
  • 网络aspectual meaning
  1. 构式语法理论为研究句子的体义开辟了新途径。

    The construction grammar theory opens up a new approach to the study of the aspectual meaning of the sentence .

  2. 构式语法与英语体义研究

    A Construction Grammar Approach to English Aspectual Meaning

  3. 从英语动词的体义看语言的投射意义

    Meaning of Projection System Seen from the Aspect of Verbs

  4. 英语中每一个动词都有一定的体义,这种体义会影响到投射系统中对意义的选择。

    Each verb in English is born with a certain aspect which affects the choice of meaning in the projection system .

  5. 在同一种语篇类型中不同的上下文所选用的投射关系也不同,这种不同很大程度上与动词的体义有关。

    Discourses of the same type but differ in contexts have different projection relations , which to a large extend , has something to do with the meaning of the verb .

  6. 从构式语法的角度研究体义,可以发现很多过去没有发现的东西,并有助于帮助学生理解和使用英语中的进行体和完成体结构。

    A construction grammar approach to aspectual meaning will help us make many findings , which may benefit our students in their understanding and use of the English progressive and perfect .

  7. 目的:应用颅面种植体解决义耳的支持与固位。

    Objective : The application of extraoral implants for retention and supporting of bone-anchored auricular prostheses .

  8. 词作为形义的统一体,义在其中起着决定性的作用。

    Word is the unity of form and meaning , in which meaning plays a decisive role .

  9. pH敏脂质体对反义寡核苷酸抗流感病毒活性的影响

    Effects of pH sensitive Liposomes on Anti influenza Virus Activity of Antisense Oligodeoxynucleotides

  10. 短时间内阳离子脂质体及反义ODNs对细胞的毒性不明显。

    Cationic lipid and antisense ODNs had no apparent toxicity to the cells during short contact .

  11. 结论:小剂量脂质体转染反义PKCα可抑制CNE-2Z生长,反义PKCα的剂量与细胞生长抑制呈量效关系。

    Conclusion : It is indicated that antisense PKC α transfected with lower dose of LP may suppress growth of CNE-2Z cells , and this inhibitory effect shows a dose-effect relationship .

  12. 常见论文体动词语义分析

    The Semantic Analysis of Verbs in the Research Paper

  13. Na~+-H~+交换体1反义基因磁性纳米微粒体内靶向治疗胃癌的实验研究

    Study on the targeting therapeutic effects of Na ~ + - H ~ + exchanger 1 antisense gene magnetic nanoparticles on gastric cancer

  14. 另外,一些句法结构比如分裂句、认知动词的进行体、反义疑问句、强调句、比较句和否定句等在某些特定的情况下也可以实现评价价值。

    Besides this , appraisal resources can also be realized through " cleft sentence ", " the ing-form of some cognitive verbs ", " disjunctive question ", " emphatic sentence ", " comparative sentence " and " total negation " due to certain situations .

  15. 脂质体转染survivin反义寡核苷酸增加宫颈癌细胞对放、化疗敏感性的实验研究

    Survivin Antisense Oligonucleotide Transfection by Liposome Sensitizes Cervical Cancer Cells to Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy

  16. 脂质体介导反义核苷酸转染骨肉瘤细胞后Survivin与VEGF表达的相互影响

    Expression and Interaction of Survivin mRNA and VEGF mRNA in Osteosarcoma Cell after Transfection of ASODN by Lipidosome

  17. 英语动词进行体的情景体义特征探微

    On the Situational Aspectual Character of the English Progressive Aspect

  18. 方法:脂质体介导反义白介素-1受体相关激酶-2寡脱氧核苷酸转染人胚肾293细胞。

    METHODS : Antisense IRAK-2 ODN was delivered by lipofectin encapsulation into human embryonic kidney 293 cells ( HEK 293 cells ) .

  19. 种植体准确定位是义牙种植规划的基础,定位的精确配准是义牙种植成败的关键。

    The accurate positioning of dental Implant is the foundation of dental implants planning and the accurate registration of the position is crucial to the success of the dental implants .

  20. 体标记的时间指向功能的理论支撑,是体义相交理论。

    The theoretical foundation of time reference function is the Theory of Intersecting between Situation Structure and Grammatical Aspect .

  21. 从目录的辑录体出发,结合《经籍考》,说明了辑录体的定义、义与影响。

    The author also introduces the definition , significance and influence on the style of the compilation of catalogues .

  22. 本文试图讲清楚英语动词进行体研究中常见的,容易引起误解的几个概念,然后再对进行体的情景体义特征进行深入的研究。

    This paper aims at making it clear the several misunderstandings in the research field of the English progressive aspect , and then a further study into the situational aspectual character is carried out .