首页 / 词典 / good


qià hǎo
  • just right;exactly right;as luck would have it;in the nick of time;in perfect;right;apropos;just;directly;happen;slap;smack
恰好 [qià hǎo]
  • (1) [just right]∶正好;刚好

  • 这块布恰好够做一件衬衣

  • (2) [in the nick of time]∶适值其时

  • 援兵恰好这时赶到

  • (3) [in perfect]∶形式精确或比例一致地

  • 它的裂缝恰好与底面相平行

恰好[qià hǎo]
  1. 他用以批评现代社会的言论恰好反映了他自大武断的性格。

    His words criticizing modern society just right indicate his pontifical character .

  2. 去年夏天,我从上海乘船到外婆家去,恰好碰到他也从部队回家探亲。

    Last summer I traveled by boat to my grandmother from shanghai , and just right met him who went home to visit his relatives from army .

  3. 当时他恰好出现在我的视线中。

    He had placed himself directly in my line of sight .

  4. 这恰好证实了我长久以来所说的。

    This just proves what I have been saying for some time .

  5. 这个玻璃杯放在大罐口上恰好当个盖子。

    The glass fits on top of the jug to form a lid .

  6. 你恰好与你以前说的自相矛盾。

    You 've just contradicted yourself .

  7. 我们正谈论着她,恰好在这个时候,她走进来了。

    We were just talking about her when , at that precise moment , she walked in .

  8. 就在那时,我恰好环顾了下四周。

    It was just then that I chanced to look round .

  9. 然后巧克力被熔化到了恰好的温度。

    The chocolate is then melted down to exactly the right temperature .

  10. 展览恰好在他逝世50周年之际举行。

    The exhibition coincides with the 50th anniversary of his death

  11. 他恰好拥有这里一半的土地。

    He happens to own half the land round here

  12. 他解释说黄热病的流行恰好减缓了城市的扩张。

    He explained the yellow fever epidemic as a providential act to discourage urban growth

  13. 我并没有一直在看奥运会,当时只是恰好换到这个频道。

    I just happened to switch over although I haven 't been watching the Olympics

  14. 部分原因在于:工业恰好在城市的中心。

    In part that 's because industry is smack in the middle of the city .

  15. 从铺路石缝隙间长出的植物恰好营造出乡间农舍花园小径的感觉。

    Plants growing out of cracks in paving strike the right note up a cottage-garden path .

  16. 警匪剧在电视上盛行之时恰好是西部片衰退之际,这并非偶然。

    It 's no accident that the boom in police series on TV coincided with the decline of the Western .

  17. 恰好是在25年前的今天,英格兰队在世界杯上夺冠,到达了足球运动的巅峰。

    Twenty-five years ago , to the day , England reached the sport 's pinnacle by winning the World Cup .

  18. “快8点了。”恰好在这时小教堂晨祷的钟声敲响了。

    ' It 's almost eight o'clock . ' As if on cue the bell in the chapel began to toll for Matins .

  19. 我身边恰好有官方的统计数字。

    I happen to have the official statistics with me .

  20. 他到达时我恰好在车站上。

    I happened to be at the station when he arrived .

  21. 她恰好在医生所说的预产期分娩了。

    She delivered exactly when the doctor predicted she would .

  22. 她来访时,我们恰好外出了。

    We chanced to be out when she called .

  23. 恰好他们在这儿。

    As it happens , they are here .

  24. 那恰好是我的观点。

    That was precisely my own view .

  25. 我朋友恰好来了。

    My friend happened along .

  26. 我正要找你,恰好你来了。

    I was just going to look for you and here you are .

  27. 球恰好打在他的胸口上。

    The ball struck him full on the chest .

  28. 他恰好也正往那边走。

    He happened to be going that way too .

  29. 恰好整一年。

    It 's a year to the day .

  30. 你今天的答复跟上星期说的恰好相反。

    Your reply today is in direct contradiction to what you said last week .