
qí lè róng róng
  • with happiness knowing no bounds;very cheerful;Joy is overflowing
其乐融融[qí lè róng róng]
  1. 这幕戏的开场描绘了埃及法老阿肯那顿和他的家人其乐融融的情景。

    The opening of the scene depicts Akhnaten and his family in a moment of intimacy .

  2. 老战友欢聚一堂,其乐融融。

    When old comrades-in-arms meet , their happiness knows no bounds .

  3. 我向往一家人工作学习之余其乐融融的在一起。

    I like the families are together happy after working and studying .

  4. 一时间整个敬老院里欢声笑语、其乐融融。

    For a time the entire nursing home where laughter , enjoyable .

  5. 阖家团聚,其乐融融。

    It was a joyful reunion of all the family .

  6. 他言辞敏锐,头脑灵活,与其相伴,真是其乐融融。

    He is fun to be with & verbally sharp and mentally agile .

  7. 两年后,她做了妈妈,一家三口其乐融融。

    Two years later , she made her mother , a three enjoyable .

  8. 我也有家,有亲友,其乐融融。

    You have the life , have the family , have the relatives and friends .

  9. 虽然大家看起来其乐融融,但是在需要你表达的时候,却又总是出错。

    Although we seem enjoyable , when you need express , it is always wrong .

  10. 你想想,包饺子、包粽子都是一家人的仪式,都是其乐融融聚在一起。

    You see , dumplings , dumplings are one family rituals , are happy together .

  11. 每当置身于军人或赛马人士之中,王太后明显地感到其乐融融。

    It is when surrounded by military or racing types that the Queen Mother obviously enjoys herself .

  12. 祝新娘和新郎永远相爱,家庭其乐融融。

    For the Bride and Groom Wishing you love in your hearts , joy in your home .

  13. 一大家人团聚在一起,开开心心、热热闹闹的品尝着美酒佳肴,其乐融融。

    A large family reunion together , a happy heart and solitude to taste delicious wine , feel happy .

  14. 他们总是知道该如何讨妻子的欢心,从而避免了矛盾,一家人其乐融融。

    They know the way of pleasing their wives so to avoid conflicts thus bringing pleasure to the whole family .

  15. 联欢会上两个公司的员工们不分彼此,其乐融融宛如一个庞大的家族。

    During the party , two company 's staffs shared with each other and looked like a big happy family .

  16. 在飘散着欢乐气息的初春季节,田野上是其乐融融的。咦,那大石块后面怎么探出了几个可爱的小脑袋?

    In the season of early spring wrapped in happiness and joy , wild fields are favorite destination for merry-goers .

  17. 不仅身体暖和起来了,心里也是暖暖的,气氛其乐融融。

    The whole body gets warmer as people enjoy the hot food , and the hearts also gets warmer as they commune with one another .

  18. 我们所处的小区氛围友好,每家每户都其乐融融。在寻找儿子下落的40分钟里我还能故作镇定,

    Our new house was in a family friendly estate and despite trying to keep calm for the 40 minutes that we couldn 't find him ,

  19. 而萨沙和玛利亚大部分时间都在调侃我的大耳朵或者古板的西装&米歇尔也经常会加入,她们其乐融融。

    In return , they spend a lot of time teasing me about my big ears or stodgy suits & and Michelle is always happy to join them .

  20. 这种战绩并不常见,尤其是在其乐融融的一群蓝领当中。

    We don 't get to see something special like this very often , particularly from a blue collar group filled with guys just happy to be there .

  21. 这些图片拍摄于Ushakovo村,其中是一派乡村生活其乐融融的景象。

    These ones , taken in Ushakovovillage , for example , portray the best we normally may imagine whenthink about joys and pleasures of life in a countryside .

  22. 您的孩子更可加入“孩童免费食宿”计划!轻松快乐,享受假日,其乐融融。

    What 's more , with our family-friendly " Kids Stay and Eat Free " program , your young ones will enjoy to stay and eat for free !

  23. 这对明星夫妇和年幼的女儿经常登上明星杂志,一家人看起来其乐融融。而就在上月末,凯蒂在纽约提出离婚。

    The couple and their young daughter became a favorite of celebrity magazines and seemed happy until late last month when Holmes filed for a divorce in New York .

  24. 在观察乡野风貌、道路状况、土壤差异、收割情形时,她感到其乐融融。

    In observing the appearance of the country , the bearings of the roads , the difference of the soil , the state of the harvest she found entertainment .

  25. 以真诚的心,满怀着美好的爱去对待每一个人,让身边洋溢着其乐融融的真情;

    With the heart of the sincerity , be full of the fine love to treat each person , let nearby the ocean overflows the genuine feeling that its joy melt ;

  26. 傍晚,携家人一起漫步江滨,小新天地喝杯啤酒、听听音乐,游轮码头观观异国游轮,其乐融融!

    In the evening , riverside walk with family , small new World Cup of beer , listen to music , cruise ships dock view view exotic cruises , happy and harmonious !

  27. 这对皇室中人气最高的情侣——威廉王子和凯特·米德尔顿的婚礼是在全球瞩目下大张旗鼓、其乐融融地举行的。

    The most popular of all Royal couples , Prince Williams and Kate Middleton 's wedding took place with a lot of gaiety and fanfare witnessed live by millions across the globe .

  28. 那是共同探讨学习问题时的默契,是共同分享同学间的小秘密的愉悦,是大家共同分担忧愁,是共同分享快乐,大家在一起其乐融融;

    It is a common understanding of learning problems when it is shared among the students little secret of joy , is our shared sorrow is shared happiness , all together enjoyable ;

  29. 但据法新社报道,在这大家其乐融融的时刻,一位法国记者认为在极具魅力的影展间隙举办这样的颁奖仪式真是“英国人愚蠢性格的无端干扰”。

    A jolly time was had by all but an unnamed French journalist felt that the award was " an unwanted intrusion of British silliness " in the glamorous proceedings , according to AFP .

  30. 然而,在社会飞速发展的今天,几乎每个校门口都出现了这样一道让人深思,但又其乐融融的风景,我们学校也不例外。

    However , the rapid development of society today , almost every school gate have emerged of such a people to ponder , but enjoyable for the landscape , our school is no exception .