
dà bǎo yǎn fú
  • A feast for the eyes;glut one's eyes
大饱眼福[dà bǎo yǎn fú]
  1. 观众看了一场非常精彩的网球赛,大饱眼福。

    The crowd were treated to a superb display of tennis .

  2. 足球运动员表现出的速度和技能真是让我们大饱眼福。

    We were treated to an exhibition of the footballer 's speed and skill .

  3. 桂林一游使我大饱眼福。

    The tour of Guilin glutted my eyes .

  4. 安吉利娜·茱丽双胞胎宝贝的照片已让我们大饱眼福,日前茱丽的哺乳照又登上了《W》杂志的封面。

    Weve already seen the baby pictures & now see the photo of Angelina Jolie apparently breastfeeding on the cover of W magazine .

  5. 巴基斯坦首次获得JF-17雷鸣战机订单,一名空军发言人周一说,这款改进型战机在巴黎航展上让观众大饱眼福。

    Pakistan has won the first-ever order for its JF-17 Thunder jet fighter , an air force spokesman said Monday , as the revamped plane dazzled crowds at the Paris Air Show .

  6. 在博物馆对那些艺术品大饱眼福。

    I feast my eyes on the arts in the museum .

  7. 我相信所有的球迷都会大饱眼福。

    I am sure that this confrontation will impress football fans .

  8. 我在她的倩影,她的举动上大饱眼福。

    I have feasted my eyes on her form , her bearing .

  9. 如果是周六,你只需上网就可大饱眼福。

    As of Saturday , all you need is an Internet connection .

  10. 大峡谷的壮美风光使游客们大饱眼福。

    The tourists feast their eyes on the Grand Canyon .

  11. 这座城市美丽的夜景使我们大饱眼福。

    The city 's beautiful night scene regaled our eyes .

  12. 身着黑色比基尼的性感女星实在令人大饱眼福。

    The sexy starlet was a real eye-popper in her black bikini .

  13. 怎么样,您今天是不是大饱眼福呢?

    Well , did you have a feast for your eyes today ?

  14. 那部新动作电影令人大饱眼福。

    The new action movie is a real eye-popper .

  15. 但诺曼的创意不仅仅是让人大饱眼福。

    But Normann creations are more than eye candy .

  16. 我觉得我们今天又能大饱眼福了。

    I think today is going to be a feast for the eyes too .

  17. 作者对各种体育运动的叙述定会令读者大饱眼福。

    The authors'narration to various sports activities will surely make readers feast their eyes .

  18. 改造后的码头使我们大饱眼福;我们改造后的房子象新的一样。

    The rebuilt pier spoiled our view ; our remodeled house seems like new .

  19. 这些画让我们大饱眼福。

    We feasted our eyes on the paintings .

  20. 对于续拍电影的鉴赏家们来说,接下来的几个月尽可以大饱眼福了。

    FOR connoisseurs of derivative film-making , the next few months will be a joy .

  21. 公园独特的游览活动是能够让你大饱眼福的驾车、徒步旅行和攀岩。

    The park 's unique scenery is great for scenic drives , hikes and rock climbing .

  22. 你就是不买东西,逛逛商场也大饱眼福。

    Even if you don 't buy anything , shopping is enjoyable for the visual experience alone .

  23. 女子花样游泳的表演很精彩,让我们大饱眼福。

    The Women 's Water Ballet performance was very wonderful . it was a feast for our eyes .

  24. 还有澳洲西餐厅的调酒师登台表演,让沪友们大饱眼福。

    Also , the bartender from an Australian restaurant put on an entertaining demonstration of how to make a cocktail .

  25. 电影还借鉴了《僵尸先生》中的一些场景,让该系列电影爱好者大饱眼福。

    The movie also includes visual references to ' Mr. Vampire , ' offering ample rewards for movie-goers familiar with the series .

  26. 据介绍,此次展会不仅让市民能够大饱眼福,主办方还将在展会中与玉文化爱好者进行交流,鉴别、观赏。

    According to introduction , except stone and jade show , the sponsors will communicate with jade fans on jade distinguishing and enjoying .

  27. 我相信锻炼可以保持身体健康,当然还有健身房里有那么多可以让我大饱眼福的家伙。

    I 'm a big believer in exercising and staying healthy , plus there 's always a lot of eye candy at the gym .

  28. “激情武汉”融合了中外精湛优美的歌舞表演,将民族精华传播开来,使各国游客大饱眼福。

    Passion Wuhan Show blended Chinese and foreign superb songs and dances that fully displayed our national essence and offered visitors a feast of eyes .

  29. 负责此次活动宣传的蓬勃运动公司也有信心,他们出场将会让当地球迷大饱眼福。

    Integration Sports , the event 's promoter , is betting big that their appearance will satisfy the craving of local fans for a top sports event .

  30. 但是昨天反常的太阳活动造福了北美人民:超级绚丽的北极光此次的延伸范围广得多,使得半个美国的天文爱好者大饱眼福,亲眼见证了北极光。

    But freak solar activity yesterday saw the stunning auroral display stretch much further than usual , as it was spotted by stunned stargazers across half of northern America .