
wǎn cān
  • dinner;supper
晚餐 [wǎn cān]
  • [supper;dinner] 一天结束时吃的一顿饭

晚餐[wǎn cān]
  1. 晚餐剩下的冷饭菜已经凝结在盘子上了。

    The cold remains of supper had congealed on the plate .

  2. 我们刚坐下用晚餐,电话就响了。

    We had hardly sat down to supper when the phone rang .

  3. 我来准备晚餐。

    I 'll fix supper .

  4. 他已在当地一个相当不错的饭店里享用了一顿可口的晚餐。

    He had had an excellent dinner at a rather good local hotel

  5. 萨姆被留下来陪佩格一起吃晚餐。

    Sam was left at the dinner table with Peg .

  6. 迈拉·坎宁安给我寄了张便笺感谢我招待的晚餐。

    Myra Cunningham sent me a note thanking me for dinner

  7. 他5点钟回来吃晚餐。

    At five o'clock he comes back for his tea .

  8. 恐怕我晚餐时吃得太多了。

    I 'm afraid I made a pig of myself at dinner .

  9. 她答应下一个周末和他在城里共进晚餐。

    She had agreed to have dinner with him in town the following weekend

  10. 晚餐在傍晚5点到6点之间。

    Supper is from 5.00 to 6.00 in the evening

  11. 他仍然会找时间为女友准备烛光晚餐,制造浪漫。

    He still finds time for romance by cooking candlelit dinners for his girlfriend

  12. 第二天晚上,德米里斯请凯瑟琳共进晚餐。

    Demiris took Catherine to dinner the following night .

  13. 波士顿的新英格兰收容所将为200名老兵提供圣诞晚餐。

    The New England Shelter in Boston will serve Christmas dinner for 200 vets

  14. 她问我晚餐是否吃得满意。

    She asked me if I 'd enjoyed my dinner

  15. 我想晚餐前洗个淋浴。

    I think I 'll have a shower before dinner

  16. 晚餐总是充满欢笑。

    The suppers are always a barrel of laughs .

  17. 他已经受邀和一位同事及其夫人共进晚餐。

    He had been invited to sup with a colleague and his wife .

  18. 他从不会让晚餐时出现长时间的沉默。

    He never lets those long silences develop during dinner

  19. 晚餐后艾利斯溜出去跟阿蒂到林子里散步。

    After dinner Alice slipped away for a walk in the woods with Artie

  20. 晚餐前他洗了澡,刮了脸。

    He took a bath and shaved before dinner

  21. 她请我们去她家吃晚餐。

    She invited us to her house for dinner

  22. 晚餐足以让这些美食家们大饱口福。

    The dinner was enough to satiate the gourmets

  23. 我总是把晚餐做得很丰盛。

    I always cook a proper evening meal .

  24. 他俩在他们最喜欢的一家餐馆里吃了一顿浪漫的二人晚餐。

    They enjoyed a romantic dinner for two at one of their favourite restaurants .

  25. 我想请你和我们共进一次安静的晚餐。

    I should like to ask you to come with us for a quiet supper

  26. 接下来那个周一的晚上,我们一起去吃了晚餐。

    We went to dinner the following Monday evening

  27. 这将是我们参加过的最盛大的感恩节晚餐。

    It 's going to be the most magnificent Thanksgiving dinner we ever had .

  28. 我们先是享用了一顿考究的晚餐。

    We kicked off with a slap-up dinner .

  29. 到了晚上,我们稍微收拾打扮了一番,然后出去吃晚餐。

    In the evening we spruced ourselves up a bit and went out for dinner .

  30. 正当我们要吃晚餐的时候,一个小男孩跑着进来了。

    Just as we were ready to sit down to dinner , a little boy came running in