
  • 网络System documents;hse
  1. 负责iso体系文件的控制与管理。

    Responsible for controlling and management of ISO system documents .

  2. 电子元器件SPC体系文件模型及符合性探讨

    Study on Model and Conformability of SPC System Document for Electronic Components

  3. 在移动网络质量管理中贯彻ISO9000质量管理体系文件

    Carry Through Quality Management System File Of ISO9000 in Network Quality Management

  4. 加强HSE体系文件的编写完善工程管理制度中的不足

    Strengthen Compilation of HSE System Documentary Fulfil Engineering Management System

  5. 应用ISO9000标准建立护理服务质量管理体系文件

    Setup the nurse service quality management system documents according to ISO 9000 standard

  6. 销售企业HSE管理体系文件编制工作中的体会和认识

    Experience Making HSE Management System File in Vendition Enterprise

  7. 3C认证中需要补充的质量管理体系文件

    Quality Management System Document in China Compulsory Certification

  8. HSE作业指导书在HSE管理体系文件中处于基础地位,起着非常重要的作用。

    As the basis of HSE management system file , HSE operation instruction plays a very important role .

  9. 建立质量体系文件是贯彻ISO9000族标准首先要抓的一个重要环节。

    The establishment of quality system documents is an important step for carrying out the ISO 9000 family of International Standards .

  10. 分析了以往工程施工管理制度文件中的缺陷,提出了编写工程施工HSE体系文件的方法及其值得注意的方面。

    Some shortcomings in documentary compilation of previous engineering construction management system are analyzed . The method and notable aspects for HSE system documentary compilation in engineering construc ˉ tion are presented .

  11. 本文结合低压电器行业的实际情况,重点介绍了1994版ISO9001质量体系文件向2000版标准转换的实际做法。

    As the case may be in the LV electrical apparatus industry , this paper highlights the practice of working on ISO 9001 quality system documents 1994 version towards 2000 version standard .

  12. 在工作过程中,实施hse管理体系文件的各个部门、基层单位和员工应及时向公司hse办公室反映存在的问题。

    During work procedure , all the departments , grassroots organizations and employees , which are responsible for the implementation of HSE management system , shall promptly report the problems existing in the system to HSE Office of the company .

  13. 借鉴ISO9000族标准的过程方法和管理的系统方法,分析了质量管理体系文件编制和运行的控制要求,探讨了质量管理体系文件的结构原理。

    Using for reference the process method and the system approach of management of ISO ? 9000 , this Paper analyzes the controlling requirements for compiling and running documents of quality management systems , and discusses the structure principles of the documents .

  14. 阐述了在3C认证过程中,质量管理体系文件的补充如何既能满足ISO9000标准又能涵盖工厂质量保证能力要求。

    The article introduces the China Compulsory Certification , It is have a concrete instruction of the qualitative system complement . The instruction is about ISO 9000 standard and also include the quality of the factory assure the need of the ability .

  15. 通过分析以往石化建设工程施工管理制度文件中的一些缺陷,提出通过HSE管理体系文件的编写来弥补或完善这些不足,同时论述了编写石化建设工程施工HSE管理文件的方法及其值得注意的方面。

    When some of shortage was analyzed in files of petrochemical engineering construction management system , it was put forward that these shortages were improved by means of documentation of HSE management system file ; at the time its method and notice were discussed also .

  16. 2000版ISO9000标准与94版相比,对体系文件的要求发生了较大的变化,本文就新版标准对质量手册、程序文件和质量记录的要求作了介绍,并就此提出了编写体系文件的基础要领。

    Some changes occurred for the requirement of system documents between the new edition standards and old ISO 9000 series standards . The quality handbook , procedural documents and quality records for new edition standards were introduced , and the basic essentials for writing system documents were also given .

  17. 本文介绍了该厂在贯彻ISO9000系列标准过程中的具体做法,例如怎样围绕体系文件的系统设计等种种要素,把提高产品实物质量作为重点,把体系是否有效运行作为验证以及在实践中的体会。

    To introduce measures they take to implement the ISO 9000 standard : in the course of designing of the system ducoments , put emphasize on the products quality improvements , examine whether the system may operate effectively , etc , The author also discusses his experiences in implementation practices .

  18. 介绍了对ATB(授权的培训机构)和国际焊工考试中心的组织机构、人员、设施与设备、质量体系文件以及申请与评估验收的要求,提出了建立质量管理体系中的几个重要问题。

    This paper introduces the organization structure , personnel , facilities and equipment , quality system document of ATB and International Welder Test Institute , and introduces the requirement of application and assessment acceptance . Several important problems about how to establish the quality management system are also raised .

  19. 问题、视野、思考&关于质量管理体系文件化

    Problem , Vision and Thinking on Quality Management System documentation

  20. 质量体系文件的编制、实施和完善

    Drawing up implementing and improving for the quality system documents

  21. 初探电子媒体在质量体系文件发布中的应用

    Discussion of using electronical media in release method of quality system document

  22. 员工如何获取其工作所需的环境管理体系文件?

    How do employees access EMS documentation needed to conduct their job activities ?

  23. 电信企业质量体系文件计算机辅助管理信息系统的研究

    The studies of Quality Documents of Telegraphic Enterprises Computer Aided Management Information System

  24. 航天靶场质量管理体系文件策划

    Planning of Quality Control System Documentation in Aerospace Site

  25. 介绍了质量体系文件分层和编号的原则和方法。

    Introduces the principle and method of quality system files layering and numbering .

  26. 实验室范围应包含在质量管理体系文件中。

    This laboratory scope shall be included in the quality management system documentation .

  27. 浅谈安全内控体系文件汇编的一般思路与方法

    On common thought and method of document assembly in safe internal control system

  28. 质量体系文件信息管理系统设计

    Design of Management System for Quality System Document

  29. 质量手册和程序文件是实验室质量体系文件中的核心文件。

    Quality handbook and programme are two key documents of the quality system document .

  30. 执行公司的环境方针和体系文件;

    Implement the environment policy and related instruction ;