
  • 网络Large template;LDSP
  1. 拼装大模板在西安市北二环东段C标工程中的应用

    Application of Build-Up Large Form Panel in Xi'an Bei-Er-Huan East Section C Contract Project

  2. 以拼装大模板在西安市北二环东段C标工程应用的实例,介绍了拼装大模板的拼装形式、方法、所需的材料规格及数量;详细介绍了拼装大模板的安装步骤及工艺要求。

    Taking the application of build-up large form panel in Xi'an Bei-Er-Huan East Section C Contract Project for example , described hereby are the build-up shape , method , material size and quantity of build-up large form panel , as well as its installation steps and process requirements .

  3. 实践证明,DOKA大模板系统可保证施工进度、质量、安全,并可节约成本。

    It proves that construction schedule , quality and safety goals can be reached with DOKA formwork system , and project cost can be reduced .

  4. 本文将大模板高斯卷积的递归实现引入到结构光条纹中心提取中,提出了一种基于Hessian矩阵的亚像素精度结构光条纹中心提取的改进算法。

    Recursive implementation algorithm of Gaussian convolution with tremendous template size was applied to the center extraction of structured light stripe . An improved method to detect the sub-pixel center of structured light stripe with Hessian matrix was proposed .

  5. 错层结构现浇剪力墙大模板施工

    The construction of large formwork in staggered-floor structural cast-in-situ shear wall

  6. 剪力墙结构钢制大模板施工技术应用

    The application of shear wall structure steel large formwork construction technology

  7. 组合钢制大模板在连续箱梁中的应用

    The application of combination steel form work in continuous box beam

  8. 全钢大模板体系的推广应用及存在问题

    Problems and Spreading and Application of Complete Steel Big Formwork System

  9. 《建筑工程大模板技术规程》编制及说明

    Compilation and Introduction of Technical Regulation of Construction Engineering Large Formwork

  10. 无背楞拼装式全钢大模板技术及应用

    Technology and Application of All-steel Large Formwork with No Dorsal Bar Assembly

  11. 伸缩缝处超长剪力墙大模板设计与施工

    Design of super long shear wall formwork in expansion joint

  12. 高层住宅楼大模板施工工艺的应用

    The application of large formwork construction technology in high-rise building

  13. 剪力墙大模板施工接缝质量问题的探讨

    Investigation of quality problem of joint in big shear wall framework construction

  14. 外墙外保温大模板的施工

    Construction of large formwork of exposed wall outer heat preservation

  15. 竹胶大模板在全现浇框剪结构中的应用

    The Application Of Large Bamboo Plywood Form In All-cast-in-place Frame-shear Wall Structure

  16. 拼装式全钢大模板在某高层建筑工程中的应用

    Application of assembling type of all steel template in some high-rise building

  17. 浅析拆翻大模板在高架桥高墩施工中的应用

    Application of Demolish Formwork in the Construction of High Pier in Viaduct

  18. 大模板结合外保温施工方案的分析

    Analysis on construction plan of large formwork combined with external thermal insulation

  19. 低标准长板式大模板高层住宅改造技术

    Reconstruction technology of low-standard long plate and large-formwork high-rise residences

  20. 大模板施工及其质量通病防治

    Big Model Slab Construction and Prevention and Control of Its Common Quality Failing

  21. 全钢大模板清水混凝土施工技术

    Construction technology of fair-faced concrete with all-steel large formwork

  22. 清水混凝土高强覆膜竹胶板(大模板)施工工艺

    Construction Technique of Plain Concrete with High Strength Film Laminated Coating Bamboo Veneers

  23. 新型塑料套管在大模板施工中的应用

    Application of a new type plastic sleeve pipe in the large formwork construction

  24. 高层住宅工程清水混凝土墙体大模板的设计及应用

    Design and application of huge forms for as-cast-finish-concrete wall of high-rise apartment buildings

  25. 95系列钢框胶合板大模板的开发和应用

    Development and Application of 95 Series Steel-frame Plywood Large-formwork

  26. 高层建筑组合大模板施工技术

    Construction Technique of Assembling Large Formwork for Tall Building

  27. 高层建筑施工工艺&非标准大模板施工工艺

    Construction Technology of Tall Building-Large Pattern of Nonstandard

  28. 竹胶大模板及混凝土楼地面一次成型技术的运用

    The application of large bamboo plywood form and once-through pouring technology of concrete floor

  29. 体育场特大斜梁工程的高、大模板施工技术

    Construction Technology of High and Large Formwork for Stadium with Extra Large Oblique Beam

  30. 本文详细介绍了高强覆膜竹胶板(大模板)施工工艺及预埋件的安装固定方法。

    The techniques of construction and installation and fixing of embedded fittings are introduced .