
  • Dances with Wolves
  1. 这里只有一位叫「与狼共舞」苏族人。

    Now there is only a Sioux named dances with wolves .

  2. 与狼共舞会获得学院奖提名呢。

    And dances with wolves is an Academy Award nominee .

  3. mba顾问斯泰西布莱克曼(stacyblackman)表示,这种项目“不能反映商业世界的真实情况”,并认为,对于多半没有学会如何“与狼共舞”的毕业生,某些未来的雇主可能会持保留态度。

    Stacy Blackman , MBA consultant , says the programme is " not reflective of the business world as it is " and believes that some prospective employers could have reservations about a graduate who perhaps had not learned to " swim with the sharks " .

  4. 就是《与狼共舞》里的那个人

    You know , the guy in " Dances with Wolves " ?

  5. 烟草品牌与狼共舞的生存挑战

    Tobacco Brand : Exist Challenge of Dancing with Wolves

  6. 敢于与狼共舞是我们每个人都应该尝试去做的。

    Dancing with the wolves bravely is all that we should try to achieve .

  7. 纸箱发展在整合中与狼共舞

    Development of paper box in China

  8. 让我们与狼共舞

    Let 's Dance With Wolf

  9. 我尽力找别人来导《与狼共舞》,但是他们不愿意做。

    I tried to get other people to direct Dances , but they wouldn 't do it .

  10. 与狼共舞

    Dance With the Wolves

  11. 当狼来时,有些企业被狼吃掉,有些企业却能与狼共舞。

    When the wolf came , some enterprises are eaten by wolves , some enterprises can dance with the wolf .

  12. 对于那些从《与狼共舞》拍摄开始结识凯文夫妇的人来说,凯文夫妇看上去是非常团结的。

    To those who got to know the Costners on the Wolves shoot , the couple seemed very much a team .

  13. 在内销方面,市场竞争加剧,国产品牌面临与狼共舞的局面。

    From the domestic trade aspect , joining WTO will bring in competition , as our local brand will face challenges from the world brand .

  14. 上赛季在桑德兰他做了杰出的工作,但现在舞台更广大,你在与狼共舞。

    He did a fantastic job last year to get Sunderland promoted but you are in the big pool now ? you are in amongst the sharks .

  15. 与狼共舞:文学审美创作的新感性&短篇小说《猎人与狼》解读三议

    Dances With Wolves : the New Perception About Aesthetic Creation of Literature - - - three sides of the analysis on the brief fiction The Hunter and the Wolf

  16. 然而,随着外来文化的入侵,我国民族文化进入一个与狼共舞的时代,某些文化已受到较大的冲击,甚至逐渐呈现出弱化趋势。

    However , with the invasion of foreign culture , our culture has entered a time of Dances with Wolves . Some cultures have received a great impact and even showed a trend of gradual weakening .

  17. 如何有效地控制市场,建立具有可持续发展的企业内部管理体系,是我国连锁企业入世后与狼共舞必需的素质。

    How to control market effectively and build up the , enterprise interior management system for sustainable development it 's the necessary quality for Chain enterprises of our country to be equipped with after China 's entering WTO .

  18. 中国电影的发展之路是去其糟粕,取其精华,与狼共舞。

    The path of development of Chinese film is to discard the dross , select the essence and to dance together with the " wolf " . The article starts from the binding point between Chinese film and American film .

  19. 如何使中国特色的社会主义在经济全球化的大潮中与时俱进,与狼共舞,立于不败之地,这将对于21世纪世界社会主义运动的复兴与发展产生深远的历史意义。

    How can the socialism with the Chinese characteristics progress with the time , coexist with developed countries and establish itself in an unassailable position will have a far-reaching historical significance to the rejuvenation and development of the 21st century world socialist movement .

  20. 短篇小说《猎人与狼》描写了猎人与狼共舞的生动故事。

    The brief fiction The Hunter and the Wolf describes a lively story about a hunter who " dances with wolves " .