
  1. 有人粗心大意忘了关一扇窗。

    Someone had carelessly left a window open .

  2. 关一于企业所有权、企业绩效与治理机制,Berle和MeanS(1932)做了最早的研究。

    In 1932 , Berle and Means had researched the ownership , enterprise performance and corporate governance .

  3. 他们想把我们的朋友关一辈子。

    They 're trying to put our friend away for life .

  4. 你能帮我关一下水吗?

    Would you please shut off the water for me ?

  5. 我希望你被关一辈子。

    And I hope they put you away forever .

  6. 莎拉,求你了,这事关一条生命。

    Sarah , please , it 's a matter of life and death .

  7. 你再在这里关一个钟头,罚你企图欺骗我们。

    You will stay here an hour longer as a punishment for trying to deceive us .

  8. 当你被关一天禁闭的时候你就有好多时间够你长一智的了

    You 'll have plenty of time to think when you 're serving a day in detention

  9. 现如今,阿卜杜拉国王必须盘算一下,自己是更有可能成为一名真正的改革家,还是成为将妖怪在瓶子里再关一年的人。

    King Abdullah must now calculate whether he is more likely to survive as a real reformer or as the man who kept the genie in the bottle for another year .

  10. 比赛中若有任何人提供选手协助或干扰,在靶场主任的斟酌之下可给予该人该关一次程序失误的处罚。

    Any person providing assistance or interference to a competitor during a course of fire may at the discretion of the officiating Range Officer incur a procedural penalty for that stage .

  11. 他现在被关在一个大城市的改造中心。

    He is currently being held in a metropolitan correctional center .

  12. 他们被关在一个小屋里,没人能听到他们的动静。

    They were shut away in a little room where nobody could overhear

  13. 3个囚犯关在一个3米长2米宽的小牢房里。

    Three prisoners were sharing one small cell 3 metres by 2 metres .

  14. 据说他曾在一家精神病院关过一段时间。

    It was rumoured that he had been interned in an asylum for a while .

  15. 要是一天23小时被关在一间牢房里,谁都会造反的。

    You become a rebel if you are banged up in a cell 23 hours a day .

  16. 他被关在一个小房间里,大部分时间都被绑着手脚,蒙着双眼。

    He had been kept in a small room , bound and blindfolded for much of his captivity .

  17. 警察应该有权对妨碍救援的人处以罚款。其实要是换了我,非关他们一宿不可。

    Police should have the power to fine people who hamper rescue efforts . In fact I 'd throw them into prison for a night .

  18. 他被关在一个小房间里。

    He was confined to a small room .

  19. 这只可怜的猫在汽车库被关了一个整夜。

    The poor cat has been enclosed in the garage all night .

  20. 我在屋里关了一整天。

    I 've been cooperated up indoors all day .

  21. 创建质量检验关的一种方法,便是使用静态分析,来将Rational技术集成到构建过程中。

    One way to setup a quality gate is to use static analysis to help tie Rational technology into the build process .

  22. 他们把Clifford的朋友关在一个围栏里。

    They put Clifford 's pals in a pen .

  23. 他们把他带去了羊角岛国际酒店(YanggakdoHotel)。那栋高楼位于首都中心地区的一座小岛上,内有1000间客房。在那里,他被关在一间有人把守的套房里。

    They took him to the Yanggakdo Hotel , a 1000-room tower on a small island in the center of the capital , where he was held in a guarded suite .

  24. 当你不用电视、DVD、音响及电脑时,只要把电源关了一年就能节省上千磅的二氧化碳。

    Simply turning off your television , DVD player , stereo , and computer when you 're not using them will save you thousands of pounds of carbon dioxide a year .

  25. 可以麻烦你声音关小声一点吗?

    But could you please turn the volume down a bit ?

  26. 关在一个小的空间里,如为了进行高强度的工作。

    Confine to a small space , as for intensive work .

  27. 上帝关上一扇门,会为我们打开一扇窗。

    When god closes a door , he opens a window .

  28. 他们被关在一个小牢房里。

    Eg : They were boxed up in a small cell .

  29. 把100个男人和100个女人关在一个封闭的房间里。

    Put 100 men and 100 women in a sealed room .

  30. 杰妮被关在一个房间里近13年的时间。

    Genie was locked in a room for almost thirteen years .