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wǎn qiū
  • late autumn;late-autumn crops;late in autumn
晚秋 [wǎn qiū]
  • (1) [late autumn]∶秋季的末期;深秋

  • (2) [late-autumn crops]∶ 指晚秋作物

晚秋[wǎn qiū]
  1. 晚秋温度对苜蓿地上部游离脯氨酸、可溶性糖和POD活性的影响

    Effect of temperature in late autumn on free proline , soluble sugar and POD in alfalfa

  2. 晚秋刈割时间对不同秋眠类型苜蓿根系POD活性的影响

    Effect of Cutting Time in Late Autumn on the Variation of POD Activity in Roots of Alfalfa Cultivars with Different Fall Dormancy Types

  3. 晚秋月份种群密度变化资料用Fuzzy法统计分析表明,10、11月每天进入畜舍的虫口相对密度分别为7~18只与6~12只。

    Adult density was 7-18 and 6-12 in Nov by Fuzzy analytic method .

  4. 到晚秋时,这项禁令看起来会被大大削弱或在贸易法案成为法律之前完全撤销(乔治R.帕卡德)

    It seemed clear by late autumn that the ban would be significantly watered down or removed altogether before the trade bill became law ( George R.Packard )

  5. 这是高纬度地方的那种短暂的晚秋。

    It was the brief Indian Summer of the high latitudes .

  6. 早春和晚秋差异大,晚春和早秋差异小。

    The difference is clear in early spring and late autumn .

  7. 利用晚秋资源发展再生稻生产&贵州省再生稻生产情况与发展前景

    Developing ratooning rice production by using the resources in late autumn

  8. 这天是十月下旬的一个星期五,晚秋晴暖的天气还相当暖和。

    A late October Friday , Indian summer , warm .

  9. 一个是晚秋的天空颜色。

    Another is the sky 's color in late fall .

  10. 在晚秋几乎所有的树叶都是黄色的。

    In late autumn almost all the leaves are yellow .

  11. 此事发生在晚秋时节。

    It happened at the latter end of the autumn .

  12. 空气中夹杂着晚秋的寒意。

    The chill of late autumn is in the air .

  13. 我们相约在晚秋的阳光下,寻找美丽的联想。

    We met in late fall sunshine , looking for the beautiful legend .

  14. 北京很美丽,特别是在晚秋。

    Beijing is beautiful , especially in late autumn .

  15. 这是晚秋季节,天气多雨而阴沉。

    It was late in the autumn , with rainy and cloudy weather .

  16. 《晚秋》是以写实的绘画手法来完成的一幅油画。

    " Late Autumn " is a realistic painting technique to complete a painting .

  17. 晚秋时雨天开始了。

    The rain began in the late autumn .

  18. 如果没有他们的支持,我不可能完成《晚秋》的拍摄。

    And if without their support , I cannot finish Late Autumn 's shooting .

  19. 新奥尔良的初春和晚秋白天暖和,夜间凉爽。

    We have wran days and cool nights in early spring and late autumn .

  20. 他们因2009年的英语电影《晚秋》相识。

    The two met on the set of their 2009 English-language movie Late Autumn .

  21. 晚秋叶面喷肥对设施杏发育前期的影响

    Effect of Foliar Fertilization in Autumn on Fruit Development of Apricot in Protected Cultivation

  22. 最终完成了以《晚秋》为主题的写实油画作品。

    Finish to " fall " as the theme of the realistic oil painting works .

  23. 对三种不同秋眠类型9个苜蓿品种进行晚秋的最后1次刈割试验,研究不同刈割时间对苜蓿根系游离脯氨酸含量的影响。

    The proline dynamics in root of alfalfa with different fall dormancy were studied after last cutting .

  24. 如果是在晚秋时节种植,你的豌豆在晚春时候就可以收获了。

    If planted in late Autumn , your peas will be ready to be harvested by late Spring .

  25. 同时,低温冷害在我国南北方农业生产中也严重限制着早春作物的种植和晚秋作物的收获。

    In addition , low / freezing temperatures restrict the planting and harvest of crops in a year-round manner .

  26. 在晚秋和冬季,从东北方向进入盆地的冷空气趋向于在那里滞留。

    Cold air which reaches the basin from northeast tends to stagnate there during the late autumn and winter .

  27. 在仲秋或晚秋播种后,冬小麦种子经历了被称为冷驯化的过程。

    After being planted in the mid to late fall , winter wheat seedlings undergo a process called cold acclimation .

  28. 苹果短果枝叶片晚秋施用~(15)N-尿素的运转和分配

    The translocation and distribution of ~ ( 15 ) n-urea applied on spur leaves of apple tree in late autumn

  29. 在晚秋和冬季,每年流行的感冒导致高住院率和死亡率。

    During late fall and winter seasons , annual epidemics of influenza lead to high rates of hospitalizations and deaths .

  30. 晚秋冷害概率预报方法秋大豆豆荚螟幼虫空间分布型及理论抽样数研究

    PROBABILITY FORECAST FOR COLD DISASTER IN LATE AUTUMN Spatial Distribution and Sampling Technique of the Etiella zinckenella of Autumn Soybean