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  1. 他把自己关在房里一整天。

    He locked himself in the room for a whole day .

  2. 她觉得这不是她自己愿意关在房里“静修”,而是人家强迫她的;

    She felt that her present seclusion was not of her own free will : they had forced her to it .

  3. 与此同时,芭丝谢芭将自己关在房内的一间小卧室里待了一天一夜。

    Meanwhile Bathsheba had spent a day and a night as a willing prisoner in a small bedroom in her house .

  4. 把他关在锅炉房,听候我的命令

    Hold him in the boiler room till I tell you otherwise .

  5. 她没办法把我关在蒸汽房

    She couldnhave locked me in the steam room ,

  6. 你要干什么她被关在你房里一整天了

    What are you doing She 's been cooped up in your room all day .

  7. 等门关上,房里只剩他们两人之后,这位访客方才掀开斗篷。

    Not until they were alone behind closed doors did his visitor draw back his cowl .

  8. 他的同学因他患有幽闭恐怖症而嘲笑他,并且常常以单独关他在房里来吓唬他。

    His fellow classmates laughed at his claustrophobia and often threatened to lock him in his room .