
  1. 用白粉点最亮的部分,加强体积感。

    The brightest parts were pointed with white powders to make it look more three-dimensional .

  2. 嘴巴由于下巴骨骼的向下拉伸而变窄了,口腔的体积感明显。

    It starts to narrow as the jaw stretches , giving it a sense of volume preservation .

  3. 以正六边形的镇静、智、固和体积感,象征企业诚实可信,良性发展。

    Hexagon is to be calm , sensible , solid volume and a sense of honesty and credibility symbol enterprises , it says .

  4. 抛弃了运用透视法和光线的明暗在二维平面上创造三维空间和塑造物体的体积感的幻觉艺术语言的方法。

    Master Abandoned using perspective and radial light and shade in the 2d and 3d space creates the illusion of volume of objects of art language .

  5. 记住,光线对于增加图像的真实感,以及投射正确的阴影是非常重要的,因为它将影响物体的体积感和外形。

    Believable lighting is always important to add realism to the picture and correct casting of shadows as well because it will give volume and define shape of any given object .

  6. 在这个基础上,透视法、解剖学、明暗法等科学手段被发现并应用到创作中来,他们的作品往往呈现出鲜明的体积感、精准的透视法和优美动人的人体造型。

    On this basis , perspective , anatomy , science and shading method was found and applied to the painting . Their works are often showing a sharp sense of the size , precisely perspective and beautifully human shape .

  7. 坚实的几何地基与街区的城市构造紧密交织,平滑的中轴将大楼带入轨道,楼冠逐渐变得非现实性,并在高空中削减了建筑的体积感。

    A solid , geometric base knits it tightly into the urban fabric of the city block , while a smoother shaft takes it up into orbit and a crown begins to dematerialise and reduce its volume as it hits the sky .

  8. 研究了马铃薯全粉对面包的水分、酸度、比体积和感观品质的影响,并进行了面包的贮藏试验。

    The effects of whole potato flour ( PF ) on moisture , acidity , specific volume and sensory quality of bread were studied , and a test for bread preservation was carried out .

  9. 主要研究添加不同大豆蛋白制品对面包品质影响,包括面包吸水能力、面包体积、感观、及面包质构等变化,同时研究乳化剂对这种影响消除作用。

    The effects of soybean proteins supplemented on the characteristics of bread , including water absorption , loaf volume , sensory valuation and texture of bread , and the addition of emulsion to wheat flour were studied .

  10. 该电路采用电流型脉宽集成控制芯片UC3842,结构简洁,并充分利用平面变压器体积小、漏感低、电磁干扰辐射低、电流密度高等特点,满足了小型化的要求。

    The planar transformer is used because of its has excellent comprehensive performance such as small volume 、 low leak inductance 、 low EMI radiation 、 high current density and so on compared with traditional transformers .