
gāng yì
  • Fortitude;resolute and steadfast;be resolute and steadfast
刚毅 [gāng yì]
  • [be resolute and steadfast] 刚强坚毅

  • 罗盛教闭着眼,抿着嘴,嘴角微微下弯,显出一种刚毅的神色。--《罗盛教》

刚毅[gāng yì]
  1. 他的性格非常刚毅。

    He is of a resolute and steadfast disposition .

  2. 她喜欢他那副紧绷着下巴的刚毅神态。

    She admired the firm set of his jaw .

  3. 他们以坚忍刚毅的精神直面困境。

    They bore their plight with stoicism and fortitude .

  4. 强健的方下巴是刚毅性格的标志。

    A strong square jaw is a sign of firm character .

  5. 这个刚毅的科西嘉人从来没有任何畏缩或沮丧

    This tough Corsican never flinched or failed .

  6. n.坚忍;刚毅她能够毅然忍受他人带给她的失望。

    fortitude She could bear the disap-pointments of other people with tolerable fortitude .

  7. 哈维?C?曼斯菲尔德是哈佛大学最直言不讳的保守派教授,他也是《刚毅》一书的作者。曼斯菲尔德告诉《卫报》,他对这个决定存有质疑。

    Harvey C Mansfield , one of Harvard 's most outspoken conservative professors and the author of a book called Manliness , also told the Guardian he questioned the decision .

  8. 刚毅(76):增强抵抗晕击和麻痹。持续消耗MP。

    Fortitude ( 76 ): Increases resistance against stun and paralysis . Continuously drains MP .

  9. 并不缺乏勇气和刚毅。刚性与非刚性Moran集(英文)

    There was no lack of gallantry and fortitude . THE STIFF AND NON-STIFF MORAN SETS ;

  10. 英国工商业联合会(cbi)驻中国首席代表刚毅(guydrudrury)表示,在这类城市经商,要比在北京和上海等成熟的中心城市成本低廉得多。

    It can be much cheaper to do business in such centres than in well-established cities such as Beijing and Shanghai , according to guy dru Drury , chief representative in China for the CBI .

  11. 金属质地面板形象设计,典雅中透出刚毅气质。

    Metal texture panel image design reflects the elegance and fortitude .

  12. 她刚毅的上唇常因欢乐的微笑而颤动。

    Her firm upper lip often twitched with a merry smile .

  13. 他们协助刚毅现在卸载的两个100吨的起重机。

    They are assisting Gangyi to unload the two100-tons cranes now .

  14. 它们刚毅不屈似乎在向苍穹挑战。

    All not bending , as if built to challenge the elements .

  15. 困窘和敌对是刚毅和自立更生的天然土壤。

    Hardship and opposition are the native soil of manhood and self-reliance .

  16. 夜幕降临时,纽约便失去其白昼里的刚毅特点。

    New York at nightfall loses its hard character during the day .

  17. 沙利特用刚毅的目光盯住那两个男人。

    Sharlett fixed the two men with a steely glare .

  18. 他的脸极其刚毅,我非常想画他

    He has a very splendid strong face and I would very much

  19. 作为个人,格瓦拉是坚强、刚毅的。

    As individuals , Guevara is strong and resolute .

  20. 她的双唇和下颌线条柔和,却又透出几分刚毅。

    Her lips and chin had a gentle firmness .

  21. 他面对强盗显得非常刚毅。

    He showed great resolution in facing the robbers .

  22. 这时的人类雄伟刚毅,但却骄横不虔。他是一个刚毅正直的青年。

    He was a strong-minded , upright young man .

  23. 乔治·华盛顿是一个非常刚毅的人。

    George Washington was a man of great resolve .

  24. 他们钦佩他的正直、沉着和刚毅。

    They admired his integrity and his calm bravery .

  25. 红色-军人的坚忍与刚毅,高尚的行为。

    Gules or red - Military fortitude and magnanimity .

  26. 并不缺乏勇气和刚毅。

    There was no lack of gallantry and fortitude .

  27. 却已经展现出了这样的刚毅勇敢,行文有条有理。

    but there was already the fortitude , the clarity and the courage .

  28. 法国男青年所具有的各种美好、纯洁和刚毅的气质。

    Everything that was good and clean and manly in French young manhood .

  29. 与“钢铁般”这个形容词联系在一起的常常是:冷静、客观、刚毅和沉着。

    A word often associated with cold , dispassionate , hardened , and imperturbable .

  30. 西点训条:准时、守纪、严格、正直、刚毅。

    West Point training : punctual , and law-abiding strictly , integrity and strength .