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  1. 结果RP-HPLC法测定乙醚萃取的血浆中冬凌草甲素保留时间稳定,标准曲线线性良好,结果准确、可靠。

    Results To determine the Oridonin extracted from diethyl ether of plasma by RP-HPLC method , the retention time was stable , the linear curve fitted well , and the results were accurate and reliable .

  2. 遗传力强弱顺序为,冬性弱冬性中冬性强;合抱类型春大白菜叶片数多少与其冬性强弱呈正相关。

    The number of leaves of heading Chinese cabbage correlated positively to the winterness .

  3. 中冬季节自古以来都是全世界人共同庆贺的节日。

    The middle of winter has long been a time of celebration around the world .

  4. 关于工程造价控制中冬施费计收办法的探讨

    The discuss of imposing the construction charge of winter and rainy season in project cost control

  5. 一年中冬春季向下的输送强,夏秋季较弱,其季节变化与大尺度环流的季节性变化一致。

    The seasonal variation of upward transport is consistent with the variation of the large scale circumfluent .

  6. 本文介绍了在传统生产工艺基础之上进行改进了的资中冬尖生产工艺及产品质量指标。

    Based on the traditional production techniques , the article introduces improved production techniques and production quality index of Zizhong Mustard Tine .

  7. 气候变暖使陇中冬小麦种植面积迅速扩大、春小麦种植面积减少;

    The area of winter wheat has expanded with climate warming , but the area of spring wheat has decreased in the middle Gansu province .

  8. 水旱协调选择混合育种中冬小麦性状遗传相关分析及其早代性状选择

    Analysis of Genetic Relatedness of Traits and Its Selection in Early Generation on Winter Wheat in the Shuttle Breeding between Irrigation and Drought Planting Environments

  9. 结果:叶和茎中冬凌草甲素的含量分别约为055%和0025%,平均回收率为9745%。

    Results : The contents of oridonin in leaves and stems were found to be about 0 55 % and 0 025 % , respectively . The average recovery was 97 45 % .

  10. 稻田多熟制中冬作物营养主要依赖肥料,而水稻的养分则主要源于土壤,必须根据此项特性指导施肥;

    In the rice-based multiple-cropping systems , the nutrient uptake of winter crops depended mainly on fertilization , whereas that of early-rice and late-rice derived primarily from the nutrient pool of soil , and hence the input of fertilizers must be guided by this feature of crop nutrition .

  11. 辐射诱导犬胆管增殖平滑肌细胞凋亡中胱冬肽酶-3活性的影响

    Caspase-3 gene activity in radiation-induced dog biliary duct mucle cells apoptosis

  12. 交叉魏格纳/模糊度分布函数中拉冬变换的新特性

    New Properties of the Radon Transform of the Cross Wigner / Ambiguity Distribution Function

  13. 摘要目的冬凌草中提取冬凌草甲素并测定其含量。

    Objective to extract oridonin from Rabdosia rubescens and determine the content of oridonin .

  14. 南部中熟冬麦区,肥旱地和薄旱地决定产量的主导因子均为穗数;

    For middle ripe winter wheat district in southern area , the number of ears was the key factor in arid land ;

  15. 本研究对三个发育特性不同的小麦品种进行春化、脱春化处理,经凝胶电泳分析表明,在春化过程中,冬小麦可溶性蛋白质含量不仅增加,而且有新蛋白质产生。

    Three different varieties of wheat in development properties were treated by means of vernalization , devernalization and were analyzed by SDS - PAGE .

  16. 不同品质类型的小麦在不同试验区产量差异显著,中筋冬小麦与其他品质类型相比,其产量受生态环境的影响相对较小;

    Yield of wheat of different quality types significantly varied in various sites and yield of winter wheat of middle quality associated with environmental effects were smaller than that of other wheat cultivars of quality type ;

  17. 发现近百年中前冬11月、12月和后冬2月这三个月的冷暖长期变化相似,特点是前50年左右偏冷占优势;

    It is discovered that in the last 100 years or so , there are similar long-term variation trend in cold warm between early winter ( November and December ) and late winter ( February ) .

  18. 北太平洋中纬度地区冬半年海温变化特征分析

    An analysis of winter half year SST changes in the northern Pacific Ocean

  19. 晋南中肥力地冬小麦高产栽培对钾锌锰配套措施选优

    Optimal scheme of potassium , zine and manganese for high-yield winter wheat cultivation of secondary fertilization in south Shanxi

  20. 本文用相关分析的方法,讨论了引起北太平洋中纬度地区冬半年月平均海温变化的两类过程。

    Based on linear correlation techniques , the SST changes due to two categories of processes have been discussed .

  21. 目的探讨香茶菜属植物冬凌草中有效成分冬凌草甲素抗癌药物开发的可行途径。

    Objective To explore the optimized method for new anticancer drug research of chemical ingredients in the Rabdosia rubescens Hemsl .

  22. 在进行冬凌草规模化提取研究中,提取冬凌草甲素的同时还会夹杂大量色素及油脂类杂质,严重干扰冬凌草甲素的分离纯化。

    In the process of large-scale extracting research of oridonin , a large amount of components of pigment and fat were also extracted as impurities .

  23. 分析了交叉魏格纳分布函数中的拉冬变换是这些函数中分数傅里叶变换的可分乘法。

    We have showed that the Radon transform of the cross Wigner distribution function is a separable multiplication of fractional Fourier transform of these functions .

  24. 本试验中,使冬小麦和夏玉米氮收获指数和氮素效率出现下降的氮水平临界点分别为225kg/hm~2、150kg/hm~2。

    In the test , the critical point of nitrogen level causing the harvest index and efficiency of nitrogen of winter wheat and summer com to descend appears respectively as 225kg / hm2 and 150kg / hm2 .

  25. 在三系南北交替选育中,海南冬繁的生态环境,能满足三系繁育的基本要求。

    The result showed in the process of the alternative selection and breeding of three lines both in South and North China , the ecological environment of Hainan in winter could meet the basic need of three lines breeding .

  26. 浅谈建筑施工中主体阶段的冬施措施

    Measures for winter construction of main work of buildings

  27. 一年中最昏暗的冬夕。

    The darkest evening of the year .

  28. 本文采用田间小区试验研究了渭北旱塬农业生产中现行10个冬小麦品种的氮效率差异。

    The field plot experiment was conducted to study the difference of Nitrogen Use Efficiency in 10 winter wheat cultivate ( genotype ) on the loess plateau .

  29. 结果表明,在非灌溉条件下,冬小麦主要利用20~60cm土层中的水分,冬小麦对土壤贮水的消耗量增加,平均多耗水96.84mm;

    The results showed that under no irrigation , winter wheat used mostly water of 20 ~ 60 cm soil layers , and increased the consumption of soil stored water by 96.84 mm ;

  30. 将作物生长模式引入冬小麦干旱识别和预测中,充分考虑冬小麦对水分消耗利用的影响和冬小麦对水分的需求以及不同发育期对水分的敏感性,是一种识别和预测干旱的新思路。

    A growth model is used in assessing and forecasting drought in order to emphasize the crop 's effects on water consumption and crop 's demand and sensitivity to water in different developmental stages .