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chē qí
  • groups of vehicles and horses
车骑 [chē qí]
  • (1) [ranged chariot and war-horse]∶成队的车马

  • 臣布客在市屠中,愿枉车骑过之。--《史记.魏公子列传》

  • (2) [CheQi,the general official's title in ancient China]∶古代将军的名号,汉代有车骑将军

  1. 这辆车骑起来很轻快。

    The bicycle runs sweetly .

  2. 坡儿太陡,车骑不上去。

    The slope is too steep to cycle uphill .

  3. 每次把车骑出车库时都要撞到头

    who bangs his head every time he rides his bike out of his garage

  4. 杰克车骑得太快了,在公园附近差一点撞倒一小学生。

    Jack cycled too fast and almost ran down a school boy near the park .

  5. 有的画像石合计长11米之多,描绘了车骑出行、杂技、宴乐观舞、农作、庖厨及历史故事等。

    Some reliefs in Sichuan are about 11 meters long portraying vehicles , acrobatics , dancing performances , farming practices , cooking scenes and historical stories .

  6. 公元前129年,匈奴进攻上谷(大概在今河北张家口),汉武帝派车骑将军卫青、公孙敖、公孙贺和李广各领1万人马出击匈奴。

    In 129 B. C. , when Xiongnu attacked the Commandery of Shanggu ( roughly modern Zhangjiakou , Hebei ) , Emperor Wu dispatched Wei Qing ( with the title General Cheqi ) , Gongsun Ao , Gongsun He and Li Guang against Xiongnu , each leading 10000 men .