配加辅料的烧结试验

    Sintering test on improving sio_2 / tio_2 and adding auxiliary charges during sintering sintering production

  10. 利用电子自旋共振(ESR)技术研究啤酒原辅料自由基及其对麦汁自由基的影响

    Studies on the free radicals of materials of beer and its impact on the wort by ESR method

  11. 方法用阳离子敏感性成胶辅料结冷胶,采用pH梯度沉淀法制备了石杉碱甲鼻用原位凝胶。

    Methods Using gellan gum , a cation-sensitive gel forming excipient , huperzine A ( Hup A ) nasal in situ gel was prepared by pH gradient precipitation method .

  12. 结论优良的辅料可使吸湿速度减慢,CRH增大,从而显著地提高了该制剂的稳定性,有利于生产、贮存、运输及应用。

    It is beneficial for production , storage , transport and application .

  13. 要求:a。专营设计各种服装包装辅料料的设计,例如(商标牌子,包装盒等等包装辅料)b。懂得设计各种不同的服装。

    Request : a.Speciality in designing various kind of package of garment items , such as ( brand label , packing accessories etc ) . b.have knowledge of designing various kind of garment items .

  14. 下一步要将此纳米粒混悬于脂质辅料中,最终制成pH敏感的纳米粒脂质混悬液&胰脂肪酶触发的脉冲制剂,研究其释药行为和体内药动学特性。

    In future , the pancreatic lipase stimulated pulsed formulation should be prepared by suspending pH-sensitive nanoparticles in lipid carrier suspension and drug release behavior and pharmacokinetic characteristics should be investigated .

  15. SiO2/TiO2比值及辅料对钒钛烧结矿软熔滴落性能的影响

    Impact of sio_2 / tio_2 ratio and addition of auxiliary materials on softening dropping of V-bearing Titaniferous Magnetite Sinter

  16. 结果:辅料中影响去氢骆驼蓬碱Td的主要因素为吐温-80和碳酸钙用量(P0.05);

    RESULTS : The amount of tween-80 and calcium carbonate ( P0.05 ) are the main factors that had influence on the Td .

  17. 结果表明,最佳发酵条件为含水量为50%、接种量为1%、添加辅料为麸皮、pH值为7.0。

    The results showed that the optimal fermenting condition was the 50 % of water content , the 1 % of inoculation amount , the bran as assistant material , and 7 of pH value .

  18. 首先,结合辅料颗粒形态特性的细微分析,对颗粒粒径分布(PSD)进行分析。

    First , a particle size distribution ( PSD ) analysis together with a detailed analysis of morphological properties of the excipient particles were performed .

  19. 运用二次正交回归的实验方法,设计出以CaO-Al2O3为基体,MgO、BaO、CaF2为辅料的精炼渣。

    The CaO-Al_2O_3 base slags containing MgO , BaO , CaF_2 as auxiliary components are designed by quadratic orthogonal regression method .

  20. 2005年应国家药品监督管理局邀请,参与了药用辅料GMP定稿工作会议和药用辅料管理办法的讨论会;

    In2005 the State Drug Administration should be invited to participate in the conference final GMP pharmaceutical excipients and medicinal material management practices seminars ;

  21. 方法:以HPMC、丙烯酸树脂及十八醇作为辅料,采用湿颗粒制备硫酸庆大霉素缓释片。

    METHODS : With HPMC etc as supplement , gentamycin sulfate sustained-release tablets can be manufactured by way of wet pellets .

  22. 目的:考察不同辅料对国产碘海醇(Iohexol)注射液稳定性的影响。

    OBJECTIVE : To observe the effects of booster on the stability of iohexol injection .

  23. 通过配方摸索和制作工艺等研究,确定了茶氨酸复合片剂以茶氨酸、中药提取物A、B、C为主要原料,添加40%微晶纤维素、1%硬脂酸镁为主要辅料。

    The main materials of the theanine composite tablets are theanine and Traditional Chinese medicine extracts , A , B and C. By manual wet granulation experiment , 40 % microcrystalline cellulose , and 1 % Magnesium stearate were determined as the accessories .

  24. 从药代动力学参数分析,给予药用辅料后药物半衰期t1/2有所延长,清除率CL降低。

    From the pharmacokinetics parameters analyzed by DAS , the half life time ( t1 / 2 ) of celiprolol prolonged and clearance rate ( CL ) decreased after giving pharmaceutical excipients .

  25. 乙基纤维素(EC)是应用广泛的水不溶性纤维素衍生物。EC作为药物辅料,可用作药物骨架、包衣材料、载体、粘合剂、囊材等。

    Ethylcellulose ( EC ) is one of the widely used drug excipients , which can be used as drug matrix , coating , carrier , adhesive , encapsulating material and so on .

  26. 结果:最佳工艺经过验证,其工艺参数为:浸膏中加入的辅料为6%的β-环糊精(β-CD),进风温度为190°C,浸膏进料速度为10mL/min,浸膏相对密度为1.12g/mL。

    RESULTS : The optimal processing conditions were obtained and validated as follows : relative density of liquid feedstock was 1.12 mg / mL ( containing 6 % β - CD ), the input speed was 10 mL / min and intake temperature was at 190 ° C.

  27. 不是所有的辅料获得UNII号码。

    Not all inactive ingredients will receive a UNII .

  28. 方法:以卡波姆980为辅料制备青藤碱凝胶剂,采用改良Franz扩散池,以离体大鼠皮肤为透皮屏障,用HPLC法测定青藤碱的累积渗透量。

    Methods : Sinomenine gel was prepared with carbopol 980 as base material . Using improved Franz-type diffusion cell and isolated rat skin as transdermal barrier , the cumulative permeation quantity of sinomenine was determined by HPLC method .

  29. 时尚数据通过OLAP多维数据挖掘方法能够得到客观的时尚知识,包括时尚色彩、时尚面料、时尚辅料、时尚图案、时尚工艺、时尚款式和时尚风格等。

    Through OLAP multidimensional data mining , the objective knowledge of fashion , including fashion colors , fashion materials , fashion accessories , fashion patterns , fashion techniques , fashion styles and fashion looks could be acquired .

  30. 原因可能是复杂的胃肠道生理因素(介质的稀释、肠上皮细胞膜的通透性、内容物阻滞等)使药用辅料未能有效地接触或进入肠上皮细胞发挥抑制P-gp的功能。

    This might be due to complex gastrointestinal physiologic factors including medium dilution , permeability of intestinal epithelial membrane , and content blocking , which resulted in insufficient contact with intestinal epithelial membrane .