
  1. 研究并实现黄埔港口物流信息服务平台关联单位的业务预约平台。

    Research and implement the business appointments platform for Huangpu port logistics information service platform related units .

  2. 公司应列明不在公司领取报酬、津贴的董事、监事的姓名,并注明其是否在股东单位或其他关联单位领取报酬、津贴。

    The company shall list the names of the directors and supervisors who do not get remunerations or allowances from it , and indicate whether they have gotten remunerations or allowances from any shareholding entities or any other connected entities .

  3. 互相依赖是指一个组织中各个单位之间的相互依靠相互信赖的关系,两个相互关联的单位可以从他们环境中不断增强的能力中获益。

    Interdependence refers to mutual dependency between units within an organization , and both units in a mutually dependent relationship can benefit from increased power over their environment .

  4. 对付含有两个或更多个逻辑级别的行标头和列标头的数据表,应该利用标记来关联干系数据单位格和标头单位格。

    Markup shall be used to associate data cells and header cells for data tables that have two or more logical levels of row or column headers .

  5. 电子的玻尔半径是一组三个互相关联的长度单位中的一个,其他两个是电子的康普顿波长及经典电子半径。

    The Bohr radius of the electron is one of a trio of related units of length , the other two being the Compton wavelength of the electron and the classical electron radius .