
  1. 在1998年,英国零售商公会开发并介绍了BRC技术标准和方针,为食品产品的零售商和供应商制定的。

    In1998 the British Retail Consortium developed and introduced the BRC technical Standard and Protocol for Companies Supplying Retailer Branded Food Products ( the BRC Food Technical Standard ) .

  2. 奥利弗·克伦威尔成为英国护国公,统治4年之。

    1653 Oliver Cromwell became Lord Protector of England-ruling for over 4 years .

  3. 英国律师公会与印度律师事务所协会均认为,尽管目前其范围仅限于信息交流、访问和年度研讨会,但此项协议仍具有重大意义。

    The deal between the Law Society and the Society of Indian Law Firms is seen by both sides as significant , even though its scope is limited for the moment to exchanges of information , visits and annual seminars .

  4. 英国循道公会自其来华先驱俾士牧师1851年来到香港起就正式开始了其在中国的传教事业。

    When G Piercy arrived in Hongkong in 1851 , English Methodist Missionary Society began her missionary work in China .

  5. 英国在护国公以后向斯图亚特家族提出的要求是这个;

    This is what England demanded of the Stuarts after the Protector ; this is what France demanded of the Bourbons after the Empire .

  6. 他亦是英国公认会计师公会、香港物流商会、香港董事学会等专业组织的会员。

    He is also a member of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants , the Chamber of Hong Kong Logistics Industry and the Hong Kong Institute of Directors .

  7. 学生完成该专业的课程后,将有资格申请英国特许公认会计师公会ACCA相关课程的专业资格考试豁免。

    Students completing the programmes will be able to gain exemptions for up to six courses towards the professional ACCA qualifications .

  8. 在2004年他为电视系列嬴得了英国指导者的公会奖赏“演绎的状态”,一个政治上的惊悚片。

    In2004 he won a British Directors'Guild award for the TV series " State of Play ," a political thriller .

  9. 与英国特许公认会计师公会达成的这份协议周六在华南城市深圳公布,根据该协议,在今年夏季期间,它将帮助培训来自22所中国大学的35名会计学教师。

    Under the ACCA agreement , announced on Saturday in Shenzhen , southern China , the foreign institute will help train 35 accounting tutors from 22 universities during the summer .

  10. 随后的伊丽莎白一世加大了对书商公会的支持力度,1566年《星室法院法令》的出台标志着英国政府与书商公会合作的开始。

    Subsequently Elizabeth I supported the Stationers ' Company with greater intensity . The Star Chamber Decree of 1566 marked the beginning of the corporation between the British rulers and the Stationers ' Company .

  11. 英国律师和行业机构英国律师公会(lawsociety),热衷于推动英格兰法律成为中国等新兴经济体在国际商务领域的首选司法体系。

    English lawyers and the law society , their professional body , are keen to promote English law as a jurisdiction of choice for international business in leading emerging economies such as China .