
gāng bì
  • self-willed;headstrong;opinionated
刚愎 [gāng bì]
  • (1) [headstrong]∶倔强执拗,固执己见

  • 其佐先縠,刚愎不仁,未肯用命。--《左传.宣公十二年》

  • (2) [opinionated]∶反对正确、合理、恰当或公认事物的性格与意向

刚愎[gāng bì]
  1. 渐渐地,火奴鲁鲁对刚愎的老船长的火气消了。

    Later , Honolulu softened toward the resolute old captain .

  2. 我丈夫很奇怪地渐渐变成另一种人,变得刚愎,嫉妒而残忍。

    My husband grew strangely altered , forward , jealous , and unkind .

  3. 他说荪甫那样的刚愎自信是祸根。

    He had told Tu chu-chai that Wu sun-fu 's obstinacy and over-confidence would be his downfall .

  4. 那个刚愎的男孩子不久就拒绝了他的庇护,寻找和他兴趣相投的同伴去了。

    The wayward boy soon spurned the shelter of his roof , and sought associates more congenial to his taste .

  5. 在欧元区增长疲弱之际希望欧元“走强”,是骄傲到了刚愎自负的地步。

    Wishing for a " strong " Euro when growth is petering out is to be proud to the point of perversity .

  6. 但他心高气傲,灵也刚愎,甚至行事狂傲,就被革去王位,夺去荣耀。

    But when his heart became arrogant and hardened with pride , he was deposed from his royal throne and stripped of his glory .

  7. 否认神的存在是愚蠢的行为有一些人,不论他们是出于刚愎的愚蠢或是忽略了这些事实,他们否认神的存在,否认神创造了天和地,创造了人类。

    Sadly there are those who , either through ignorance of the facts or wilful foolishness , deny that God exists , and therefore did not create the heavens and earth , and mankind upon the earth .

  8. 要在众人身上行审判,证实那一切不敬虔的人,所妄行一切不敬虔的事,又证实不敬虔之罪人所说顶撞他的刚愎话。

    To execute judgment upon all , and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed , and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him .