
  • 网络Minor;Minor course
  1. 说明你的学位、专业、辅修课程、入学年份和学校名称及所在地。你也可以加上你的GPA成绩。

    State your degree , major , minor , dates of attendance and the school 's name and location .

  2. 数学是我在大学的辅修课程。

    Mathematics was my minor at University .

  3. 师专化学专业实用技术辅修课程的探索与实践

    Exploration and practice in Subsidiary Course of practical Skills in chemistry Specialty

  4. 开设化学类计算机辅修课程的实践和探讨

    The practice and discussion of introducing a subsidiary computer course to chemistry education

  5. 他认为学生之所以参加辅修课程是因为时间和精力允许。

    He thinks that students sign up for minor subjects because they have the energy and time to do so .

  6. 本人英语说写能力毫无问题,因本人一直用英语和外国人打交道.数学是我在大学辅修课程。

    My ability to write and speak English is out of question for I have always been dealing with foreigners in English .

  7. 辅修课程包括:公共关系,社会传播学,媒体政策关系和行销市场。

    Auxiliary repairs the curriculum to include : The public relation , the society disseminates study , the media policy relates and sells the market .

  8. 论述了在建筑环境与设备工程专业设置智能建筑控制辅修课程体系来培养智能建筑技术类人才可行性。

    The feasibility of cultivating talent of intelligent building technology by setting the subsidiary curriculum system of intelligent building control in Building Environment and Facilities Engineering ( BE & FE ) specialty is discussed .

  9. 和肖迪一样,很多学生也在课余时间报名参加了辅修课程。虽然同学们上辅修课各有各的初衷,但他们一致认为这是一次获益匪浅的体验。

    Like Xiao , many students are signing up for minor subjects in their spare time . The reasons vary , but they all believe that taking a minor subject is a rewarding experience .

  10. 因此,要求师范院校开设传统文化的课程,分析评价西方资本主义文化,使学生参加艺术类辅修课程学习。

    So , it is a requirement for normal college to give a course in traditional culture , to analyse Western capitalist culture and to enroll the students in the subsidiary course of art .

  11. 宁波大学的大学英语立体课程体系包涵七部分:预修课程、必修课程、周末强化课程、选修课程、辅修课程、双语课程及专门用途英语课程,其课程内容具有广泛性及多层次性。

    The contents of Multi-level college English courses of Ningbo University are rich and diversified , which composed by seven parts : prerequisite course , required course , intensified training course on weekends , selective course , minor course , bilingual course , ESP course .

  12. 高师艺术主辅修专业课程设置研究

    A Study on Curriculum Design of Fine Music Arts Major and Subsidiary

  13. 第六部分:军医大学临床医学专业五年制本科计算机辅修专业课程构建方案的评价与完善。

    Part VI : The assessment and perfecting of the constructed minor-in-computer curriculum .

  14. 我辅修的课程是管理学。

    My minor , sir , is in administrations .

  15. 你辅修什么课程?

    What were your minor subjects ?

  16. 而我所辅修的课程则是提高个人素质,这不仅可以提高我的社会认知能力,更能够对我将来所要从事的职业方面起到补充的作用。

    My minor courses , on the other hand , are helpful for me to improve social consciousness , which will help to harness up my professionalism .

  17. 对辅修实践应用课程进行了理论和体系上的研究探讨,形成了辅修实践应用课程的基本构架和具体实践内容。

    The minor practical application curriculums were explored in theory and system , and it 's frame and concrete practical contents were established .

  18. 西安体院学生辅修非体育专业课程情况调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of non sport courses in Our Institute

  19. 涉农专业学生辅修英语双学位课程体系构建

    Discussion on the Establishment of Dual-Degree Courses for the Agriculture Majors Minoring in English