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wǎn kè
  • vesper;evensong
晚课 [wǎn kè]
  • (1) [Apodeipnon]∶东正教会日课的最后部分

  • (2) [(of Buddhist monks) chant scriptures in the evening]∶和尚晚上念经

  1. 给我讲讲你去参加的默念晚课的情况。

    Tell me about the meditation evenings that you go to .

  2. 你也要去上晚课吗?

    Are you taking iate ciasses , too ?

  3. 你为什么这么早就要走了呀?我得去上晚课。

    Why are you leaving so soon ? I am leaving for my evening class .

  4. 我从查顿坐车,很快就到了温彻斯特大教堂,赶在5:30晚课开始之前,把它里里外外看了个遍。

    After the short drive from Chawton , I arrived in Winchester in time to have a look around the cathedral before evensong began at 5:30 .

  5. 今年过中国年时我在法界,大年初一晚课时就有一位老同修的儿子来到法界。

    This past Chinese New Year , I was inTaipeibranch , and the first day of Chinese New Year , an old lay member 's son came to join us .

  6. 我坐在大讲堂的唱诗班里聆听清越的晚课歌声,奥斯汀当年再熟悉不过的歌声,感觉自己与这位伟大的女作家更近了一分。

    As I sat in the cathedral choir , listening to the soaring music of evensong - repeating prayers that Austen would have known well - I felt I had come a little closer to the great " authoress , "