
  • 网络In-system;Within the system
  1. 农村土地流转的体制内创新

    The Innovation of Rural Land Circulation within the System

  2. 抗争话语转变成利用国家话语,体制内的话语。

    Protest discourse into the use of national discourse , the discourse within the system .

  3. 贸易自由与环境保护是WTO体制内一个新的热点问题。

    Trade freedom and environmental protection is a new hot problem in WTO system .

  4. WTO体制内国内法的可诉性问题

    The Actionability of Domestic Law in WTO

  5. WTO多边贸易体制内的成员不仅在对外贸易政策的制定方面受到WTO各项规则的约束,在其他国内政策和法律的制定方面也受到WTO制度的影响。

    Members in WTO multi-lateral trading system are not only regulated by WTO in their foreign trade policies , but also influenced by the WTO institution in their national policy and law making process .

  6. 在CDMA系统体制内,通过移动台与基站交互,可提供用户位置坐标服务,该业务称为合作定位。

    In a CDMA system mechanism , the position coordinates of users can be provided through interaction between the mobile station and base station , which is known as the cooperative location .

  7. 从GATT(关税与贸易总协定)WTO框架体制内发达国家与发展中国家不同的立法对策方面进行分析,WTO多边合作实质上是非合作博弈。

    On the basis of a review of the different legislative strategies of developed and developing countries , as far as GATT / WTO is concerned , this paper believes that the so called multilateral cooperation between WTO member countries is in fact a non cooperative game of chess .

  8. 第二节对恢复性司法在我国刑事司法体制内的角色予以定位。

    Section II located restorative justice in our criminal justice systems .

  9. 临沂思路:农村信用社的外部监督与体制内改革

    The External Supervision and the Internal Reform of Rural Credit Cooperatives

  10. 改革开放与中国在世界贸易体制内的多边外交

    China 's Multilateral Diplomacy in the World Trading System since Its Reform and Opening-up

  11. 如果答得漂亮,进入体制内的门票就会递到你手中。

    If you speak well , you get handed your entry ticket to the establishment .

  12. 他们在与体制内的信仰者和不信仰基督教的人群的交往中表现出一种张力。

    In fact , they showed a kind of tension contacting with institutional-believers and non-Christians .

  13. 其中,既有体制内的思变因素,也有体制外的革命因素。

    Whereby , there are many factors both within and outside of the party system .

  14. 就连进入英国体制内大门的“入门”考试,也主要考的是没有知识就侃侃而谈的能力。

    Even the entrance exam for the British establishment chiefly tests the ability to talk without knowledge .

  15. 从而电影史上最大规模的影业制度改造发生了,并蔓延到整个电影体制内。

    Accordingly the most radical film system reconstruction took place and then overspread to the whole field .

  16. 但是,最高效的立法者会在这个体制内运作,不会让它过于影响或腐蚀自己。

    But the most effective lawmakers operate within this system without letting it over-influence or corrupt them .

  17. 但S先生承认如果中国的政治体制内爆,“所有的赌都将无效”。

    If China 's political regime implodes ," all bets will be off ", Mr Subramanian admits .

  18. 公共政策主体主要指直接参与政策制定的政治权力主体,即体制内主体。

    Public policy 's bodies mainly refer to the organs with political power that directly participate in policy-making .

  19. 转型时期制约财政政策的最主要因素,是城乡二元经济结构、体制内的非均衡和制度间的非均衡。

    Double-Economic structure and institution disequilibrium have an important effect on expansive financial policy during social transition period .

  20. 人们最初尝试在计划经济体制内进行改革,但都以失败告终。

    At the beginning , they try to reform the planned economic system within it , but failed .

  21. 他理解市场运作的方式,在中国的体制内是一名攻关者和问题解决者。

    He understands the way markets work and he is a troubleshooter and problem-solver in the Chinese system .

  22. 多边贸易体制内发展中国家结盟的集体行动分析

    An Analysis of the Collective Action of Developing Countries ' Forming an Alliance within the Current Multilateral Trade System

  23. 学校用一个长期契约代替一系列短期契约把教师和其他要素组织到科层体制内进行教育服务的生产。

    Schools use a long term contract instead of a series of short term contracts to produce educational services .

  24. 在中国来说,可能在体制内前途比较光明,所以年轻人就往这边走了。

    In China , perhaps the government system is the bright path , so young people automatically choose it .

  25. 国有经济的退出障碍包括体制内和体制外两方面的因素。

    The exit barrier of the state-owned enterprises has become the essential links in the present restructuring our countrys economy .

  26. 尽管他的很多书都无法在中国境内出版,但他仍然在这个体制内持有一个令人不安的位置。

    Though many of his books have been unpublishable inside China , he retains an uneasy place within the system .

  27. 政府深信,在自由市场体制内为工商业提供最大便利,是政府的任务。

    The Government believes that its task is to facilitate commerce and industry within the framework of a free market .

  28. 它是否希望成为下一个越南,在社会主义体制内进行经济和社会改革?

    Does it want to become the next Vietnam , reforming its economy and society from within a communist system ?

  29. 体制内充满张力和冲突,新闻从业者作为新闻场中人,是被场结构所操纵的木偶。

    System is full of tension and conflict . Press practitioners in news field are the puppets manipulated by market structure .

  30. 优步试图募集本土资金,在一定程度上也是为了和中国商界的体制内人士打造关系。

    It has tried to raise local finance , partly in an effort to build ties to China 's business establishment .