
  1. 通过引入恰当形式的状态反馈,消除了2D广义系统的无穷远极点,得到了相应的闭环系统。

    Introducing the state feedback with proper form , the infinite poles of 2-D singular systems are eliminated . Accordingly , the closed-loop systems described by Roesser model are obtained .

  2. 通过研究用户目标,我们自然能找到程序的恰当形式。

    By examining users ' goals , we are naturally guided to an appropriate form for the application .

  3. 讨论了泊松方程的数值解,推导了非均匀结点下的迭代公式,给出了边界条件的恰当形式。

    A numerical solution to poisson 's equation for MIS structure is discussed in detail . An iterative formula for a nonuniform mesh is derived and suitable boundary conditions are also given .

  4. 公司治理所需解决的根本问题是要利用有效的激励和约束的手段促使公司的经理作出符合股东利益的决策和行为,其中一个重要的手段是为经理提供恰当形式的报酬激励。

    The fundamental concern of the corporate governance is that the manager should be led to behave as the interests of the shareholder via incentives and supervisions , and one important way is to provide the manager the proper scheme of payment .

  5. 它将确保文档扩展和标题恰当且形式良好,并且以Ajax友好的XML形式显示您的全部早餐。

    It will make sure the document extension and headers are all appropriate and well formed , and serve up all your breakfasts in Ajax-friendly XML .

  6. 挑选恰当的形式与渠道传递商务信息;

    Select appropriate organizational formats and channels used in developing and presenting business messages .

  7. 把这些用户特征用恰当的形式和数据结构表示出来,就构成了用户模型。

    Express these user 's characteristics with appropriate form and data structure , which constitutes a user model .

  8. 随着经济的发展与企业实体规模的壮大,作为一种最恰当的形式的股份公司应运而生。

    With the economic development and growth of enterprises ' scale , as the most appropriate form , joint-stock company comes forth .

  9. 绘画语言总在寻求一种恰当的形式来体现特定时代社会面貌以及人的思想情感。艺术作品可以折射出特定时代的文化、生产力水平。

    The language is looking for an kind form fitting to express the social feature and person ' emotion in particular ages .

  10. 该服务被调用时,将通知承担任务的个人进行相关工作,并将输入数据以恰当的形式传递给此人。

    When invoked , the service notifies an individual of a task to do and passes the input data in an appropriate form .

  11. 不难看出,恰当的形式不仅是引起欣赏者审美情感的重要因素,同时也是画家表达情感的方式。

    It is not difficult to see , right form is not only caused by the important factors of aesthetic emotion , is also a painter of expressing emotions .

  12. 唐代工笔仕女画给人的强烈视觉印象就是人物组合的整体气势,以恰当的形式,表达了作品特定的意蕴,充分体现了民族绘画艺术的特点。

    Tang ladies painting gives the strong visual impression that the overall stature figure portfolio , in an appropriate form , and expressed the Meaning of specific works fully reflect the national characteristics of the art of painting .

  13. 当能够证明政府规制的有效性时,规制安排的存在才是合理的。设计和选择恰当的规制形式,有利于降低因寻租设租和自然垄断造成的效率损失,减少规制活动本身的成本。

    When the efficiency of regulation can be proven , the regulatory arrangement is reasonable .

  14. 企业在建立诊断制度时必须结合企业实际,选择恰当的诊断形式。

    The enterprises should choice correct form according to the reality when they build Self-diagnose System .

  15. 作为法律的载体,法律语言必须以恰当的语言形式表述法的内容。

    As the carrier of statues , this language requires a correct form to express its content .

  16. 从这个意义上,你可以将帝国认作是这个新自由主义全球结构的恰当的政治形式。

    You might think of Empire in this sense as the adequate political form to the global regime of neoliberalism .

  17. 关于偏微分方程解的规模,恰当解,形式幂级数解和序的优化

    On the size of solution , proper solution , formal Taylor series solutions and the optimization of orderings for some PDEs

  18. 要开好主题班会,必须精心设计,紧扣学生心理与特点,选择恰当的组织形式。

    To make a good topic , it must be carefully designed , centered around mentality and characteristics of students , select the appropriate forms .

  19. 工程实践证明,采用恰当的结构形式和基础形式,利用不同的方法,完全可以避免设置沉降缝。

    Engineering practice proved that we can avoid setting settlement joint if we adopt suitable form of structure and foundation , take a great diversity of methods .

  20. 真正面向市场、自主经营的林业股份合作制企业的建立,为转换企业森林经营机制及改革森林资源管理体制提供了恰当的实现形式。

    The development of share - cooperation enterprises with market-orientation and independent management make the transformation of forest management mechanism and the reform of forest resources management system into reality .

  21. 教师应在对应用写作课内容深入研究的基础上,根据课程内容的特点选择恰当的表现形式,同时应注意调动学生自主学习的积极性。

    Teachers who have a better understanding of the content of Practical Writing are expected to choose a proper way of display according to the content of teaching materials and try to inspire the enthusiasm of self-learning in students .

  22. 对于这样一门以探索性学习为核心的综合实践课程,恰当运用案例教学形式,与讲授教学形式互补互进,将使物业管理教学变得异彩纷呈。

    As to this comprehensive practical course centered on research , proper application of case teaching combined with lecturing will make housing management class vivid .

  23. 语用-语言失误是人们在运用语言进行交际的过程中违反语用原则,使用不恰当的语言表达形式造成的语用失误。

    This paper is written to study pragma-linguistic failures , which result from the inappropriate use of linguistic expressions in violation of pragmatic principles in the course of communication .

  24. 因此许多类颜色排列成恰当的模式/形式,要求把合适的外形和严格的采用一定的精心设计的姿势相结合。

    Thus the arrangement of colors of many kinds into an appropriate pattern requires the cooperation of a suitable shape and the rigidly exact adoption of a certain elaborate attitude .

  25. 因此,需要引进案例教学方法、选择恰当的案例教学形式、设计完善的教学案例,使案例教学成为税务稽查教学的常规手段。

    It is necessary to introduce new case-teaching methods , choose appropriate teaching model and design perfect teaching cases to make case-teaching a routine method in the teaching of tax inspection .