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  • 网络Dayue;Okoshi;Dai Viet;ADAYO;i Vit
  1. 他是个典型的男人,年龄越大越孩子气。

    He 's a typical male , as he gets older he becomes more juvenile .

  2. 因此,炭黑粒径越大越有利于提高IIR的阻尼性能。

    Therefore , the damping properties of IIR were improved with the carbon black particle size increasing .

  3. 在解决像旅行商这类组合优化中的NP完全问题,是极易陷入早熟收敛,城市规模越大越难求得最优解。

    GA easily traps in permutation for ( NP-hard ) problem such as TSP , especially when the city scale is large .

  4. 对于反应体系的pH值来说,降解COD和酚,最佳的pH值为7;降解NH4~+-N,pH值越大越有利于降解;

    The optimum pH value is 7 for decreasing COD and phenols , but for degradation of NH4 + - N the pH value is as higher as possible ;

  5. 在固定泵浦功率下,输入Stokes波峰值功率越大越容易出现增益饱和而导致脉冲的延迟时间变小。

    At a given pump power , higher input Stokes power is more easily to reach the gain saturation and leads to a smaller time delay .

  6. 但是,接口越大越复杂,就越难为每个单元测试编写单独的mock。

    However , the larger and more complex an interface becomes , the more onerous it is to write individual mocks for each unit test .

  7. 我发誓,你年岁越大越棒了。

    Crewmah : I swear , you get better with age .

  8. 直径越大越难这样做。

    The largeer diameter cans used here makes it more difficult .

  9. 我奶奶年纪越大越乐观。

    As my grandmother got older she became more optimistic .

  10. 偏心率越大越有利于制造单模单偏光纤。

    With eccentricity increasing a single-mode single-polarization fiber is easier to make .

  11. 不一定年龄越大越聪明。

    We may not get wiser as we get older .

  12. 我还觉得,会议越大越糟糕。

    I also think the larger the meeting , the worse it is .

  13. 你是不是年纪越大越狡猾了?

    Are you getting subtle in your old age ?

  14. 姥姥看见了,说我越大越淘气了。

    Grandma saw that and said I was getting naughty as I grew up .

  15. 摩擦系数越大越容易产生表面和界面裂纹;

    The surface and interface cracks are ease to be introduced for higher friction coefficient .

  16. 胚胎移植时受体卵巢上黄体并非越大越多越好。

    It was not the best that the more better corpus luteum for the recipient ewes .

  17. 美国人年龄越大越聪明。

    Americans get wiser with age .

  18. 湿度越大越利于其孢子的自发萌发,以高于95%为佳;

    High humidity was favorable for the germination of spore , especially the humidity higher than 95 % .

  19. 年龄越小越倾向于使用明确接受的应答策略,年龄越大越倾向于使用直接拒绝。

    The younger the more likely to accept clear , the older the more likely a direct refusal .

  20. 在螺旋结构相同条件下,颗粒直径越大越容易分离。

    Under the structure in the same conditions , diameter of particles is larger , gas-liquid separated is more easily .

  21. 安妮:希望北体大越办越有中国特色。

    Annie : We hope that the running of the Beijing University of Physical Education has more and more Chinese characteristics .

  22. 分析表明,腔外脉冲压缩的一种典型原理是介质色散对脉冲啁啾的补偿,介质的色散越大越有利于实现器件的小型化。

    A kind of typical pulse compression method is based on the chirp compensation by the dielectric dispersion in the compression media .

  23. 研究显示,一个人的杏仁核(大脑内一个小的杏仁状组织)越大,他的朋友圈和同事圈就越大越复杂。

    Study suggests that the larger the amygdala , the wider and more complex is its owner 's network of friends and colleagues .

  24. 关于报价,我需要知道你们需要哪个品种?数量大越是多少?

    About the quotation , we need to know which kind of goods you want to order and how many it will be .

  25. 生活中,大多数人年龄越大越倾向于购买大件商品,例如房子、香车。

    Most people tend to make most of the bigger purchases in life when they get older such as a house or their dream car .

  26. 当地震力较小时,车速对车辆的动力响应贡献比较大,车速越大越容易脱轨。

    And under small earthquake , the speed has more contribution to the vehicles dynamic response , and the greater speed the easier it is to derailment .

  27. 每个根据地都要尽可能地开办大规模的干部学校,越大越多越好。

    Every base area must also , as far as possible , set up big schools for training cadres , and the more and bigger , the better .

  28. 文章还以一个具体例子验证该算法的有效性,并证明在一定变化范围内,借入资产的资金与总资金的比例越大越有助于拓展投资机会空间。

    At last , we proved the algorithm was highly effective and in some intervals , the bigger the borrowing rate was , the more opportunity the investors would have .

  29. 人类开发海洋资源的规模越来越大,对海洋的依赖程度越大越高,同时海洋对人类的影响也日益增长。

    As human exploit the sea in an even-larger scale , the reliance on the sea is also deeper , at the same time , the ocean influences human life more .

  30. 在南方,明朝军队占领越南北部达2年之久。1427年,黎朝从中国部队手里解放了越南(当时叫大越)。

    In the south , Ming troops could occupy northern Vietnam for a couple of years , but in 1427 the Le Dynasty could free Vietnam ( Dai Viet ) from Chinese troops .