
  • 网络Tsunami;Megatsunami
  1. 大海啸把印度洋沿岸地区都淹没了。

    Coastlines all around the Indian Ocean inundated by a huge tsunami .

  2. 日本大海啸时,中国人提供帮助了没?

    Did they give aid to Japan during their tsunami earthquake disaster ?

  3. 日本经历了“失落的十年”,但即便如此,在大海啸之前的2010年,日本也是零通胀,失业率仅为5%,GDP增速超过3%。

    Even though Japan had this lost decade , in 2010 , before the tsunami struck , Japan had no inflation with only 5 % unemployment and over 3 % GDP growth .

  4. 他有侥幸逃过那场大海啸吗?

    Did he have a narrow escape from the big tsunami ?

  5. 世纪劫难:印度洋的强地震与大海啸给世人的警示

    Century Hazard Strong Earthquake and Tsunami in the Indian Ocean

  6. 约翰:大海啸把印度洋沿岸地区都淹没了。

    John : Coastlines all around the Indian Ocean inundated by a huge tsunami .

  7. 在大海啸袭击之前,一场血腥的独立运动已在那里持续三十年了。

    A bloody __3__ conflict raged there for 30 years before the tsunami hit .

  8. 印度洋大海啸将对中国与相应地区渔业贸易有何影响?

    What 's effect of Indian Ocean tsunami vigorous to fishery trade on China and related areas ?

  9. 他们原计划在斯里兰卡举行婚礼。但由于前不久发生的大海啸而不得不另选地点。

    They had planned to wed in Sri Lanka but had to swap locations after the tsunami disaster .

  10. 大量的泥石伴随着山体滑坡涌入海中,形成了大海啸。

    The immense volume of earth moved in the landslide caused a tsunami when it hit the sea .

  11. 渔夫们认为,出现鱼类大规模聚集这样的奇观,与日本地区所发生的大海啸有关,海啸致使水流发生了改变。

    The fishermen attributed the strange phenomenon to the unusual currents unleashed by tsunami that followed the earthquake in Japan .

  12. 2004年年底发生的大海啸在瞬间之内就毁掉了许多美丽的城市。

    A lot of beautiful cities were destroyed in a flash by the big tsunami that happened at the end of2004 .

  13. 报告题目:澳大利亚大海啸之争议:地质记录的证据,以及对华南古代海岸越浪沉积的启示。

    The Australian mega Tsunami debate : insights from the geological record and lessons learned for palaeowashover studies in southeast China .

  14. 她把在缅甸灾情跟2004年造成22万5千多人丧生的印度洋大海啸相比较。

    She compares what she saw in Burma to the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami that killed more than 225000 people .

  15. 当你深爱之人丧生滚滚岩浆或者超级大海啸,接着应该干嘛?

    When almost every single person you are close to dies in a fiery blaze or drowns in a massive tsunami , what would you do ?

  16. 这座佛像原本置于室内,但自1945年的大海啸冲毁外面的建筑后,它就一直被放在室外并面朝大海。

    Originally this statue stood in the middle of a great hall.In1945 there was a huge tsunami that destroyed the hall and swept the statue away .

  17. 在人类悲剧面前谈论经济法则,似乎有悖常理,尤其是在印度洋大海啸这样的灾难面前。

    The laws of economics can appear perverse in the face of human tragedy , and this seems particularly the case where the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster is concerned .

  18. 当全球房市还垄罩在2008年金融大海啸中不知何时翻身,中国的资金已俏俏进场。

    When the global ridge covers the housing market also in2008 , do not know when the financial tsunami in turning China 's capital has been pretty smart approach .

  19. 发生在2004年年底的东南亚大海啸使得如何有效地建立起自然灾难的预警系统已成为当前各国关心的一个热门话题;

    The tsunami which was happened in South-Asia 2004 had made lots of people lost their life and property . Nowadays , how to establish effective prediction systems is a hot topic in the world .

  20. 2011年3月,东日本海域发生地震,席卷而来的大海啸重创全国。灾难过后,曾传出的士司机在灾区载到“鬼乘客”的报道,听来颇为骇人。

    In a chilling turn of events , some taxi drivers in Japan are claiming to have picked up ' ghost passengers ' in the aftermath of the tsunami that devastated the nation in March 2011 .

  21. 户田公明说:我们从未预料到会发生这么大的海啸。

    We have never expected such a big tsunami , says Mr Toda .

  22. 日前,马来西亚的《每日新闻报》因刊登著名动漫形象奥特曼逃离日本大地震海啸追袭的漫画而引发骚乱,周一这家报纸公开表示道歉。

    A Malaysian newspaper publicly apologised Monday after it triggered uproar with a cartoon depicting the popular Japanese icon Ultraman running away from an oncoming tsunami .

  23. 这是在法国东边山脉所形成的叫“MassifDeLaChartreuse”的超奇特岩石,它的形状就像是大海浪或者海啸翻腾时的样子。

    A super unique of rock formations called Massif De La Chartreuse at the eastern mountain of France . Rock formations look like a big wave or tsunami .

  24. 一直对日本文化兴趣浓厚的GwenStefani也宣布要捐出100万美元给紧急救助基金来救助在日本大地震和海啸中受害的孩子们。

    Gwen Stefani , a long-time fan of Japanese culture , also announced she will contribute $ 1 million to Save the Childrens Japan Earthquake-Tsunami Children in Emergency Fund .

  25. 印度洋大地震与海啸灾害综述

    Review on the India Ocean Large Earthquake and Disaster Caused by Tsunami

  26. 1604年泉州海外大地震及其海啸影响分析

    Analysis of the 1604 Quanzhou offshore earthquake-tsunami effects

  27. 近期最能反映这一突出问题的是今年3月份的日本大地震和海啸。

    Perhaps little highlights the issue more recently than the March earthquake and tsunami in Japan .

  28. 应急部门对于大地震和海啸的反应,展现了日本最好的一面。

    The reaction of emergency authorities to the great earthquake and tsunami showed Japan at its best .

  29. 日本的这场危机是由三月十一的大地震及海啸的巨大破坏引起。

    The crisis in Japan is the result of damage from the March eleventh earthquake and tsunami .

  30. 日前,突如其来的日本大地震和海啸使传统的通信渠道遭到严重破坏。

    Natural disasters such as the earthquake / Tsunami in Japan last night disrupt traditional channels of communication .