
  1. MeiDan美容院的经理表示,现在加拿大是人们新的梦想之地。与此同时,房地产中介公司GoldenHome的报告称,由于外来移民纷纷售出房产离开这里,房价正在不断下跌。

    The manager of the Mei Dan beauty parlour says Canada is the new dream , while the Golden Home property agency reports falling prices as immigrants sell up and leave .

  2. 今年60岁的丹・考利(DanCawley)14年前在伊利诺斯州唐纳斯格罗夫市(DownersGrove)创办了房地产中介公司CawleyChicagoCommercialRealEstateCo.,他本来计划将自己的股份慢慢转让给员工,这样到70岁时他就可以退休了。

    Fourteen years ago , when Dan Cawley , 60 , started real-estate brokerage Cawley Chicago Commercial Real Estate Co. in Downers Grove , Ill . , he planned to gradually sell shares to his employees so he could retire by 70 .

  3. 通过房地产中介公司租房安全多了。

    It 's much safer to rent an apartment through a real estate agency .

  4. 房地产中介公司非常欢迎这些出手阔绰的房客。

    Real-estate agents welcome these big spenders .

  5. 房地产中介公司表示,在从2008年的峰值水平下跌50%后,迪拜的地产价格正在企稳。

    Real estate agents say property values are stabilising after falling as much as 50 per cent from their 2008 peaks .

  6. 香港最大房地产中介公司之一编制的一项指标显示,该城市房价已经触及了历史最高点。

    Home prices in Hong Kong have reached their highest point ever , according to an index compiled by one of the city 's largest property agencies .

  7. 房地产中介公司和开发商报告称,短短几周内,海南旅游区内一些新楼盘的涨幅已高达50%。购房者如潮水般涌入海南,其中许多人用现金支付房款。

    Prices in some new developments in tourist areas of the island have increased by as much as 50 per cent in just a few weeks , real estate agents and developers report , as Hainan has been inundated with buyers , many paying in cash .

  8. 利用SERVQUAL标尺测量了广州一家房地产中介代理公司的服务质量,在此基础上提出了改进服务质量的意见和建议。

    SERVQUAL scale is used to measure the service quality of a real estate agency company in Guangzhou . Suggestions for improvement in service quality are provided .

  9. 为公司向广州各大房地产中介提供公司贷款信息并推介业务,为公司联系并挖掘客户;

    Guangzhou to major real estate company to provide credit information companies and to promote business linkages and mining companies as clients ;