
dà huáng fēng
  • bumblebee;hornet;dor
大黄蜂[dà huáng fēng]
  1. 如果你对毛茛或水仙花那样黄色的质感不满意,而金丝雀或者大黄蜂那样的淡黄色也不符合你的要求,现在,救星来了。

    If you weren 't happy with the quality of yellowness afforded by Buttercup or Daffodil , and if Canary or Bumblebee just didn 't cut the mustard , help is at hand .

  2. SeptimeWebre的华盛顿芭蕾学校的年轻学生表演大黄蜂的角色。

    Septime Webre had young students from the Washington School of Ballet dance the part of bumblebee insects .

  3. 但我打算看Discovery频道的”大黄蜂”节目。

    but there 's this thing about bumblebees on The Discovery Channel that I was planning to watch .

  4. 菲律宾需要F-18超级大黄蜂和一些带有攻击性的直升飞机。

    Philippines need F-18 Super hornets and a few attack helicopters .

  5. 现年26岁的“大黄蜂”创始人惠特尼·沃尔夫将App原有的约会功能加以拓展。使用者可以采用“朋友模式”。在此模式下,如果遇到感兴趣的人,你只要将对方的照片向右滑动就可以相互认识啦。

    Bumble 's founder , Whitney Wolfe , 26 , has extended the app 's dating function to allow users to adopt the ' friend mode ' , meaning you can swipe right on pictures of anyone you 'd like to be gal pals with .

  6. 空军的B-25米切尔型轰炸机从大黄蜂号航空母舰(USSHORNET,CV-12)的甲板上起飞,加入到第一波对日本本土轰炸的机群中去。

    Take off from the deck of the USS HORNET of an Army B-25 on its way to take part in first U.S.air raid on Japan .

  7. 在南部城市班加罗尔,印度空军飞行员驾驶两架由美国波音公司制造的F-18超级大黄蜂战机进行了单机飞行。

    In the southern city of Bangalore , Indian air force pilots have carried out sorties of two F18 " Super hornet " fighter jets manufactured by U.

  8. 在英国,“大黄蜂”拥有的用户超过了五十万。其设计者认为,Tinder上充斥着各种“变态的家伙”和“厚颜无耻的搭讪”。而“大黄蜂”改进了这一点,目的是吸引更多女性朋友。

    Bumble , which has more than 500000 users in the UK , was designed to appeal to women in response to Tinder which its creators believe is full of ' creepy guys ' and ' cheesy pickup lines ' .

  9. 参赛的斗牛犬们有的打扮得像公主、有的像摇滚明星、有的像拉拉队队长、大黄蜂,有的甚至打扮成了白雪公主和Mr.T。而与其它参赛选手不同的是,巴迪几乎“未施粉黛”。

    Buddy competed unadorned , unlike many of his rivals . They dressed up as fairy princesses , rock stars , cheerleaders , bumblebees and even Snow White and Mr. T.

  10. 最后,Dumbledore在古英语里意思是大黄蜂。罗琳在1999年的采访中说:“因为邓布利多非常喜爱音乐,所以我总是想象他经常自己哼个小曲。”

    And finally , " Dumbledore " is an Old English word for " bumblebee . " " Because Albus Dumbledore is very fond of music , I always imagined him as sort of humming to himself a lot , " Rowling said in a 1999 interview . "

  11. 谢谢你,大黄蜂,你永远是我最好的朋友!

    Thanks , BBB , you 're always my best friend !

  12. 寄生在大黄蜂巢穴中的一种蜜蜂。

    A bee that is parasitic in the nests of bumblebees .

  13. 乔伊•霍尼卡特的大黄蜂在以220英里的时速撞毁后被烧得只剩一具空壳。

    Joey Huneycutt 's 220-mph crash left hisCamaro a burned-out hulk .

  14. 我最喜欢的搭配就是我的闪闪雨鞋和大黄蜂连裤袜

    My favorite outfit was the glittery boots and my bumblebee tights

  15. 没办法在不伤害人类的情况下救出大黄蜂。

    There 's no way to free Bumblebee without harming the humans .

  16. 大黄蜂本来是不可以飞翔的。

    The bumble bee shouldn 't be able to fly .

  17. 胡蜂科的模式属;各种各样的大黄蜂和小黄蜂。

    Type genus of the Vespidae : various hornets and yellow jackets .

  18. “大黄蜂”号也可派出同样多的飞机。

    The hornet will probably launch about the same number .

  19. 大黄蜂:我希望能和这个男孩待在一起。

    Bumblebee : I wish to stay with the boy .

  20. 捕食蝉的黑色或铁锈红色大黄蜂。

    Large black or rust-colored wasp that preys on cicadas .

  21. 大多数大黄蜂袭人事件发生在偏远农村。

    Most of the attacks have taken place in remote rural areas .

  22. 就像是布鲁克斯兄弟的那两只大黄蜂。

    Two old wasps going at it like a sale at Brooks brothers .

  23. 大黄蜂看起来像蜜蜂,有时会攻击人。

    Hornets are bee-like insects that sometimes attack people .

  24. 大黄蜂是个勇士,他一直想成为勇士。

    Bumblebee is a brave soldier , this is what he would want .

  25. 简单的说,大黄蜂这种生物是根本不可能飞起来的。

    Say simply , Bumblebee this kind of biology flies far from possibly .

  26. 闪亮的蓝色油漆不是大黄蜂哈德逊

    Shiny blue paint , not just a Hudson Hornet

  27. 和我一起生活,亲爱的大黄蜂?

    And live with me , sweet bumble bee ?

  28. 小心不然大黄蜂会叮你。

    Be careful ( so ) that the bumblebee doesn 't sting you .

  29. 法律能捉小苍蝇,但是捉不住大黄蜂。

    Laws catch flies and let hornets go free .

  30. 起来,大黄蜂,起来。

    Please get up . Bumblebee ? Get up !