
  • 网络BSI;british standards institution;BSL;British Standards Institution, BSI
  1. 文献上显示的英国标准协会(BSI)版权日期表明了此文献最近一次发行的时间。

    The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued .

  2. 英国标准协会所订的儿童产品安全标准

    British Standards Institution safety standard for children 's products

  3. 英国工程技术标准协会

    British Engineering Standards Association

  4. 质量评价系统以下指在中国的“绿色标签”和在英国的“标准协会商标”。

    The QA system is hereafter referred to as " GREEN LABEL in China and KITEMARK SCHEME " in the UK .

  5. 鉴于脆性断裂和延性断裂并不是截然分开的,英国中央电力局和英国标准协会提出了双判据分析法,它既适用于脆性断裂,也适用于延性断裂。

    Because that brittle fracture and ductile fracture can 't be taken apart thoroughly , British Centric Electricity Department and British Standard Association put forward Bi-judge criterion , and it suit not only for brittle fracture but also for ductile fracture .