
  • 网络The Qing Empire;Tai-Ching-Ti-Guo
  1. 你那时还想恢复大清帝国吗?

    Did you still believe in a restoration of the imperial system ?

  2. 一个大清帝国的高级公众官员。

    A high public official of the Chinese Empire .

  3. 世界历史上的大清帝国

    Qing Empire in the World History

  4. 汉文化的必然抉择&再论世界历史上的大清帝国

    The Inevitable Choice of Chinese Culture : The Second Comment on Qing Empire in the World History

  5. 伴随着乾隆皇帝治下的盛世,大清帝国走过了它的黄金岁月。

    With the prosperous period under Qianlong 's control , Qing Danasty comes to the end of its golded times .

  6. 清末官制改革是大清帝国将要走到尽头的一次努力挣扎,也是国家体制向现代化迈进的前奏曲。

    The bureaucracy reformation in terminal Qing Dynasty is a struggle for life before the empire 's doomsday and the prelude of modernization of national system as well .

  7. 1900年8月,八国联军占领北京,两宫西逃,大清帝国遭遇了二百四十年未有之奇祸。

    In August of 1900 , the Eight Power Expeditionary Force seized Beijing , the Qing Dynasty empire encountered " in 240 not to have the unexpected calamity " .

  8. 到1636年时,满族的领袖皇太极已经足够有自信在沈阳(1621年被满族政府)建立大清帝国,立年号为崇德。

    By 1636 the Manchu ruler Huangtaiji was confident enough to proclaim the Imperial Qing Dynasty at Shenyang , which had fallen to the Manchu in 1621 , taking the Imperial title Chongde .

  9. 龚自珍作为与睁眼看世界第一人魏源同时代的知识分子,和后者一样,早在鸦片战争爆发之前,就深刻地认识到了大清帝国所面临的巨大危机。

    As an intellectual of the same time of Weiyuan , the first person to fix his eyes on the western world , Gong Zizhen was aware of the numerous crises the Great Qing Empire was encountering .

  10. 在长城以南和东亚中华世界,大清帝国奉持的是儒术,即中华之道;而满洲自身则信奉其旧有的萨满教,这是其满洲之道。

    In the south of the Great Wall of China and the East Asian world , the Qing Empire belief the Confucianism , which is also called the Chinese Path . Manchukuo , and then practice their own old Shamanism , this is its Manchu Path .