
suí lèi fù cǎi
  • 熟语conformity to kind in applying colors
  1. 中国传统绘画中的随类赋彩

    Employing the Best Color with Kinds in Chinese Traditional Drawing

  2. 论中国画的随类赋彩

    On Following Different Type to Color in Chinese Painting

  3. 随类赋彩&谈高温颜色釉综合装饰

    Along with kind of tax color & discusses the high affable countenance colored glaze synthesis decoration shallowly

  4. 中国早期绘画重视色彩的运用,山水画出现初期也遵循随类赋彩的法则。

    In the paintings of earlier period of China importance was attached to the use of colors .

  5. “随类赋彩”是中国绘画色彩体系的核心内容。随类,是绘画主体认识客体色彩的行为;

    " Application of Colors according to Categories " is an essential component of the color scheme of Chinese painting .

  6. 随类赋彩理论是对中国传统绘画理论的继承与总结。

    Employing the best color to an object with its kind is the succession and recapitulation of Chinese traditional painting theory .

  7. 随类赋彩水晕墨章&论中国画的色彩观

    To Colour with Given Categories and to Make the Painting Water and Ink Halo & On the colour value in Chinese paintings

  8. 从随类赋彩谈起&解读现代重彩山水画色彩观念的发展

    Discussing from " Different Kinds with Different Colors " & Interpreting the Development of Color Sense in Modern Landscape Painting with Strong Colors

  9. 早期的工笔花鸟画的设色原则随类赋彩和抒情性就显现出鲜明的民族特征。

    The original painting principles of meticulous painting " drawing color adheres to the type " and " lyricism " have appeared distinct national characteristics .

  10. 这些结沦会因为研究者自身价值趋向的不同而生差异,同时,也可能会因为解读的角度不同依据不同,从而逐渐脱离开随类赋彩的原意。

    These conclusions because researchers themselves tended to vary the variance , meanwhile , also may be reading different angles based on different , thus gradually disengaging " assign a color with class " intent .

  11. 在技法方面,对于随类赋彩的解读最终可以落实到一个最简单最朴素的解释&主色调,也就是根据画面的主色调去赋子色彩。

    Assigning a color interpretation of class can eventually be translated into one of the most simple and plain explanation & main colors , is based on the main color to give the color of the picture .

  12. 从本质上来说,则是与中国画色彩观念的革新紧密相联,即对随类赋彩与墨分五色传统色彩观的不断超越。

    However , this form of painting owes much to the revolution in the color beliefs of the Chinese paintings , i.e. a surpass beyond the traditional color belief of giving touches of painting depending on categories and division of colors into five groups .

  13. 实际上,随类赋彩的随类有二,一个是精神的、形而上的类,这个类在传统中国绘画理论中得到了允分的重视与深入的讨论,表现为对色彩主观性的强调。

    In fact , assigns a color class class there are two . one is spiritual , metaphysical " class "," class " in the traditional Chinese painting theory has been sufficient attention and in-depth discussions , characterized by emphasis on the subjectivity color .

  14. 从魏晋时期谢赫在其《古画品录》中提出随类赋彩已有一两千年的历史,这一概念一经提出,便对于以后中国绘画的色彩体制产生了深远的影响。

    It has been thousands of years since Xie he put forward the idea " drawing color adhere to the type " in his work in the dynasty of Wei Jin . This idea produced a profound influence on the color system of the Chinese painting .

  15. 山水画的色彩观受到儒释道文化影响,尤其受道家思想影响,视水墨为玄的母色,用色重观念色,遵循随类赋彩的法则。

    Landscape painting color view by Confucianism , Buddhism , Taoism culture influence by Taoist thought influence , especially for the xuan , depending on the ink " mother color ", coloring heavy lubricious , follow the " with the concept of the law of FuCai " .