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suí jí
  • immediately;presently;therewith;hereupon
随即 [suí jí]
  • [presently;immediately] 立刻;即刻

  • 牛元峰待援无望,趁黑夜率领残部突围向西逃跑,我七十五师的战士,随即跟踪追击。--《奠基礼》

随即[suí jí]
  1. 他们随即一见如故,两人的很多爱好都相同。

    They clicked immediately . They loved the same things .

  2. 随即,人们都醒了,我听见西尔弗喊道:谁在那儿?

    Immediately , men began to wake up , and I heard Silver 's voice shout , Who 's there ?

  3. 天空骤然转暗,随即下起雨来。

    The sky suddenly went dark and it started to rain .

  4. 合并消息传出,股价随即暴跌。

    Share prices took a sharp tumble following news of the merger .

  5. 他冷冷地笑了笑,随即便靠在椅背上。

    He smiled drily and leaned back in his chair .

  6. 货币供应量的改变随即引起支出的相应改变。

    A change in the money supply brings a corresponding change in expenditure .

  7. 观众随即起立欢呼。

    The audience thereupon rose cheering to their feet .

  8. 爆炸发生后随即封锁了火车站入口。

    The entrance to the train station was closed off following the explosion .

  9. 在近来的炸彈袭击之后,大街上随即出现了示威游行。

    There have been demonstrations on the streets in the wake of the recent bomb attack .

  10. 机务人员关错了引擎,随即飞机坠毁。

    The crash occurred when the crew shut down the wrong engine

  11. 内政部会议结束后,声明随即发表。

    The announcement came after a meeting at the Home Office

  12. 她的眼皮随即动了一下,然后睁开了眼睛。

    In a moment her eyelids flickered , then opened

  13. 飞机起飞之后不久,就有一个引擎出现故障,随即便一头撞上了大楼。

    The plane slammed into the building after losing an engine shortly after take-off

  14. 他抱怨她喝得太慢,随即又把她的杯子续满。

    He topped her glass up after complaining she was a slow drinker .

  15. 马克说这些都是凯蒂自己的想法,并随即称赞起她的天赋来。

    Mark says the ideas are Katie 's own , and is quick to praise her talent

  16. 雷切尔一出现她就认出她来了,随即停下了手中的活儿。

    She recognized at the same instant Rachel 's presence . It pulled her up short .

  17. 呼吸测醉检测显示其饮酒量是法定驾车饮酒限量的两倍多,他随即在南安普顿的家中被捕。

    He was arrested at his home in Southampton after a breath test showed he had drunk more than twice the legal limit for driving

  18. 她瞟了一眼睡着的孩子,随即匆匆离开了。

    She glanced at the sleeping child and then hurried away .

  19. 他随即听到了脚步声。

    Presently he heard the sound of footsteps .

  20. 化工厂提出增产节约的倡仪,其他工厂随即响应。

    The chemical plant proposed to increase production and practise economy and other factories presently responded .

  21. 无论到哪儿他都能随即适应新环境。

    Wherever he goes , he readily accommodates to new circumstances .

  22. 团团乌云渐近,天色随即转暗。

    The sky blackened as the rain clouds approached .

  23. 烛火摇曳着,随即熄灭了。

    The candle flame flicked and went out .

  24. 她随即就把他甩了,甚至连封分手信都没有写

    She threw him over offhandedly without even a dear-john letter .

  25. 玫瑰会盛开,随即又凋零,

    A rose will bloom , it then will fade

  26. 科尔随即用石版印刷了1000张,之后又让人给这些卡手工着色。

    Cole printed 1000 of the cards on a lithograph stone before having them hand-colored .

  27. 明天,”随即她又毫不相干地说:“你应当看看宝宝。

    To-morrow ! \\ " Then she added irrelevantly : \\ " You ought to see the baby . \\ "

  28. 就在这巨痛和吃惊之际,我的双枪响了,随即枪也从手中滑落。掉下去的不光是两枝枪。

    In the terrible pain and surprise of the moment , both my pistols went off and fell from my hands .

  29. 酋长随即要求族人捡更多的木柴,然后再次给国家气象局打电话:“你肯定吗?”

    The chief tells his people to gather even more firewood , then calls the Weather Service again : " Are you sure ? "

  30. 这篇发表在《生物学快报》期刊上的研究发现,花粉通常粘在蛾子毛茸茸的身体上,等到夜间活动时,随即被运送到各种各样的植物和花朵上。

    The study published in the journal Biology Letters found that pollen4 often sticks to the moth 's hairy body and is then transported to a wide range of plants and flowers during their nighttime travels .