
  • 网络3d transform
  1. 运用MATLAB编程研究图像处理算法:运用直方图规定化进行增强处理,利用三维变换域协同滤波和特定频域滤波器进行去噪处理,利用互相关处理提取缠绕结构特征参数。

    The image processing algorithms with MATLAB codes have been studied . The histogram specification to enhance the contrast , the 3D transform-domain collaborative filtering to denoise , and the cross-correlation process have been used to extract the winding structure parameters .

  2. 其中涉及的主要工作包括:三维变换、消隐、颜色、光照和材质等处理。

    The involving work contains the implementation of 3-D transformation , hidden line and surface , color , light and material .

  3. 本文研究了扫描共轭显微镜的探测位置稍微偏离光轴时显微镜三维变换函数的变化,以及对显微镜成像效果的影响。

    Analytical expressions for the three-dimensional transfer functions for both the reflection and transmission cases are presented and the imaging that can occur if the detector is offset is discussed .

  4. 此外,还建立了特征化变换的色度密度方法。色度密度方法结合物理模型方法的思想和经验方法的技术,将特征化分为一维变换和三维变换两个过程,降低了过程关系的复杂度。

    In addition , a characterization means based on colorimetric density is proposed , which combines the concepts of physics models and the analytical models . The division of the procedure into 1_D and 3_D process significantly decreases the system complexity .

  5. 本文详细介绍了数字水印的研究背景、研究现状、典型算法、视频水印基础、常用的数学变换、视频预处理技术,在此基础上提出了基于三维变换域的鲁棒视频水印算法。

    This paper describes the research background , research status , typical algorithms , basic knowledge , common mathematical transformation , video pre-processing technology of the digital watermarking . This paper proposes robust video watermarking algorithms based on three-dimensional transform domain .

  6. 结果基于三维刚体变换公式,得到一套PET与MR相应点位置坐标转换方法。

    Results Transform the coordinate from PET to MR based on the 3d-rigid formula .

  7. 应用三维刚体变换方程的PET与MRI坐标转换方法初步探讨

    Study of gamma knife localization using the coordinate transform based 3D-rigid formula from PET to MRI

  8. 研究结果表明,基于三维小波变换的RaySpace图象的数据压缩是非常有效的。

    The results show that it is effective to use three-dimension wavelet-based video coding method to compress ray space image data .

  9. 讨论并实现了基于提升格式三维小波变换的VirtualSPECK视频编码方法。

    D wavelet video coding method with Virtual SPECK is discussed in this paper .

  10. 彩色图象三维DCT变换压缩编码

    Compression Coding of Color Image via 3D DCT Transform

  11. 基于三维DCT变换的NURBS模型鲁棒数字水印嵌入算法

    Robust Watermarking for NURBS Model Based on 3D-DCT

  12. 基于三维Gabor变换的视频水印算法

    A Video Watermarking Algorithm Based on 3D Gabor Transform

  13. 基于三维Arnold变换的数字图像置乱改进算法

    Digital Image Scrambling Improved Algorithm Based on Three Dimensions Arnold Transformation

  14. 针对现有图像压缩标准(DCT变换+运动补偿)在高压缩比时,方块效应严重影响主观质量这一问题,提出了一种基于三维小波变换的图像序列压缩算法。

    A new scheme based on 3-D wavelet transform for image sequence compression coding is proposed .

  15. 超声针头斜面向下乳化劈裂技术在白内障超声乳化术中的应用基于三维Hough变换的三维超声针状物体检测

    Bevel-down phaco chop in phacoemulsification Needle Segmentation Using the 3D Hough Transform in 3D Ultrasound Images

  16. 基于YC子阵的彩色图像三维矩阵变换压缩编码

    3D matrix transform compression coding of color image based on YC submatrix

  17. 三维小波变换在IBR数据压缩中的应用

    Application of 3 D Wavelet Transform in IBR Data Compression

  18. 提出了一种基于非对称三维小波变换(3Dwavelettransform,简称3DWT)和三维集合块分裂的超光谱遥感图像压缩方法。

    In this paper , a new hyperspectral remote sensing image compression method based on asymmetric 3D wavelet transform and 3D set partitioning scheme is proposed .

  19. 有效的三维DWT变换的可伸缩码流组织方法,能进一步提高视频码流的可伸缩转换、解码的能力。

    The efficient organizational format of scalable 3D wavelet coefficients improves the scalability of video data stream for transcoding and decoding .

  20. 介绍了基于三维坐标变换的p-q-r谐波检测法,并从理论上详细分析了该检测方法的局限性。

    This paper introduces a harmonics currents detecting method based on p-q-r theory .

  21. 本文提出的三维投影变换及反投影重建,不仅可以应用在放疗计划的设计过程中,也可用在多层CT的成像过程、数字减影等多种三维图像重建中。

    This presented 3-D projection transformation and back-projection reconstruction can be applied not only in the program of radiotherapy treatment planning , but also in some 3-D image reconstruction procedures , e.g. , the imaging of multi-slice CT and the 3-D reconstruction of DSA .

  22. XYZ视频编码算法是一种三维DCT变换算法,由于量化后非零系数不集中,导致压缩率不高。

    XYZ video coding algorithm is a 3-D DCT based method , with a defect that non-zero coefficients are not dense enough after quantization , which directly results in low compression ratio .

  23. 研究了三维小波变换编码方法,分析了运动补偿时域滤波器(MCTF)的性能。

    Three-dimension wavelet video coding techniques are studied , and the motion compensation temporal filtering ( MCTF ) is analyzed .

  24. 为了在世界场景中应用三维观察变换,讨论了三维观察变换的原理,详细介绍了实现方法,并在此基础上给出了基于OpenGL的代码程序段。

    In order to apply 3D viewing transformation in the world scene , this paper discusses the theory of the 3D viewing transformation and introduces the realizing methods . Besides , it delivers the code segment based on OpenGL .

  25. 实验表明,与基于矢量量化方法的三维矩阵变换压缩方法相比,本文方法的优点是对具体的图像无依赖,并在压缩整体效果方面已经优于JPEG方法。

    The experiments showed that compared with the 3D matrix transform compression technique based on the vector quantization , the proposed technique is favorable by being independent of the given image and has better overall compression effect than technique JPEG .

  26. 以图像信息安全问题为背景,讨论了三维Arnold变换及其逆变换的周期性,并用实例说明三维Arnold变换在数字图像置乱中的作用。

    As the research background of image information securing , the periodicity of three dimension Arnold transformation of digital images is discussed , and also discussed the periodicity of three dimension Arnold contrary transformation . Experimental results show the function of Arnold transformation in digital image scrambling .

  27. 一种彩色视频图像序列的三维小波变换编码方法

    An algorithm for coding color video signal using 3D-wavelet transformation

  28. 基于分块三维小波变换的视频图像序列编码方法的研究

    An algorithm for video signal coding based on 3D-wavelet transformation

  29. 三维小波变换结合运动补偿的视频编码器

    Video Coder Based on 3-D Wavelet Transform and Motion Compensation

  30. 基于动态分组的三维小波变换方法

    Three dimensional wavelet transform based on dynamic group of frame