
  • 网络university autonomy;institutional autonomy;academic autonomy
  1. 西方大学自治的得失及道德评价

    Gain and Loss of Western University Autonomy and its Moral Evaluation

  2. 与此同时,还对大学自治的得失进行了分析。

    It also analyses the gain and loss of university autonomy .

  3. 美国大学自治的制度保障探析及启示

    Probe into University Autonomous System Guarantee in US & Its Revelation

  4. 美国州立大学自治的两种类型及其边界

    Two Types of Autonomy of American State Universities and Their Borderlines

  5. 英美国家大学自治的特色及启示

    Characteristics of the Institutional Autonomy in Britain and America and Its Enlightenment

  6. 1968年前法国大学自治的沿革&以巴黎大学为例

    University Autonomy in France Before 1968 & Paris University as an Example

  7. 大学自治是西方大学经久不衰的传统。

    The university autonomy is a prolonged tradition of the western university .

  8. 西方五国大学自治的演变及特征

    The Development of Five Western Institutional Autonomy and Their Characteristics

  9. 大学自治就是大学自己决定和管理自己的事情。

    University Autonomy refers to the self-management of the college and university .

  10. 大学自治领域司法审查的基本原理及在我国的实践

    The Principles and Practice of Our Country on University Autonomy

  11. 英国大学自治的理论基础和发展现状

    The English University Autonomy , Its Rationale and Development

  12. 大学自治与个体权利救济&学校与学生的管理法律关系维度

    Self administration of Universities and Remedies for Individual Rights

  13. 学术自由与大学自治,是大学制度文化取向的集中体现。

    Academic freedom and university autonomy are the centralized reflection of cultural orientation .

  14. 大学自治与司法介入有着密切的关系。

    The autonomy of the universities is closely related to the judicial intervention .

  15. 当代中国大学自治管理体制研究

    Study on the Contemporary Chinese University Autonomy Management System

  16. 大学自治:我国高等教育体制创新的哲学阐释

    University Autonomy : Philosophical Explanation to the Creation of National Highter Education System

  17. 中世纪大学自治精神探析

    Analyzing the Essence of the Autonomy of Medieval Universities

  18. 首先,大学自治是西方大学制度的核心问题;

    Firstly , university autonomy is the core of the west university system .

  19. 大学自治研究的基本问题

    Some Basic Issues in the Research of University Autonomy

  20. 论大学自治的限度及其张力

    On the Limitation of University Autonomy and Its Tensility

  21. 中国语境下大学自治的内涵是依法自主办学。

    In china , self-administration of universities means self management based on law .

  22. 博克的学术自由与大学自治观

    Derek Bok on Academic Freedom and Institutional Autonomy

  23. 百年来中国的大学自治与社会干预

    A centennial survey of the self - ruling and social interventions in Chinese universities

  24. 大学自治与外部监督:墨西哥高教考察与启示

    University Autonomy and External Supervision : Interview and Enlightenment of Higher Education in Mexico

  25. 大学自治与司法审查

    Self - government of University and Judicial Review

  26. 它分为教师大学自治和学生大学自治两种模式。

    " Teachers ' University " and " Students ' University " were the two models .

  27. 大学自治中的腐败及其纠防体系探析

    An Approach to the Corruption in the Development of University Autonomy , its Correction and Prevention System

  28. 大学自治、学术自由是有关大学理念的两个经典命题。

    Autonomy of university and academic freedom are two classical proposition on the idea of a university .

  29. 论大学自治

    On the University Autonomy

  30. 关于我国公立大学自治权内在结构的法律分析

    Research on the Internal Structure of the University Autonomy about Our Public Universities in the Area of Law