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kuí wěi
  • big and strong;big and tall
魁伟 [kuí wěi]
  • [big and strong] 体格壮大;魁梧

魁伟[kuí wěi]
  1. 弗烈特显得更魁伟,更善良、更快活,尤其更像花花公子

    Freddie was much stouter , more benevolent-looking , cheerful , and far more dandified .

  2. 我只感到面前是一个魁伟笔挺的身影。

    I was aware only of a tall and upright figure .

  3. 他看起来似乎最魁伟。

    He seems to be the most muscular guy .

  4. 福尔摩斯慢条斯理地重新张开双眼不耐烦地瞧着他那身躯魁伟的委托人。

    Holmes slowly reopened his eyes and looked impatiently at his gigantic client .

  5. 他纳闷是否是那对魁伟的情人又回来了。

    He wondered if the hefty lovers had returned .

  6. 他现在对这个体格魁伟的大胡子又是钦佩又是爱戴。

    Now he felt admiration and love for the big , bearded man .

  7. 他身材魁伟,在他面前走过的人都不觉回头看看。

    He was a dashing figure and one that people turned to look at .

  8. 汤姆是个身材魁伟的人。

    Tom is a mountain of flesh .

  9. 达西却立刻引起了全场的注意,因为他身材魁伟。

    Mr Darcy soon drew the attention of the room by his fine , tall person .

  10. 他身材魁伟,有六英尺多高,体;格健壮,神气庄严,

    A man of great height-over six English feet-he was powerfully built , serious in manner ,

  11. 他笔直挺起魁伟的身躯。

    He reared his mighty stature .

  12. 一个体格魁伟、金黄色胡子的波兰犹太人,戴的好象是一顶军帽,自告奋勇当了列车长。

    A burly blond-bearded Polish Jew in a sort of military cap makes himself the car captain .

  13. 马克:我有些朋友体格魁伟,或者太高,或者又高又大。

    Mark : Some of my friends are heavyset , or quite tall , or both big and tall .

  14. 魁伟的橡木门;摩尔的魁伟的雕塑;斯大林主义者建筑的巨大面积;壮丽的规模。

    Massive oak doors ; Moore 's massive sculptures ; the monolithic proportions of Stalinist architecture ; a monumental scale .

  15. 我指着一个体格魁伟、衣着朴素的人说。他正在街那边慢慢地走着,

    pointing to a stalwart , plainly dressed individual who was walking slowly down the other side of the street ,

  16. 有几个身材魁伟的土著,带着十足原始印第安人的炫耀和威严的神气,站在那里出神地看着这景象。

    A few stately savages , in all the pomp and dignity of the primeval indian , stood gazing at the spectacle .

  17. 一批魁伟的摩尔人走下海,把我们背下小船,渡上岸去。

    A tribe of stalwart Moors are wading into the sea to carry us ashore on their backs from the small boats .

  18. 这种魁伟雄浑、气质高雅的色调已经引人注目地成为一种款新独特的装饰镀层。

    This kind of color tone with heavy and majestic appearance has become a new and unique decorative coating and attracted special attention .

  19. 他们都是身体魁伟的年轻人,看上去刚二十出头,但由于他们在农场里辛勤劳动,因此都很显老。

    They were two sturdy young men just out of their teens but looking older because of their hard work on the farm .

  20. 雄麋魁伟高大,古代人以雄麋象征帝王,以逐鹿中原譬喻争夺王位。

    Moreover , seeking for elk was likened to contend for the throne , for the big and tall male elk symbolized the emperor .

  21. 它是观光客趋之若骛的名胜,游客年年络绎不绝簇拥而来,赞叹其令人肃然起敬的豪华气派及的魁伟尖顶。

    It is also a must-see for the scores of tourists who flock to it every year to marvel at its formidable elegance and massive spires .

  22. 魁伟的热带树种,深脊状大型树干,长有被滑丝绵的豆荚;木丝棉纤维的来源。

    Massive tropical tree with deep ridges on its massive trunk and bearing large pods of seeds covered with silky floss ; source of the silky kapok fiber .

  23. 他们是真正的巴布亚人,身材高大,体格魁伟,前额宽大高起,鼻子粗大,但不扁平,牙齿洁白。

    They obviously were true Papuans , men of fine stock , athletic in build , forehead high and broad , nose large but not flat , teeth white .

  24. 他站着的时候,要用枪支撑着身体。可是,他那高高的身材、魁伟的体格,可以看出他当初是一个十分健壮的人。

    As he stood , he leaned upon his weapon for support , and yet his tall figure and the massive framework of his bones suggested a wiry and vigorous constitution .

  25. 库尔奈个子魁伟,两肩宽阔,面色红润,拳头结实,生性勇敢,为人忠实,目光诚恳而炯炯骇人。

    Cournet was a man of lofty stature ; he had broad shoulders , a red face , a crushing fist , a bold heart , a loyal soul , a sincere and terrible eye .

  26. 正当我和妻在剧院里全神贯注于银幕时,前座的女孩子,不时侧过脸,和旁边一位长发而魁伟的男士咬耳朵。

    When my wife and I paid all our attention to the film in the cinema , the girl sat before us , turned her head and whispered to the man time and time again .

  27. 他的姐夫赫斯脱只不过像个普通绅士,不大引人注目,但是他的朋友达西却立刻引起全场的注意,因为他身材魁伟,眉清目秀,举止高贵,于是他进场不到五分钟,大家都纷纷传说他每年有一万磅的收入。

    His brother-in-law , Mr. Hurst , merely looked the gentleman ; but his friend Mr. Darcy soon drew the attention of the room by his fine , tall person , handsome features , noble mien , and the report which was in general circulation within five minutes after his entrance , of his having ten thousand a year .