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yù huì
  • participate in a conference
与会 [yù huì]
  • [participate in a conference] 到会

与会[yù huì]
  1. 与会代表名单读起来像个商界名人录。

    The list of delegates attending read like a who 's who of the business world .

  2. 与会的发言人中有财政部长尼古拉斯·布莱迪。

    Among the speakers at the gathering was Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady

  3. 军乐队演奏了峰会中各与会国的音乐。

    Military bandsmen played music from each country represented at the summit .

  4. 与会人员对该讲演报以热烈的掌声。

    The conference greeted the speech with rapturous applause .

  5. 上周末,苏格兰的天主教会举行了一次会议,450名代表与会。

    Last weekend the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland held a conference , attended by 450 delegates .

  6. 她的穿戴显然使她有别于与会的许多其他代表。

    Her clothes , of course , marked her off from a great number of the delegates at the conference

  7. 与会各方都对这项通告表示谨慎乐观。

    All sides have expressed cautious optimism about the announcement .

  8. 与会的鹰派和鸽派成员都有发表意见的机会。

    Both hawks and doves had their say at the meeting .

  9. 他是与会代表之一。

    He is one of the delegates to the conference .

  10. 与会代表坦陈了自己的观点。

    The representatives to the conference frankly stated their views .

  11. 所有与会人员都收到了会议通知的复印件。

    All members received duplicated notices of the meetings .

  12. 请你向主席讲,不必直接向与会代表讲。

    Kindly address yourself to the chairman , not directly to other representatives at this meeting .

  13. 巴拉克·奥巴马(BarackObama)派了代表与会,但决定不亲自到场。

    Barack Obama sent representatives , choosing not to attend himself .

  14. 报告以XML格式生成,包括会议的详细信息和主持及与会人员的列表。

    The report generated is in XML format and consists of details on meeting usage and lists of hosts and participants .

  15. 与会专家坚持认为,晒黑的皮肤确实是一个危险信号,它说明紫外线正在伤害皮肤的DNA。

    The assembled experts insisted that a tan is really a distress signal that UV rays are damaging the skin 's DNA ;

  16. 周三,泰珀在今年拉斯维加斯SALT投资大会上对基金经理同行和其他与会人员发出了一番警示。

    On Wednesday , Tepper cautioned fellow fund managers and other attendees of this year 's SALT Investing Conference in Las Vegas .

  17. 他告诉与会代表(从报纸老板到谷歌(google)高管):“但如今,报纸就像是一个濒临灭绝的物种。”

    He told delegates ranging from newspaper owners to Google executives : " but today , newspapers look like an endangered species . "

  18. 这次大会上,与会代表还就同意了扩展自然保护区和启动一个“生命网络项目”(LifeWebInitiative),这个网络旨在提高支持自然保护区的协作。

    Delegates at the conference also agreed action plans to expand nature reserves and launch the'Life Web Initiative , 'a network that aims to enhance partnerships to support the preserves .

  19. 这样一场聚会的确发生了,但现在与会人士发现自己面临美国司法部(departmentofjustice)的调查,还受到愤怒的欧洲政客的谴责。

    Such a meeting actually took place , but the attendees now find themselves under investigation by the US Department of justice and condemned by enraged European politicians .

  20. 与会引发对象和API调用开销的DOM或SAX等源相比,使用流(stream)是最高效的。

    Typically , using streams is most efficient as compared with sources like DOM or SAX that incur object and API call overhead .

  21. 在巴厘岛气候变化会议上,当阿尔•戈尔(AlGore)指责美国阻碍了国际社会解决全球变暖问题的努力时,他的话代表了许多与会人士的失望。

    Al Gore vented the frustration of many at Bali when he accused the US of blocking efforts to tackle global warming .

  22. 菲律宾总统格洛丽亚•阿罗约将是唯一一位与会的女性领导人,届时她会穿上V字领的绣有精美图案和花边的红色丝绸衬衫。

    Philippine 's President Gloria Arroyo will be the only female leader attending the summit meeting , who will wear delicate pattern and red silk shirt with V collar .

  23. 在二十世纪七十年代初的国际民事诉讼法佛罗伦萨研讨会上,与会学者提出了著名的接近正义(AccesstoJustice)的口号。它成为国际社会民事诉讼改革的指导方针。

    At the Florida Seminar of the International Civil Action in 1970 , the famous slogan " access to justice " was put forward , which has become the guiding of the international civil action .

  24. 与会成员代表了IEC所涉及的所有行业领域,大家怀有一种使命感,那就是协商IEC政策来满足产业的需要。

    The members represent all the IEC schemes and have the mission to determine a concerted IEC policy meeting the industry needs .

  25. 东亚峰会(eastasiasummit)的16个与会国昨日一致同意,考虑日本和澳大利亚提出的互相竞争的提议,以扩大区域合作,但未能阐明是否会将美国纳入其中。

    The 16 countries at the East Asia Summit yesterday agreed to consider competing Japanese and Australian proposals to expand regional co-operation , but failed to clarify whether the US would be involved .

  26. 在共和党大会上,Christie要求与会人员起立,并警示大家时间已经不多。

    At the Republican national convention , Christie told to the crowd , everybody stand up , there is no time left to waste .

  27. DeCock博士敦促与会代表在评估治疗工作时不仅要依据接受治疗护理的病人数字,而且要以治疗结果的质量为基础。

    Dr De Cock encouraged delegates at the meeting to evaluate treatment efforts not only based on the number of patients receiving care , but on the quality of treatment outcomes as well .

  28. 在上周末G7和G20会议上,与会官员们就如何向国际货币基金组织增资1.1万亿美元的问题未能达成一致意见。

    At the G7 / G20 meeting this weekend , officials were unable to agree on how the much hyped $ 1.1trn funding boost to the IMF would be funded .

  29. 正如与会各国上周在匹兹堡所达成的一致,G-20峰会应该成为发达的工业化国家和新兴大国之间进行国际经济合作的主要论坛。

    As agreed in Pittsburgh last week , the G-20 should become the premier forum for international economic cooperation among the advanced industrialized countries and rising powers .

  30. 周二的金砖国家(BRICS)峰会宣布了这项计划。BRICS这个词由与会五国英文名称的首字母组成&这五个国家是巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非。

    The plan was announced Tuesday at the annual BRICS summit , an acronym taken from the name of the participating countries – Brazil , Russia , India , China and South Africa .