
  1. 刘特佐和一名随行的女性查看了顶层公寓76B,并告诉参与该交易的人员,他会支付3055万美元的现金全款购买公寓。他购买其他房产时,也是支付现金全款。

    Mr. Low went to view Penthouse 76B with a retinue of women and told people involved in the deal that he would pay $ 30.55 million & all cash , as in his other real estate purchases .

  2. 这包括现金、厂房和其他房产。

    This includes cash , factory buildings and premises .

  3. 可是如何才能准确得出厂房和其他房产的价值呢?

    But how can we arrive at the precise value of the factory buildings and premises ?

  4. 我们准备投资57%,包括现金、厂房和其他房产。

    We are prepared to contribute 57 % , including cash , factory buildings and premises .

  5. 周三,遭受最沉重打击的是与商场、办公楼及其他商务房产相关的债券。

    The hardest-hit market on Wednesday was for debt tied to shopping malls , office buildings and other commercial property .

  6. 虽然美国很多市场的房价都在上涨,买房人还是可以在止赎房和其他不良房产当中找到不少划算的机会。

    Despite rising home prices in many markets , buyers can still find plenty of deals in foreclosures and other distressed properties .

  7. 一家报纸在周日报道说,在最近几个月,中国游客一直设法在美国房屋市场狂跌的形势下购买到取消抵押赎回权和其他廉价房产。

    Chinese visitors have been seeking to buy foreclosures and other bargain properties in the U.S.plunging housing market in recent months , a newspaper reported Sunday .

  8. 根据以上的研究对酒店式公寓的相关概念、分类和特点,以及酒店式公寓与其他旅游房产的区别加以论述。

    According to the research of serviced apartment above , the basic concepts , the theories and the differences between serviced apartment and other tourism real estate are analyzed .

  9. 自然人或法人购买的住宅、别墅和其他商品房产,房产权归购买者所有。从过去坐等单位福利分房,到现在以个人购房为主体,个人将越来越成为住宅的购买主力。

    In the case of residential houses , villas or other commercial building property purchased by natural persons or legal persons , the building property right shall belong to the purchasers . The individuals will be the main housing purchasers after the benefit housing has been replaced by the pay-for-housing .

  10. 不动产代理人通常帮助其他人处理房产销售的问题。

    Real estate agents usually property sales for other people .

  11. 其中居民用房包括民宅、公寓以及其他特殊用途的房产(例如分时共用房产)。

    Among residential properties , there are houses , apartment buildings and other special-use properties such as time shares .

  12. 女王私人所有的地产包括诺福克桑德林厄姆庄园和阿伯丁郡的巴尔莫勒尔堡还有其他一些小型的房产。

    The Queen also owns personal property including Sandringham House in Norfolk , Balmoral Castle in Aberdeenshire and other smaller houses .