
  1. X染色体随机失活类型的分析不但为克隆性分析提供了可能性,而且可以显示同一疾病不同个体的易感性。

    Random inactivation of one X-chromosome in somatic cells offers a probability for the clonality analysis .

  2. RTT患儿非随机失活的X染色体主要起源于父亲。

    Non - random XCI was not the main XCI pattern in RTT patients . The priority inactive X chromosome was mainly of paternal origin .

  3. 由于女性患者和男性一样出现症状,推测这可能是等位基因随机失活导致的显性遗传表现。

    Several female patients with the same clinical manifestations as male patients in the 2 families suggest that the X-linked dominant inheritance of the disease , possibly related to be the random X chromosome inactivation .