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sān qiū
  • three years;the three autumn jobs;the three autumn jobs (harvesting, ploughing and sowing);the third month of autumn;the three months of autumn;general term for autumn harvesting;sowing and ploughing
三秋 [sān qiū]
  • (1) [the three autumn jobs (harvesting, ploughing and sowing)]∶指秋收、秋耕、秋播

  • (2) [the three months of autumn]∶指秋季的三个月

  • (3) [the third month of autumn]∶秋季的第三个月,即农历九月

  • (4) [three years]∶指三年

  • 一日不见,如隔三秋

  • 只言期一载,谁谓历三秋!--李白《江夏行》

三秋[sān qiū]
  1. 花开花落已三秋,我在此校学习已三载。

    For three times the flowers in our school have bloomed and fallen , and for three years I have studied here .

  2. 在“三夏”和“三秋”期间,两茬平作农业生产对农业生产机具的优化配备需求尤为迫切。

    The optimization of agricultural machinery matching is particularly urgent for Sequentill Croping agricultural production in the " three summer " and " harvesting , ploughing and sowing " period .

  3. 华北平原小麦、玉米一年两熟地区,三夏小麦收获后免耕播种玉米的技术与机具比较成熟,而三秋在玉米覆盖地免耕播种小麦的技术与机具刚刚起步。

    The technique and machine which no-till plant maize after the wheat harvest was advanced , but the technique and machine which no-till plant wheat after the maize harvest was unadvanced in two crops a year which plant wheat and maize .