
  1. 南朝谢赫六法中明确提出了应物象形之说。

    In " six method " of sheikh explicitly put forward " should object shape ," said .

  2. 但描绘物的目的不同,存在着象形与观我的差异,故文中标题将宋、元写实传统分别概括为应物象形与以物观我。

    But the purposes of painting are different , as the title indicates : " Describing objects as they are " and " describing objects to reflect ego " .

  3. 到了两宋时期,工笔形态的花鸟画发展到了一个空前繁荣的全盛时代。在应物象形、意境营造、笔墨技巧等方面都臻于完美。

    By Northern Song Dynasty and Southern Song Dynasty , meticulous-style flower-bird painting had developed into unprecedented palmy days and become almost perfect in realistic depiction , artistic imagery creating and painting techniques .