
  • 网络Plane;supplementary plane
  1. 论文主要贡献包括以下几个方面:(1)提出了基于高程突变的TIN(triangulatedirregularnetwork,不规则三角网)过滤算法和基于邻近高差及辅助平面的TIN过滤算法。

    The main contributions of this dissertation are as following : Firstly , TIN ( Triangulated Irregular Network ) filtering algorithm based on height jump and TIN filtering algorithm based on neighboring height difference and assistant plane are presented .

  2. 计算机辅助平面构成&机械变形与广义对称

    Computer Aided Plane Construction & Mechanical Deformation and General Symmetry

  3. 基于邻近高差及辅助平面的TIN过滤算法是在基于高程突变的TIN过滤算法基础上,进一步对非地面点进行过滤。

    After TIN filtering algorithm based on height jump , TIN filtering algorithm based on neighboring height difference and assistant plane filters the non-ground points further .

  4. 计算机辅助平面构成的基本方法及应用程序的建立

    Basic method and the establishment of applied program of computer aided plane construction

  5. 杆组法计算机辅助平面连杆机构的运动综合

    The Computer Aided Design for the Motion Synthesis of Plane Link Mechanism by Bar-Group Method

  6. 轴线斜交叉的两二次曲面相交斜投影方向和辅助平面的确定

    Determination of the Projection Direction and Assistant Plane of Two Axial Oblique Crossing Quadratic Surfaces

  7. 借助特定辅助平面求解圆柱、圆锥相贯线的方法

    A Method of Finding the Intersecting Line of Cylinders or Cones by a Specific Auxilliary Plane

  8. 辅助平面-椭圆法及其应用

    Aided Plane-Ellipse Method and Its Application

  9. 空间解析几何中辅助平面的应用垂直平面波导的分析

    Analysis of vertical plane waveguide

  10. 数值计算表明,在物理平面上求解比在辅助平面上求解优越。

    Numerical calculation shows that the calculation in the physical plane is superior to those in the auxiliary plane .

  11. 首先举例介绍了求一般线面交点时采用辅助平面时作图的基本步骤。

    First it will introduce the basic steps in seeking the point of intersection using a generalised position for the straight line ;

  12. 最后,用可视化数字实验验证了改进算法的正确性,实现了计算机辅助平面直线度误差评定的可视化。

    Finally , the improved algorithm was demonstrated with visualized numeric experiment . The visualization for the computer-aided evaluation of planar straightness error was carried out .

  13. 提出一种将辅助平面旋转某个特定的角度图解正椭圆锥面截交线的方法。

    The paper presents the graphic method of solution of the intersection of right elliptic cone with plane by rotation of auxiliary planes at a certain angle .

  14. 详细零件图,批量生产产品质量监控,颜色样本,产品辅助平面设计和包装设计。

    Detailed part picture , produce product quality in batches to control , the color sample , the auxiliary planar design of the products and package design .

  15. 它弥补了垂直辅助平面法的某些轮廓线索线上特殊点不能求解的缺陷,使它更有实用价值。

    It remedies the defect of method of auxiliary vertical plane in which some particular points on outline cant be solved , and become more valuable in practice .

  16. 采用对比法对辅助平面在求一般位置的线面交点中的作用进行了论述。

    This paper expounds the use of an auxiliary plane in seeking the point of intersection between a straight line and a plane , using a comparative analytical method .

  17. 探讨了计算机辅助平面构成、色彩构成、立体构成(三大构成)的课程教学,并指出三大构成的教学尤应结合计算机的应用,以提高教学水平和质量。

    This paper discusses teaching of computer aided plane construction , color construction and solid construction and points out that must be combined with computer for improving teaching level and quality .

  18. 介绍一种借助特定辅助平面求解相贯线的方法,并对该平面如何选定及其应用作了较详细地论述。

    A method for obtaining the intersecting line of two cylinders or two cones by a specific auxilliary plane is described . The selection of the plane and its application is discussed in detail .

  19. 辅助平面法评定平面对平面倾斜度误差的数学模型

    However , the essential content of law has its own form which is the inner structural character . Mathematical model of evaluation of gradient error of measured flat related to datum flat by means of auxiliary plane

  20. 文章对正圆锥、斜圆锥、正椭圆锥、斜椭圆锥,均处在一般位置时的投影、转向线、面上取点等分别提出了准确作图方法。旋转辅助平面求解正椭圆锥面截交线

    In the end , accurate drawing methods for upright and oblique cone , and upright and oblique elliptic cone are presented . A SOLUTION FOR THE INTERSECTION OF RIGHT ELLIPTIC CONE WITH PLANE BY ROTATION OF AUXILIARY PLANE

  21. 本文用图解对辅助平面法,换面法和旋转法进行分析比较,从中得出简易可行的最佳方法,亚进行解析运算。

    This paper has been analysed and compared the auxiliary plane method , shift projection plane method and rotative method with the graph , of which obtained the best method of simple facility , and proceeded analytic calculation .

  22. 文中还应用亲似对应原理,解决了用辅助平面法和辅助球面法都不曾解决的斜交特殊点的求作。

    In the light of the kindred correspondency principle , the author has been able to construct the special points of obliquely-intersecting axes , which has so far not been solved by either the auxiliary planar method or the auxiliary spheric method .

  23. 中专制图教科书中,对圆柱与圆锥轴线垂直相交时,相贯线投影作图,大都采用先找特殊点,再用辅助平面法找一般点,最后判断点的可见性并描点连线的方法。

    In drafting textbook of secondary technical school , while cylinder intersect circular cone vertically , steps of solution of their intersection lines projection are : firstly , finding special point , secondly , finding common point by auxiliary plane , lastly , estimating visibility of point and drawing lines .

  24. 通过一个新设计的辅助评定平面,大大简化了对角线平面法评定被测平面的平面度误差数据处理过程,能够方便、快速地得到符合国家标准的平面度值和平面度误差的可视化图形。

    In virtue of an auxiliary evaluating plane , the value and visual pattern of departures from flatness can be obtained rapidly and easy .

  25. 双线性Coons曲面辅助设计竖向平面交叉口技术探讨

    Study on bilinear coons surface in computer - aided design of street intersection

  26. 基于辅助特征的平面杆系机构自动化装配

    Automation assembly of planar linkage mechanism based on auxiliary feature

  27. 使用辅助光栅的平面变间距全息光栅加工理论研究

    Theoretical Study of Recording Varied Line Spacing Plane Holographic Gratings by Using Auxiliary Gratings

  28. 本课题对计算机辅助民族艺术平面构成的相关理论及应用进行了深入的研究和软件开发。

    This paper describes the theoretical research and software development about the application of the Computer Aided Folk Art Plan Design .

  29. 氧离子束辅助激光制备平面织构的YBCO膜

    In-Plane Aligned YBa_2Cu_3O_ ( 7-x ) ( YBCO ) Film Prepared by Laser Ablation only with O ~ + Ion Beam Assistance

  30. 用辅助直线法求解平面与立体的截交线

    The Auxiliary-Line Method for Finding the Intersecting Line of a Plane and a Solid